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Everything posted by KAZZAM

  1. Villa aint conceaded since Dawsons handball.
  2. I think he will be sacked when they call their press conferance at 7-7:30.
  3. nananana john carew !!!! 3 more points !!!1
  4. lol Thompson crying that its been disallowed on ssn.
  5. lol@Harry loosing his temper in the ssn interview when they kept badgering him about it.
  6. Funny we sat back and invited them on and only them hand balling it saved them.
  7. Mon should be Knighted atleast for this.
  8. lol Sha level on points with Liverpool,Bowyer single handedly winnen games for them.
  9. Spurs back in their rightful spot in the league below the mighty Villa.
  10. VILLA VILLA VILLA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 HAHHAHAH P.S FERGIE IS GHEY TOP 4 3/3 so far. as you can tell im crazy happy.
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