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Everything posted by bannedfromHandV

  1. Were you scared? At work and unable to view that jpg but can imagine what it looks like. I promise you that the last thing you'd have thought he would have been was a Hollywood movie star. He stayed at this hotel for about a week whilst filming for something and he wore the same clothes every single day, morning, noon and night, a plain white t-shirt and a pair of faded black jogging bottoms. His clothes probably amounted to about £3 in value, kept himself to himself though largely as you'd imagine.
  2. Do you get the golden lion if you do the £1 per month subscription? Not doing it if I don't get the kudos
  3. I met Christopher Walken once at the hotel I worked for back home in Newport, he approached me early in the morning and asked for a recommendation on a newspaper, being roughly 18 and a little in awe I mumbled that I'd heard the Sun was a decent paper.......
  4. Or we just simply say we don't need to sell (without the "bloody loaded" part) and keep people guessing. I don't see how you some to the logic that telling City we need their money will make them give us more. If they know we DON'T need the money and don't need to sell they would push the boat out to convince us, if they really wanted him. Can I just say, it's highly likely that City already know anything that is released into the public domain. I doubt highly that this release from MoN damages out standing with City even in the slightest.
  5. Rather than playing a game Trent, what if he's simply being 'gracious' enough to put the fans in the know as to what's happening, he's probably been made aware that there is intense speculation amongst us and perhaps rather than prolong any misery he's decided to just get it out there for all to know. I'm just throwing out thoughts but I can't really see any other reason why he'd do it and he isn't a stupid man so I think that it's very much a planned announcement. With regards Sullivan, the only game he should ever play with him is russian roulette, provided he could guarantee that he didn't lose of course
  6. I have to say, despite prepping myself for this eventuality all summer that I'm really quite disappoined and a little despondent. I kind of figured all along that it would be the clubs choice to sell him, not his. To hear quotes attributed to him saying that he doesn't want to play for Aston Villa makes me feel ill. I can honestly say that I truly detest Manchester City now, absolutely detest them. On an ever so slightly lighter note though, we can at least put to bed this rubbish about the club doing nothing to keep him being as they offered to make him the highest paid player in the clubs history BEFORE the world cup.
  7. Likewise and while I argue the toss on events on here with people its never a battle or personal. I conceed the use of 'all' was poor and on reflection a little dismissive of O'Neill's role. I do though stand behind the belief that the player himself is mostly responsible. We will I guess have to just agree to disagree on that one. Even when you are saying you aren't trying to pigeonhole opinions you are doing that very thing. Just because someone is critical of O'Neill doesn't make them anit O'Neill and just because someone is supportive of him on something doesn't make them pro O'Neill. I'm neither thing, I'm just a supporter who sometimes agrees with the actions of the manager and sometimes doesn't. Fair enough Trent, I apologise.
  8. Your right i dont. Do you think the club are showing their ambitions, why as Milner not signed a new contract, solely down to money going to City? This one wasn't actually aimed at you Jez but irregardless, I think that it's very hard for me to comment on what the club is or isn't doing because I simply don't know. We are a club that tends to keep its cards close to its chest in all areas. My understanding is that Milner is still away on holiday? If so, that would go some serious distance to explaining why we haven't heard anything from the club or from him. Now if you want my opinion on the matter (which is wholly different to the truth I'm sure), I believe that the club would desperately wish to keep hold of him however, MoN is wise enough to know that it's a difficult exercise to keep a player that wants to leave. I believe that they've most likely left it in Milners hands as to what he wants to do which I'm sure he's given plenty of thought whilst away on his jollies, if Milner arrives back and quite clearly states that he wants to leave then I think the club will look to do business but only if Citeh match the valuation (much like with the Barry/Liverpool saga). For me all of that seems reasonable and if it were to be true then I would bear no ill feelings toward the club and/or MoN. My anger would be aimed at Milner, though in truth even then I wouldn't be particularly peeved as I'm afraid losing players in this fashion to Citeh may well become a rather regular occurrence until at least they reach the level with which they're aiming for.
  9. Simply go elsewhere? Its just that simple is it? Why have we not got Shorey, Beye, Sidwell etc of our wage bill then? Shorey wont go to Forrest because they only want to offer him half of what he is earning at Villa, what would you do? They get given these massive contracts no wonder we cannot get rid. Your right MON did find Milner, was he has good then as he is now? MON finds a replacement and takes a few years before he is any good, then we sell them anyway. In the mean time we are weakened. Jez, you're absolutely full of shit, full of it. "years before he is any good" - what are you talking about, show me a single player O Neill has bought that has taken 'years' to become a good player, just one, any one will do? Then follow that up with showing me a player that 'he just sells anyway'? Again any single one will do? It frightens me that this is your genuine opinion.
  10. You don't actually KNOW this though do you? Unless I've missed something entirely none of us know the conversations that have or haven't taken place between the club, MoN and Milner. I find it bizarre that we can hold grudges against the club based on speculative opinions.
  11. Even knowing that you're posting this for effect doesn't make the comment any less stupid. Sidwell is on his way out, quite blatantly for anyone that's kept up with current affairs lately, even if he wasn't lined up for a move to Fulham (in case you didn't know) MoN still wouldn't consider him as a replacement. Its not posting for effect, if we sell Milner who will replace him? Its a perfectly legitimate worry. Is Sidwell still a Villa player? Yes he is, Fulham do not have a manager, how the hell he can be lined up for a move to a club with no manager is anyones guess. One of our best players leaves, who replaces him? Its almost as if we've not seen Milner play for a while, he must not be as good as we first though, he can go. Jez, I think it's fair to say we're all fretting about Milner leaving, that is a given, but it's daft comments like yours that wind people up further. Sidwell is leaving, whether Fulham have a manager or not he has held discussions with their board members, the clubs have agreed a fee, it's on the brink - the new manager whomever he may be may well veto the transfer but even then he'll simply go elsewhere. Sidwell will not line up alongside Petrov vs West Ham, IF Milner leaves I have confidence in MoN to find a replacement, just as he found Milner.
