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Everything posted by sexbelowsound

  1. @Brumerican you're getting your rare Villa/Jags combo pal.
  2. Nobody is moaning about the result, that would be mental. People are showing concerns for the style of play and the lack of control we seem to have in games.
  3. I'm not sure how he does this but even when we win i'm further convinced he isn't up to the task.
  4. Far too many shit players in this team, most of which are Bruce signings. I've no idea what Elmo is supposed to be other than a liability.
  5. Whelan could have ended up with a couple of assists in this game.
  6. Sad thing is this isn't surprising. Most knew this was coming. Doesn't matter who it's against we are massively vulnerable in the first 15 after half time.
  7. We need a second prior to the Brucey half time team talk and inevitable slow start.
  8. If he actually made those comments then he deserves to be sacked for being an idiot, let alone the connotations of those comments.
  9. I'm enjoying this game a lot. What i'm not enjoying is the banter from my caddy as she says "NICE SHOT" as the ball ignores all wind physics, clips a bunker and bounces 90 degrees across the green into the water.
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