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Everything posted by NulliSecundus

  1. Not direct I believe. Moor St-Marlybone, Wembley is on that line I believe whereas the New St line runs to Euston which Wembley isnt on. Is the ticket an advance? I.e do you have seat reservations and the ticket is in 2 parts, both need to be present? That will mean it's an advance and you have to go on the specified train. If it's a standard return (which for the price you've mentioned it sounds like it is) you can get any train you want, providing it's on the same day and on the same line.
  2. Thats about right, i'm looking to book with Chiltern too, £39.00 for two adults, return, no railcard though, just standard price. Why do they all say 'Ticket only valid on services via High Wycombe'? Because the faster trains from New st don't go through Wycombe whereas the chiltern do. Price restrictions.
  3. He limped off down the touchline after being subbed. Delph is the new Viara!!!!! Just not as tall, even reminds me of his running style and tackling. I was dissapointed today. I had talked up Delph's tackling or lack of it to my Dad who was watching him for the first time and made it certain he'd get booked, when in fact he made 2/3 well-timed challenges and can't remember him conceding a foul!? Gutted. Lmao we had a Delph booking sweepstake, was gutted that it din't happen. Oh well he was the best player on the pitch, closely followed by Milner IMO.
  4. Delph MoM for me. Delfoneso also impressed. Beye was a bit shaky at centre back but when moved to RB impressed. 39,700 for a cup game against a League 1 side....
  5. Dunne and Cuellar for me too.
  6. Thank you very very much! What a game, couldn't believe we were **** it up so early. Was silent from their 2nd to our first. Just stunned. The first half was mad enough, but the second? Jeez!
  7. I got back (Derby) about 45 mins ago. The signing was absolutely immense, as someone mentioned earlier the stand was actually shaking and 30 mins of MON's claret and blue army with brief pauses to sing something else was absolutely amazing. However, that said we are nowhere near the final yet and 1-0 is by no means safe.
  8. James Collins was in Preston the night before the match according to Twitter!
  9. 3 categories I believe, £35, £55 and £75 I think, or somewhere around those figures. Cheapest ticket was just over £30 though...
  10. How? I'm sorry but there is no way on earth that match should be cancelled. 90% of fans going to that game should be from Manchester, (no jokes) the city transport should be able to cope with it. But then again what do I know? I said that the game today wouldn't be called off. Blame the idiots that can't drive properly, not me
  11. Says no refunds on the tickets but whether that just means if there is no reason and the match is still on the same day. When they announce a new date, if you can't make it you will be able to get a refund.
  12. I'm afraid the weather really is that bad up here. 4 or 5 inches lying and it's still snowing. I live less than 1.5 miles from the Town centre and it took my neighbour over 20 minutes to get there and that was 4 hours ago and it's constantly snowed since then One word - grit. They have far more snow in Germany and in other parts of Europe. However, they manage to cope with it by using Snowploughs and grit. Absolutely shocking that they can't clear a few bloody roads.... This, crappy country.
  13. what makes you say that? 1) It's on SKY 2) Birmingham to Blackburn is practically all motorway, M42/M5 (from the south), M6, M65. Ewood Park is 1km from junction 4 of the M65. No-one should have any problems. 3) We knew about the weather for ages, the ground staff will have been working consistently to keep the public areas of the ground ice free. I'm driving fom Derby at 4 and even that is only 5 roads. A38S. A50, A500, M6, M65 - all main roads with more than one lane of traffic. No-one should have a problem. Not least the fact that snow is only expected until around noon in Blackburn.
  14. A score draw would be an excellent result, with the away goals rule.
  15. Where have you got this from? Surely there can't be only 11k. Here
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