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Everything posted by dont_do_it_doug.

  1. General, is it within your power to make sure the guy who ran onto the pitch last night to 'score' is dealt with sensibly? I know we don't want to encourage such behaviour, but there was no malice involved and if anything he got the Holte End roused again. A ticking off or perhaps a game or two ban at most perhaps?
  2. They're questioning it now and have been for some time. Why every time you post do you feel the need to bring up DOL? It's getting tiresome Ali and smacks of point scoring.
  3. No because....... We faught back from looking very much dead and buried.
  4. Three of those remain from last season, no change. The other is debateable, because we really haven't been on the end of a tonking either. Who did we tonk last season? A demoralised Boro away and...... :oops:
  5. One thing I'm starting to realise is that you're never going to please 100% of the people 100% of the time. I've questioned a few of his decisions, Gabby being the obvious one. But aside from that I can't see where he's dropped any real clangers. We're just not playing well as a unit. Tommorows game will be a huge signal of intent, with Maloney back fit and Moore back up to speed at a time when we're struggling to score goals, what will he do? I think we'll be pleasently suprised. Anyway, the results have gone down the pan, but at least it's not been without a fight. Which is more than I can say for last season. Better.
  6. Bloody hell what were you drinking? Absynth with a Night Nurse top? Almost, Carling. The phones fubar by the way. Brand new(ish) Samsung e900. Hence the 'dark' mood.....
  7. Tip for you, never write your blog under the influence of alcohol......
  8. I asked Malcolm this same question and I didn't get a difinitive answer, what do you base this claim on?
  9. Blog underway, two entries already!
  10. All sorts. Music, football, life. I'll mostly be ranting and raving about something or other.
  11. My myspace site is under construction..... www.myspace.com/morrisseys_pyjamas Blog should be up in a couple of days.
  12. Hey, I own the copyright on that nickname :winkold:
  13. I think they all look excellent playing next to Laursen, that's more to with Laursen being so damn good than anything else. I think Cahill has looked better than Mellberg in most of the games they've played together. Also, what if the big viking doesn't gel with whoever we get in, like he hasn't with so many other partners? When do we say it's not an excuse anymore? Cahill is only going to get better. I'd build my defence around him.
  14. Interesting analysis. I think the midfield does get dragged into defensive work more often than it should, but the main reason for that is they can't keep hold of the bloody ball. Even when we're winning games and/or playing well, it's never posession football. I think under the circumstances the defence has done remarkably well. I'm not saying the defence can't be improved on, I think it should. I don't think we should be putting so much pressure on Cahill and I don't think Mellberg is half the player he once was. But first and foremost we need a creative midfielder to compete with Petrov and a striker to finish what little we do create. IMO of course......
  15. But when we're not conceding many goals, some would say we have a solid backline already. They struggle at set pieces, something they need to work out with the coaching staff. The stats don't lie. Only 6 teams have conceded less goals than us this season, but only 5 have scored less. Here Aside from Luke Moore, possibly, who do we have to put the ball in the net on a regular basis? We also need more options in midfield. Exactly Sam. Thank you.
  16. Really? Most people would say it's the other way around. We're not conceding many, but were not scoring ANY. That said, where the feck is Luke Moore?
  17. Yes, yes he would. But I doubt we'll go back there.......
  18. Just a quick recap, incase anyone missed his answer.......... Page 176..... Page 177 And now, Page 179 So, everyone happy now?
  19. Or could it just be that it's an opinion that differs from yours? You don't have free reign of the front page you know, last time I checked you're not the editor. Oh woe is me. Get a grip Malcolm, you're not that important. Instead you constantly gripe and bitch and moan about every little detail. On one hand you say you agree with some of the managers decisions, yet we never see that. Is it so hard to accept that others can see the positives? Is it so hard to accept that you might be wrong?
  20. Thank you General. Others may say it, but when you do I actualy believe it. I guess that's why you're the General. I do have a question after all - What is the ETA for finishing the training ground? Will there be some kind of official tour, maybe meet some of the players? Apologies if this has already been answered.
  21. If we're not I think we should be. Which is why a hard earned ugly point against a top 4 side is a welcome bonus to some.
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