  12. Even knowing that you're posting this for effect doesn't make the comment any less stupid. Sidwell is on his way out, quite blatantly for anyone that's kept up with current affairs lately, even if he wasn't lined up for a move to Fulham (in case you didn't know) MoN still wouldn't consider him as a replacement.
  13. I suggest you stop reading what you think I posted and read what I've actually posted. You are welcome to disagree with me it is after all only opinion but don't dismiss my opinion by simply grouping into some anti O'Neill collective. If you actually read my posts you will see that I credit O'Neill with contributing to his development by moving him into the middle. That though gave Milner the platform the rest was down to him. I'm perfectly happy to give him credit when I believe it deserved and have done so in the very posts you have responded too, I will also though be critical when I think its deserved and I will say when I think he is given false credit. I don't want to get into a battle with you Trent, for numerous reasons, but these are your actual words: "I'm not actually convinced O'Neill is responsible for Milner's development to be honest, I think that is down to Milner. All O'Neill is responsible for is giving him a better stage and a chance to play in the middle the rest is down to the player himself who is supposed to be one of the most dedicated players around." Now with the greatest of respect, apart from a meagre mention of O Neill moving him into central midfield I think it's fair to say that you've tried to distance O Neill from being anything other than peripheral to Milners development, which I think is way off the mark and a little disrespectful to a man who has both seen and developed a potential unrealised by any of his former managers. It's not down to the likes of myself to 'pigeonhole' you as being anti or pro O Neill, it's each posters own comments that dictate that.....
  14. Disagree entirely, he's never shown the sort of consistency he showed last season, if you can't accept that it's likely to have something to do with the manager then you're blinded by your own opinions on said manager. I didn't say he had. He has never in his career though had any kind of stability in terms of club, position or manager. In fact it was the first time in his career Milner started a season under the same manager as he finished the previous one. I'm not blinded to anything. I credit O'Neill for allowing Milner to move into the middle the position he has throughout his career said was his best position and where he wanted to play. That is what O'Neill deserves credit for but I don't believe that O'Neill is responsible for Milner's progress as a player I think that is down to the player himself. I could just as easily dismiss your opinion as being blinded by your own opinion on said manager. I don't believe that is the case but please don't level that accusation at me because you are wide of the mark. Trent, you're making out as though Milner would have become the player he is right now whether he played under O Neill or anyone else, I disagree with that entirely. You're paying O Neill zero credit much like a growing section of our support when he is in fact a major contributor, of course Milner himself has worked his way into this status but he would never have been given the opportunity had it not been for O Neill. I don't want to get into a drawn out (further) debate on the pro's and con's of MoN but it just wouldn't hurt for him to be attributed with just a little deserved credit every now and again, this example being one.
  15. Disagree entirely, he's never shown the sort of consistency he showed last season, if you can't accept that it's likely to have something to do with the manager then you're blinded by your own opinions on said manager.
  16. I'd be surprised if Flamini came to us..... Arsenal - AC Milan - Aston Villa Doesn't quite look right does it
  17. Jordi Gomez, Jason Scotland, Gary Caldwell, Marcelo Moreno, Scott Sinclair, Ben Watson, Steve Gohouri all disprove this theory not all bargains pay-off and 3 of them were loan signings. What about N'Zogbia, Palacios, Valencia, Bullard, Rodallega, Figueroa even Bramble all bought for peanuts and became solid premier league players or better Valenica and Palacios have worked out really well for them, outside of those two though the rest are average at best. I reckon you could find many teams that have been able to source two good players in what, 5 years?
  18. What complete and utter bollox I love that we can consider O Neill as shit in the transfer market and yet Wigan, are considered shrewd. I can't even be arsed to demonstrate how daft a comment that is.
  19. Fecking hell!! That is steep! Don't the club normall market them for around £45 only for the likes of Sports Direct to sell them for like £35? I'll be honest, I normally get mine from Sports Direct, whilst I'd rather give the cash directly to the Villa I'm not prepared to pay £10 more for the pleasure.
  20. I can't honestly believe there are 45 odd people on here who have voted no. I'm all for liberty etc but an instrument that on it's own has been proven to be louder than a chainsaw but with a more annoying noise should not be allowed anywhere near a football stadium. It worked in Africa because it's a very typical African instrument but I would be quite prone to shoving it up the users arse if it was near me.
  21. People wind themselves up on here, we all do it...checking the forum every hour or so just to find that shock horror, there's been no news. If everyone just chilled the fook out for a while we'd all be happier. Players will come players will leave.
  22. agreed but how hard would have been for them to make it claret rather than red? FxPro's logo is red which is why its red. Also, claret on black is hardly going to stand out is it? It's not as though they're likely to be happy about spending x amount of £ on a sponsorship deal that you can't even see from 40ft or further.....
  23. Does go some way to explaining it.....no doubt now that there's proof of some form of thought process being involved there'll be a shift in opinions toward them......
  24. Some people may have said the same thing about Ash Young before we signed him......though I must admit I've been largely unimpressed with him each and every time I've seen him, which doesn't bode well
  25. I like em, guess I'm in the minority judging from the general consensus.... At least we genuinely have a 'new kit' to discuss and not just last years kit with a new bit of trim around the sleeve or a slightly altered collar........
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