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Posts posted by chrisp65

  1. First crop of apples from the garden - and in getting these we've discovered we've got eyed hawk moth caterpillars. Huge great things the size of my little finger with a 'horn' at the end. Apparently they like apple trees and willow, we have them both so the feckers must be loving life at the moment.



    • Like 1
  2. They've been around a few years but recently 'tweeked' their sound to be a little darker, rockier.

    Part of the 'Daptone Records' stable of bands.

    If you liked both of those posts you probably need the album I've been playing all day! Daptone Gold II it's a sampler of what's on the label.

    If you pick it up on vinyl you'll get the mp3 download as well, plus a big iron on daptone transfer plus a big daptone poster. Little things please little minds!

  3. Butlins was a mixed blessing.

    It meant we had swimming pools down the road from where we lived as little kids. It brought girls in when we were a bit older. We could nick bottled beers. There was always somewhere to 'explore' in the closed season. Nothing more exciting than a winter's evening prowling the ground of Butlins and the fairground.

    Much of Butlins jutted out on a headland. Went down the beach to catch the school bus one morning and all the Butlins cleaning ladies were on the bus stop going home early complaining they still wanted paying. Wasn't sure what sort of industrial action or sacking or whatever had taken place. Being a super observant teenager I then noticed about 30% of the bloody place was gone. Blown in to the sea overnight by the storm. That was the beginning of the end for the place really.

    That and the petrol bombs from the B.I.R.A. Barry Island Republican Army. Seriously, right up until a recent investment and makeover that grafitti we put up was still on a lot of walls. With our tag line 'if you wanna stay alive, stay off the island'. We were only kids, we thought it was funny and hard. 

    Happy days.

    • Like 1
  4. The number of complaints about facebook on here, at the football, in the office, it baffles me that it is still a thing. Never been on it so I can't judge it by anything other than third party feedback - and it sounds about as much fun as diabetes.

    Having said that, I use twitter which lots of people think is awful, but I get out of it what I want, no more no less so I really like it.


    • Like 1
  5. I've opened a bottle of 2014 Rioja. 

    Christ on a bike it's zings - it made me jump it was so unlike what I expected. Label on the back says 'vibrant', yeah vibrant like licking a 9v battery.


    update - that's undrinkable, have reverted to Fullers London Porter


    and Dorritos



  6. apparently there are still a good number of tickets in the £175 tier at the Millenium

    Some bloke in an England 2015 neon blue coat tried to tell me today I couldn't park in my usual place because I didn't have an access pass for a road they've cordoned off. We had a brief exchange of words and it was agreed he'd **** off and bother someone else.



    bunch of amateurs

    we used to play aerosol roulette - wait until it's dark, light a bonfire on the beach, lob in an aerosol can and stand around the fire...and wait

    at some point the can will explode, blowing out the fire whilst showering everyone with ash and sparks, once your eyes adjust you look around the group to see who's been shot and is down on the sand with a can shape wound somewhere on their body

    we had to make our own fun

    • Like 3
  8. Ahmed's is the briefcase.

    The middle one is a real time bomb timer.

    The bottom one is, I believe, Fat Man


    to be fair, you can see how the original suspicion could have been raised, I think this is more about 4 police and photos emerging of a 14 year old boy in handcuffs

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