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Everything posted by sheepyvillian

  1. He never fails to name - check the supporters when we get a victory like that Yesterday. And he's right to do so, because they were Top - Drawer for the whole 90 minutes.
  2. I agree. We need to do it over 90 minutes.
  3. It's so vital that we are going into this game with such a well earned victory behind us. Now we just have to carry the belief instilled in us from that win and maximise it to our advantage. Lille would have taken notice, that's for sure, and if we maintain that kind of focus with the same intensity, I honestly think, we'll be too much for them. The key word being "Consistency." When this team eventually lessens those frailties, defensively mainly, then we really can start to believe. I'm genuinely excited about our last few games, rather than nervous and performances like the one against Arsenal is ample evidence that we may just become part of something very special indeed. Come on me Babbys!
  4. There's just no way Torres doesn't play in that defence with this manager.
  5. Like a lot of players from overseas, it looks like he is now finding his feet. Bailey, Diaby, even, Luiz, it takes time.
  6. How many of the have we seen missed?
  7. Absolutely! If ever you at to name a stereotype of a winger, "Inconsistency" would arguably be the first from ones lips.
  8. Behave! He's been phenomenal this season. Ridiculous comment. Just give credit where it due.
  9. Is that stat correct, we have never lost a game when LB scores?
  10. It's when it doesn't work that those shouts feel justified. Today it worked a treat, but it can go pear - shaped. Nothing wrong with a long ball here and there, it's not like we're averse to that.
  11. Ive got no issue with the "Zulus," I hung about the Town as a "Saucepan," so I had plenty of pals who were Noses, but back then they were not called Zulus. The most annoying part of this show is the mass murder of the Brummie accent, I think even Gary Oldman would struggle with that accent. The music is a bit off too, I mean, where's the New Romantic tracks? Steven Knight is one overrated man.
  12. And why have the people from Coventry got Brummie accents?
  13. The Town, no cars got clamped in the early 80s and the Zulus formed in about 85.
  14. Started watching This Town. If you're a proper Brummie, you say, "I've had me heart broke," not "broken". "Let's ave it right"!
  15. That save by Emi just shows how zoned in he is.
  16. When he's given time with the ball, like most creative players.
  17. Diego has been as good as he was bad on Thursday. So unlucky for Ollie, any other time that goes in.
  18. That ref has the look of a silent movie star.
  19. I don't think he was referring to us beating Arsenal, or if he was, he got it wrong.
  20. The 14.05 Plumpton, the horse who was leading looked like he was a cert until deciding to ignore the last fence.
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