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Posts posted by tinker

  1. Wow. Great performance, midfield in the second half showed great composure to hold onto the ball and relieve the pressure off the defense. Bacuna can take a decent corner and free kick, how much we he? Sylla looks like he could grow into a very good player for us.......how much was he? Kosak won nearly every header, he's a real good outlet for the long balls, it was when Andreas started running behind him for the knock ons Man city looked vunerable.

    Nasri had Bacuna isolated for the first 30 minutes it looked like they would score from our right, h then started to cut in rather than go down the outside and that cost them imo, why he did it heavenly only knows. Toure is a beast of a player he reminds me of patrick Vieira.

    The second half we just wanted to win it more than city, their players just went through the motions scored then just stood of the gas, if we can keep this belief in the team the heart they displayed was tremendous. The end of the game was unbelievable, like we had won the league lol, walking home was like a carnival, makes all the heart ache worth while, I love football ........for at least a week anyway. UTV

  2. Walt uses the ricin to poison the gangs water supply then takes the money and gives it to Jessi and the boy, he then goes to Skylar and gives himself up to the police, the


    Police think Jessi is missing with Hank and you see him next to the beach giving money to a drugs program orphanage.


    The other thing that's nagging me is the two that own Gray Matter tech, they may be in for a shock as well, this sort of all started with them cutting Walt out, he lost it with them when they came on TV, remember Walt's gift.............

  3. Bad performance but.................if we had been more cynical in our play (gone down) Spurs would have been down to ten players and we would have had a penalty, its a simple as that.


    Our home form is dreadful and I wonder how many Spurs fans would turn up to watch defeat after defeat, at home without deserting them or moaning so  much the gaffer would be sacked before he had a chance to prove his worth.


    Let them have their time, last game of the season could be ours.

  4. As andym pointed out the problem as I see it is lack of movement from our front players and midfield when were in possession, no option for a decent pass we then tend to play it back to our defense until Guzan launches it to Benteke,.............

  5. Newcastle worked very hard closing us down and competed all over the pitch, we seemed to never get a foot in the game, even when we scored. Guzan kicks to Benteke seemed to be our only outlet.

    There was very little movement from our players when we were in possession whch is a big worry for a young team.

    Pardew did his homework on how to beat our 433 and we had no answer to his tactics.

    Can't pick a motm, not a happy day

  6. Benteke is a great player, he does however owe Villa quite a lot for helping him develop. I can't think of any team that would have done for him, or any other young player, what we have. We dropped our record signing for him, he started with a new set of players, new maanger and a new found hope from the fans, this combination does not happen very often and its a factor we should consider when we name a value for him.

    He's hasn't played that well this season but he's still scoring for fun, hit a bit of form and he could easily be in double figures by the end of November. He may not be playing in the Champions league but he does have a world cup to go to and after a good season his value would be well over the 30m mention during this transfer seasons fiasco.

    Benteke and the Villa should enjoy it all while it lasts.

  7. Benteke looks like he's going to have another great season, the way he's started he could easily outshine last season. I think he will be top scorer, or very close. His value is going to be 40m plus, if a bidding war starts it could be more. .....

  8. A bidding war between Arsenal and Man U would be perfect for us, both have their egos bruised and require backing from their owners, FWIW iI think he will go for 45-50m. Just hope we get a decent replacement sorted well before it all kicks off

  9. Back to the Villa, we need to increase our media profile to increase our merchandising and our income. We have all the ingredients. A great history, high profile fans, beautiful ground with top quality facilities we just need to tell everyone and give it all a bit of spin. 


    This has all been done before in the USA, Randy. We could get Ozzy in a Villa t shirt for a fee, Tom Hanks could be encouraged a little more, Duran Duran, OCS, UB40, we  also have the future king of England as a fan, lets milk it all a bit..............      

  10. I have seen enough of Okore to say he will make a big difference to our defence, he was very tight against LPool in the second half. He will be this year's Benteke, a defensive version.

    I tthink the addition of a forward will help us play a 3-5-2, or 4-4-2 and cope with any suspensions, injuries or industrial action we may encounter come the transfer season ;-)

  11. I hope they win the league, at least it would be from self generated income. However, good players don't always make good teams, man city and Chelsea have both shown this, even man u had this happen pre Ferguson.

  12. All the content could be copied from a genuine account and reposted to a bogus account to trick people into thinking its official.

    Gabby not being picked by woy is a massive indicator on the type of England team were going to be served up over the next few years, I really do feel a sense of happiness when England fail because of all the political crap that picks the team

  13. Taking players on loan does not help our long term development, unless its to cover for injuries in key positions, ie a keeper. We have been bitten a couple of times on these loan deals, Walker being an example of the best we have had and that leaves a sour taste in my mouth, hes done so well after we allowed spurs to use us as a way to get him vital experience without any errors costing them. Jena's being the worst example of a loan deal gone bad.


    It would help us more if we loan our fringe players out to let get them experience.

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