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Posts posted by chrisp65

  1. Warnock mate, I got my degree nearly 30 years after leaving school. I got into my current career in my mid 20's, having not had a clue what I wanted to do before I was about 25.

    From the age of 30, with a house and a partner I took a bit of a leap and have never looked back.


    Believe it or not, you are young and you really do have time on your side. The one thing I'd say, you'll likely find it easier to get something else even something totally unrelated, if you are in work rather than out of work. So stick with it whilst job hunting. Also, you've got September looming up, consider a class in something (pretty much anything) with a certificate or recognised qualification at the end of it. Employers love people that study - it just doesn't need to be a degree by the time your 21.


    Good luck!

    • Like 1

    The one time I didn't organise a fast check out payment for the hotel there's a coach load of pensioners milling around reception trying to decide if they are checking out or not and whether Mabel is dead and have we all had breakfast and where are my tablets and......


    Hotel reception lady just 'fast tracked' me.


    Felt good.





    ahh, if only. She was very easy on the eye.


    It was the same woman that the evening before had upgraded my room.


    Clearly she was mad for me, which is understandable. I'd been driving a few hours so I was warm and creased. She might also have caught the faint whiff of somebody smuggling a takeaway biryani in their shoulder bag. 

  3. Why? Why is one animals life more important than the other? Why does the method of death matter? I'm sure there's lots of farmed animals which have a pretty rough deal, but no one gives a **** about that?

    Whether it's killed for a "trophy" or killed for food it's still unnecessary and is stemmed from human greed.

    Guess that's where our opinions differ, to me, its no different. I do see your point of view on it, but our attitudes towards animals being killed for food are vastly different. To me, its just as unacceptable as trophy killing.

    Meh, pointless argument really :thumb:


    How rare are pigs and cows?


    A hundred years ago it's estimated that there were around 200,000 to 250,000 lions in Africa. Today, the estimate is 35,000. It's been suggested that the trend means they'll be extinct in our lifetime. It's predominantly down to our need for land, from Jaguars, Leopards, Lions, Rhinos and Tigers they are all suffering due to our desire to grow cattle for burgers. If you're ok with that, then no problem.


    Cows, pigs and chickens are not in danger of extinction.

    • Like 1
  4. The one time I didn't organise a fast check out payment for the hotel there's a coach load of pensioners milling around reception trying to decide if they are checking out or not and whether Mabel is dead and have we all had breakfast and where are my tablets and......


    Hotel reception lady just 'fast tracked' me.


    Felt good.

  5. I'm fascinated that with media reporting thousands and thousands of people storming the tunnel night after night, we only ever get pictures of a few dozen. They just did it now on the local South East news, lots of stuff about local business suffering, talk of 'up to' 3,000 immigrants storming the tunnel. All said over pictures of what I'd estimate to be between 20 to 30 people running across a field. Where are the other 2,970?


    I'm sure it's not totally fabricated, but we can get pictures out of Syria, pictures came off Everest within an hour of the avalanche. Calais, no pictures of the reported story of something that's been happening night after night.


    As for why they all want to come here. Taking the high number of 3,000 that is actually less than 2% of approx 160,000 that have entered europe so far this year. 2% is not a lot by any stretch. Still very serious, but we are not at the middle of this story.


    Every story has to be a sensational panic.

    • Like 2
  6. By pull their finger out their arse, do you mean tell the UK we have to have our border controls in the UK, not France?


    All France has to do to make this go away is tell the UK to do their passport checks in Dover.


    That's why you won't hear May, Osbourne or Cameron give the French a full on bollocking. That's also why that rabble rouser UKIP bloke is happy to mouth off without thinking. 

    • Like 1

    yeah, google images glenn mcgrath safari


    he did a good job controlling zillions of other animals too, hyena, deer, water buffalo, wild boar.....


    but it's ok, once the public saw the pics and called him out as a bit of a word removed he issued an apology, apparently he later thought it was 'inappropriate'

    the trip was in 2008 ..guess news travels slowly when he got called out in 2105





    my mistake, that's more than long enough to no longer be considered a douche for shooting wildlife for your personal entertainment

    • Like 2
  8. yeah, google images glenn mcgrath safari


    he did a good job controlling zillions of other animals too, hyena, deer, water buffalo, wild boar.....


    but it's ok, once the public saw the pics and called him out as a bit of a word removed he issued an apology, apparently he later thought it was 'inappropriate'

  9. I'm starting to think Chrisp65 is me. His last post, word for word, applies to me, too. Saved me writing it in fact!


    probably age and experience related


    I'm doing another monologue later on low bladder pressure.

    • Like 1
  10. if the ohms are relayed back to the first circuit then it should be that current stops the electricity being used


    but I don't know if that's the same in 240 volt households running separate ring mains


    might be worth checking with an amp meter when you've next got to install a breaker into the main board 

  11. Does anybody know the duty free allowance for Jordans?


    Trick is, put all the legit Jordans in the back where customs can see them easy, then shove any more Jordans under the front seats.

  12. yep, been giving blood for about 30 years I guess


    It can be a little bit uncomfortable sometimes, you can feel a little prick as they say, but on the grand scale of things it's nothing compared with a proper scratch from thorns or brushing nettles. It's minor, but your mind can spin it into a big deal. I stopped for a few years because I'd sort of started thinking about it too much. You just have to relax into it. Certainly as soon as you are done it's completely fine other than you walk an inch taller because you might have just saved someone's life.


    Give it a go. There might be biscuits.


    As for organ donation, that's another easy way of doing something really good. But tell your family it's what you want. Regardless of whether you've signed up, if the family hesitate it can prevent good use being made of the bits once you don't need them.


    Both me and the missus have an agreement that the hospital can do what they like with the body once we're done. To the point where we'd both be fine with the cadaver being used for students to practise on.


    But then, over here we're only a few months away from the rules changing and you have to opt out, not opt in, for organ donation.

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