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Posts posted by tinker

  1. Once we start to get success on the pitch the fans will come, we can increase capacity then.

    Villa have a large catchment area and we have only one pl rival, WBA.London based teams have plenty of competition for fans.

    It's very early to judge Lambert but from his player signings, the style of football he plays and the backing of the fans he has received at villa park, even when we have lost, I see a bright future.

    I wasn't sure about Lambert when he came to us, I had my doubts when he backed the youngsters against the experienced players when we was in the shit, he gambled and he was right, Lambert and Villa are beginning to look and very good match IMO.......UTV

  2. All boils down to how much money he wants to sign a one year extension to his contract, if it's to much or he won't sign then it will be upto him, his agent and the buying club to meet our valuation.

    He's been a great villa player but that's not to say he will grow as a player either at villa or another club. He's good but he's not irreplaceable and I have a feeling PL will have made moves to cover him leaving.

    Keep the faith UTV

  3. 9m over 3 years is different to a one off 5m payment. Another club is more than likely going to loan him and that should pay ay least 40k towards his wages.

    If we pay 5m upfront he will just get a 40k a week position at another club.

    If Guzan gets injured we could recall him and use him again. He would be better than what we have now.

    Perfect situation would be to let him leave on a free and pay him no wages at all.

    When AVB left Chelsea they just continued to pay his weekly wage until he found another club, no pay off, seems like a common sense way to deal with situations like this.

  4. We need a reserve keeper, just pay him his weekly wage and leave him on the bench or in the reserve's, maybe loan him out if the other club pays a proportion of his wage, 5 m pay off is extremely bad value for us and gives a green light to our other deadwood.

    Time to play hard ball.

  5. He's not on a lot of money and his contract is up, it's a game of poker between us, him and his agent as to how much a week he's worth. I think 15-20k a week. Don't think he can play through the middle atm, so as a half decent winger that's all he's worth imo.

  6. I think another French player maybe on the books, they have a strong youth policy over there and he must have his scouts looking very closely there for us to have found Sylla.

    I would like to see another LB, 2 midfielders, can't see Delph in our long term plans, a CB and maybe another striker if Bent goes, or Wieman.

  7. I don't hate Terry, he just lacks class IMO. In a similar way to Savage, I suppose as a Chelsea fan you would love him, he wins at all costs. No more Terry comments from me, unless his uglier side rear it's head again..........see ya next season

  8. He changed into a kit and is wrestling it off Lampard, who was captain on the night and who quite clearly wanted to lift the cup, in the end you can't even see Franks face. Typical bully boy attitude and I bet most of those players, behind closed doors, dislike him.


    We have all met characters who carry similar traits, most we forget about after we leave junior school.

  9. Holte end chanting his name after we had lost to Spurs was a real show of faith, very unusual in todays game.

    Lambert kept the faith in his players and in the end it paid off.

    Season ticket sales should be very high this year, utv

    • Like 1
  10. No big time charlies.....no way lescott gets near our player profile, cheap, low wages, young and hungry. Davies is the most likely out of any of the ones mentioned above...imo.


    i would imagine the lad from Crewe and the one from Charlton , both we tried to get before, would be on the agenda. I would also buy another left back, a first choice left back, spend some more money on that position, admit u maybe wrong mr lambert .


    My main issues would be to sell ireland, bent and n zogbia, get rid of dunne and sign benteke and andreas on extended contracts ie 2 years on benteke and 3 for andreas.

  11. A winner for sure, a big loss for Man U and in a way the premier league. It is great seeing all the plastic manure fans nearly crying at work today though "the best manager ever, a legend" lol. Get a grip ffs, he led the the most financially able team to the place that money can take teams way before others could compete.


    Man U will now have a mare, recently he has managed to compete on a relatively small budget, which suited the money grabbing owners. Give it a few seasons of under performing and a couple of management changes and the shit will really hit the fan, just hope hes sensible enough not to be tempted back in a season or two.


    Great manger though, thanks for all the fun fergie..........UTV

  12. The quality of the Swedish papers seems far better than ours, the Mirror gave Lowton a 6 and had Rose level with Benteke on 8........There is no way they could have watched the Sunderland game.

    • Like 3
  13. Great night, players all up for it, especially after their goal, great reaction from them and the fans, Villa, Villa seemed to do the trick ay?


    It really needed them to roll their sleeves up and get into the game and that is what they did, Gabby getting stuck in, I watched him running from flank to flank hassling their full backs into errors, the others did the same all over the pitch and the fans played their part, Sunderland's players crumbled under the pressure.


    Lowton was fantastic, I have never seen a fullback performance that good from a Villa player, simple. Benteke after a slow start, being surrounded by 3 Sunderland players most of the time, started to delay his jumps and the Sunderland players started to lose control of him.


    My MOTM is Gabby, he may not have the delicate touch that would make him a top top player but last night he wore his heart on his shirt and gave everything, he played like a fan would.


    Thank you Gabby, Benteke and all the Villa players and the fans, what a fantastic Monday night, like lol ;-)

    • Like 2
  14. Last night was great but we still need to beat Norwich. Chelsea game is gonna be a test and the score could throw our goal difference into the pit again, the best way to go into to it and maybe get something out of it is with a win under our belt at Norwich.

  15. Coal will be like gold in 50 years time, when other countries reserves have diminished. The Germans have good management, so do the Japanese, they empower their workforces rather than dictate, I have worked under both management structures in a Engineering environment.


    The thing with English companies is people who get to the top are good at playing the game game of "climbing the ladder" this does not make them good leaders. I see plenty of "spot welders in ties" who suck dick but ain't got a **** clue about the anything else, they become experts at pinching other peoples ideas and in doing so alienate their workforce.


    Thatcher was strong leader, for that alone she deserves some credit. Cameron's tried to use her death to pump his ratings, she would be proud lol, RIP maggie.


    Not with respect to the ManU's of this world but more with respect to the artificial money-drugged clubs.

    I just do not understand why we, of all, vote against.

    The ManU's of this world have used artificial money to get where they are today, just because others are using a different revenue stream (richer owners play things, rather than a nice bank manager and some financial slights of hand) they want to shut the door. West Ham have an artificial revenue stream paid for at tax payers expense, they will slip under the radar as will a few chosen others.

    Does anyone really believe that if the Glaziers went through a financial melt down these rules would still stand once they have destroyed Man U legit revenue streams?

    I would rather ask the question why the likes of Chelsea, Man U, Liverpool, Arsenal bla bla have voted for this new system.

    Yes, I understand why it is beneficial to ManU. But Swansea voted for, Reading and Norwich as well.


    Leeds, Notts Forest, Sheffield Wednesday, Wolves never had the chance to, the clubs like Reading and Norwich are minnows compared to these clubs, unless Premier League money is thrown into the arena. Closing a door on these type of clubs for ever. 

  17. No politician should be treated as special, its divisive. Politics is all about opinion, some love left, some right. You may think she did a brilliant job attacking socialism, and hurting it. Or you may believe she didn't. 


    Shes still winning, red or blue at number 10, what she started is not over yet, that's for sure.

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