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Everything posted by Kiwivillan

  1. Of course. We're not switching to 442 or 4411
  2. Ian Taylor anonymous VT account confirmed
  3. They need to add love heart reacts for posts like this. I wouldn't give them out liberally but Thanks react doesn't do it justice
  4. Didn't say you were. All the Man U fans I know that said we're signing Grealish are.
  5. Should've paid 40 million for Haller or Joelinton last season. I do like Eduoard though. Promise me we'll get an end of season review from you on Watkins assuming deal is done
  6. Grealish bought a house in Manchester and his Dad got massive payment for Grealish move that he spilled the beans about drunk at a racetrack. I read this on internet and neither of these things are true just like all the bullshit advanced talks with Man U rumours but the world is full of gullible idiots
  7. That's a word salad of a response but moving on. Mate I ignore the majority of drongo Villa fans on FB and Twitter when it comes to what's best for Villa let alone random internet fans from all over the would voting on BBC site. I haven't even mentioned Ad Populum fallacy yet
  8. I've addressed this repeatedly on here. There was no Spurs interest until Football London (a laughable football opinion piece rumour site) did article saying Watkins would be perfect backup to Kane then other sites did according to Football London Spurs are interested in Watkins. Absolute nonsense from the get go. Levy would never pay that
  9. After seeing King xA and chances created numbers I've tempered my opinions and I was probably loudest Anti King poster which makes sense as Irish father I guess. He could probably do a job in front 3 outside Watkins
  10. No you didn't. You posted a link and added a byline "most neutrals don't rate this signing which is worrying" I was thinking of adding holy **** this is the dumbest post I've seen on here in ages but thought I'd be polite
  11. Loads of morons think Trump is a good President. Thanks for posting dumb shit on here I guess. What's next? One of those battles of which club is best based on volume of online fans where Newcastle and Arsenal face off in the finals?
  12. Assuming Nakamba and Hourihane don't make the 11 who are you upgrading from mid 3 of Luiz McGinn Grealish? I think the team after a season together with selective additions such as Warkins, fingers crossed, will improve more like the Project Restart period than the season as a whole. There seems to be a groundswell of hysterical Villa fans that want to throw the baby out with the bathwater as if a decade of this nonsense isn't enough P.S. Phillips wasn't for sale just like Grealish wasn't for sale for us
  13. I've been confused by this lately. It's a load of shite from what I've seen that's not paywalled and people have referenced it as if it's gospel
  14. There was a tweet that said he created more chances in 15 mins than 4 starter attackers combined
  15. I know Axel was popular and I thought he was good but every time I watch Forest 5-5 highlights his defending is cringe for several of the goals
  16. King played +200 more minutes than Wesley last season, scored 1 more goal(6) and 3 were penalties
  17. Jack has said he wants to play 8 as KDB type pulling the strings
  18. I literally just looked it up. Had no idea was that bad. Also 3 of his 6 goals were penalties. He's much better crossing final 3rd assist potential but really not huge upgrade on AEG or Trezeguet. Average expected assist is 3 times worse than likes of Bowen for example I was ranting for weeks on Fantasy Football Scout a year ago how he was a terrible fantasy asset to be avoided and I was right
  19. He's awful. I've tracked him for several seasons. Lol just checked King stats last season. Worst minutes per chance out of all PL forwards. 1 chance per 77.7 mins. Samatta 55.1 mins Wesley 51.1
  20. He's not going to United unless they're mugs. He is so poor.
  21. I love these histrionic posts. Please come back and discuss when they turn out to be great buys
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