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Everything posted by NulliSecundus

  1. London Midland are doing a maximum 10 quid return anywhere on their network over 2 weeks in April. http://www.londonmidland.com/sale If you have a railcard as well you can basically get to London for £6.70 return
  2. Nice find though, funny how things change eh.
  3. Because Pukka Pies supply the ones in the concourse and the ones in the Holte Suite are homemade....
  4. Marmite is stronger and thus better than that watered down Vegemite crap Also chesse and marmite = nom nom nom nom!
  5. Haha yeah. Anyone up for a Saturday night/Sunday morning 1am kick off. Sky are!
  6. Boooooooooooooooo! Marmite > Vegemite
  7. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :wow: :wow: I suggest that you, and anyone else who is similarly of the opinion that my predictions are pessimistic read This Lol I'm only messing mate, you seem to have a reputation of posting very pessimistic outlooks I actually think we will struggle this weekend, but I wouldn't like to call it.
  8. I love marmite, it's bang on. My girlfriend is probably one for the 'it's alright' category, so it's not as the advertising slogan says
  9. :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :wow: :wow:
  10. The Saturday semi won't be 3pm John as that would clash with the league programme and TV are unable to run a game @ 3pm on Saturday. I would guess around 12.30am. 12:30am? Don't know if I'll be able to stay up for that!
  11. Exactly. Ran down the clock well. Calm, composed on the ball, 0 mistakes! Didn't have a dodgy first 45!
  12. I've heard the chartered train is shit, don't bother
  13. Do all of your posts have to include something about a white person beating up a black/asian person or the BNP? Jesus mate, he's just saying what he saw.
  14. General, I think you will be pleased to hear a fans positive view on tickets. I was very impressed with the improvements that have been made to the online ticketing system. The ability to assign not just Season ticket refrences but normal supporters too is a welcome addition. Every time I wanted to put booking history to someones name who wasn't a ST holder I had to ring the ticket office. Could you see the praise gets given out please although I'm sure your ticket office staff are waiting for the day where you introduce a system that tells people how many tickets are left, how many are sold etc. Also, I only noticed it the other day, but thanks for putting chip and pin in the Holte Suite buffet. Much appreciated.
  15. Warnock is making too many mistakes for my liking.
  16. This is what seriously worries me, our creativity is a vegtable... nothing!!! AND GABBY STOP RUNNING OUT TO WING WHEN THERE IS A MASSIVE HOLE IN THEIR CENTRAL DEFENCE!! Anyone heard of a through ball?
  17. They will finish top 10, we will finish higher, so what. Why do people care more about Blues than Villa?
  18. Got a drubbing in this fixture last season, outplayed.
  19. Where are you coming from? Hmmm well with a name like Lancashire Villan, and his location set as Wesham, Lancs I wonder?
  20. 15 min walk, other side of the city centre, but it's not very big tbh!
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