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Everything posted by AVFCDAN

  1. Just to let you know, i couldn't wait for the next episode so i went online and it seems that in america its already done 2 seasons of 8 episodes each, im up to s1 ep7 now and its bloody brilliant! Not sure if its been cancelled or they are due to make more though?
  2. Anyone watch the first episode of Bored to Death? Has promise, especially if you're a fan of Jason Schwarzman.
  3. If you like Bobs Burgers you have to find a cartoon called Home Movies, very similar in style but actually much better. Also the main guy in bobs burgers also voices coach mgguirk in home movies, its got to be made by the same people.
  4. Thought basterds was brilliant personally. For some reason I didn't fully appreciate it until the 2nd and 3rd watches. So much memorable dialogue, Tarantino is the master of that. Thought fassbender was superb. Can't believe after seeing him in Eden lake he would go on to star in a Tarantino movie
  5. For fans of Clint make sure you watch Mystic River, definitely the equal of gran torino. Some amazing acting in that from Robbins and Sean Penn who both deserved all the awards they received.
  6. Fans of Timberlake in this film should check out Alpha Dog, hes pretty good in that to be fair aswell. Definitely recommend that film for people who havent seen it.
  7. Watched true grit last night, was blown away by the performance from the young girl, great movie.
  8. The fact that i will never get to have sexy time with Rihanna. http://bit.ly/eCC53m
  9. Also you can't beat the golden days of jim ross and jerry king lawler, they were worth tuning in for regardless of the quality of wrestling. Classics such as the king leering over any piece of ass who might be on show and Jim Ross getting over excited " MAAA GAWWWDDD ITS LIKE A DAMN TRAIN WRECK OUT THERE" Also just remembered that i tuned in not long ago and saw that irish bloke entering the ring called Finlay, i mean what the hell was that, he was just a normal bloke you might see in the pub wearing lycra, absolutely ludicrous, and i think he has his assisant with him who was a midget called Hornswaggle, half way through the fight he dissapears under the ring and brings out a shillelagh which he used to knock the other guy out. Apparently thats edgy wrestling these days.
  10. Anything post 2002 was shit in my opinion. Probably more to do with me getting older more than anything though.
  11. Totally agree with everything you said Stevo, i think we are the same age so it makes sense. Havent watched it for 10 years now but that time between 97-2001 was immense, obviously helped i was the perfect age just like yourself. Stone cold was awesome, the undertaker/kane/man kind rivalry was brilliant. Shawn Michaels and Hitman were still in their prime although i never liked Brett for some reason. Also remember watching live on the night when owen hart (blue blazer) fell from his entrance wire thingy, that was terrible, should have cancelled the rest of the show really.
  12. Theres a couple of classics in that article. Fair enough shes outright blaming herself but its ridiculous to let yourself get like that. Also she claims that she can't afford a gym membership which would be about 30-40 a month but she can afford 2 portions of fish and chips nearly every night of the week. Same old tired excuses im afraid.
  13. Watched the first 3 episodes of Eastbound and Down last night - absolutely brilliant! Also i think new episodes of The Middle are starting soon, similar to malcolm in the middle but just as funny at times. Two good shows i would definitely recommend.
  14. Had to google her, its ridiculous that someone born in '92 is "legal" if you get me. Guess im showing my age.
  15. Just been reminded of a brilliant film i saw not long ago called punisher war zone, i think it comes out of the new marvel film studio that was setup to remake their comics properly. So over the top its great. Roger Ebert says "it is one of the best-made bad movies I've seen" One of my highlights is when he literally blows up a rasta free runner in mid air with an rpg
  16. Got to remember that Blackpool were up for this big time.... They have lost 5 on the spin before today but you can't lose every single game, they had to pick up at some point and i think we did well to come away with a point after going down to 10 men.
  17. A tenner says you had to google PI to get the digits after .141

    Top Gear

    Well thats case closed then Steve... I agree to some extent with what hes saying but if we continue to censor what peeople can and can't say on the tv/radio then sooner rather than later its going to be diluted crap in every format? Should we censor stand up comedians aswell so we end up with 100 lenny henry's? Or do we let them off but penalise tv presenters? I don't believe this is something that can have a firm line drawn on it in terms of whats acceptable and what isn't, the margins are just too small, its something that comes down to common sense, don't like it then don't watch it, simple as.
  19. I already made that exact point about 5-6 pages back. Excellent docu/film.
  20. I watched it and didn't think much of it to be honest, those easy going films are quite enjoyable usually but this just plodded along. I do like Emma Stone aswell :winkold:
  21. Chrisopher waltz was the person miscast IMO. How he went from Oscar worthy performance to a ham fisted and cliched villain I don't know.
  22. I think English people aren't keen on him because in the past he has appeared to be anti-English. Oh you must be talking about that ONE time where the reporter was giving him shite about scotland already being knocked out and then he was asked who he fancied to win it and said in a jokey way "anyone but england". Im fully english and still support the bloke, great tennis player and hes british, thats good enough for me.
  23. Green Hornet is actually pretty good. You have to leave your brain at the door but its an entertaining film, helps if you like seth rogen, but its his asian sidekick that steals the show (apparently quite a big pop star over there).
  24. Yeah totally agree with this one, when you see rough looking families on holiday and it turns out they've been going there for 20 years, staying in the same apartment/hotel etc.. obviously none of your business but it makes me cringe sometimes. Same applies to people unwilling to try new food, come across quite a few people in my time that only like "english" food. Oh the irony!
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