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Posts posted by chrisp65

  1. anybody considering tearing up a season card on the appointment of their least fave candidate please see me first - I'd be more than happy to give you a tenner for it.

    you still have your principles and I get very cheap access to what will be at the very least an interesting few months. win win.

    if you could predict which manager fits which squad fits which owner then it wouldn't be worth playing the actual games we could just feed all the info into a computer and await the computer calculated result each week, printed out to three decimal places.

  2. Is there really any rush?

    Yes there is! If the reports are to be believed there is still a bit of unrest. Not to mention the fact the transfer window will be closing in just over a fortnight!

    The other thing is that without a proper figure-head at the helm (to give the team a vision etc) some of our best players' heads may be turned. We've lost Milner already, there's talk of Ashley Young going and demanding show-down talks. I've even heard that Brad Friedel might be on his way!

    IMHO We need to get this sorted ASAP!

    You mean the Ashley Young saga that was sorted out yesterday and Friedel going on live tv saying i'ver had no contact nor do i have any intention of leaving ? , come on man keep up will you

    er, that's not my quote, not sure how you managed it but that's not me!

    (not that it's important, it's not like we're judged and scored on our contributions)

  3. Did anyone watch "Madness in the Fast Lane" last night? I'm watching it now. only about 10 minutes in but it is one of the most bizarre things I've ever seen!

    I recommend it already but it's not for the squemish.

    I was just about to call it a night when it came on the tv, it was utterly compelling. How on earth do you go back to work as a police officer the day after that? The show still didn't really explain what had happened. Also, how on earth were they released the next day? Surely repeatedly running into motorway traffic and shouting I recognise you, you are not real, gets you sectioned?

  4. it is tricky extracting a liberal slant from just about any policy. I was going to try and get clever and mention things like the early 80's attitude toward the re patriation of Diego Garcia and attitudes towards homosexuality etc., but it all comes back to 'liberal'.

    yeah, point 'e' was really offering up alternatives to your point on only having the BNP as somewhere non-Labout to go, points 'f' and 'g' I kinda lost concentration due to an earlier incident with a bottle of Morgan's Spiced Rum.

    all good stuff though

    I'm on a works laptop right now so I have to resist logging any time on BNP or SWP style websites to dig a bit deeper on this. They don't mind a little bit of lovely ladies thread coming up in the history, but no heavy politics.

  5. .......

    I'd hazard a bet that if you took basically any Old Labour (and probably quite a few Tory, especially pre-Thatcher) manifesto, stripped out the stuff that there was agreement with the Liberals on, and you'd be left with something rather similar to a BNP manifesto. If you were an Old Labour voter who didn't like the movement towards liberalism (in form of argument if not actual action... though the same charge can just as easily be levelled at the Thatcher-and-after Tories**) by New Labour, the BNP (or complete withdrawal from the electoral system) is basically the only way to go.

    You would lose that bet. It's quite a strain to look for any policies that cannot be judged against Liberalism, but here goes:

    a) the BNP would be pro nuclear, Labour were traditionally anti

    B) the BNP would be broadly pro 'our boys' in their attitude towards the military, Labour in the 60's to 80's wasn't

    c) BNP is anti left wing unions, Labour never used to be

    d) old Labour would've told the Queen to stick her cucumber sandwiches

    e) Parties such as Respect, Green, SWP etc offer plenty of alternatives without voting racist grunting mouth breather

    f) old labour never denied the holocaust

    g) to the best of my knowledge the founders of the old Labour party were never convicted of organising neo nazi activity

  6. But that ideal of looking after anyone is one that is left leaning.

    The Coinservatives, to be blunt and basic (and in some way wrong but lets run with it), tell you to help yourself. The BNP, and Labour (traditionally), say we'll help you. Thats something a traditional Conservative would not, and it's a fundamental aspect of why the BNP is closer to Labour's heartland than the Conservatives.

    If you can't accept that... you're just wrong.

    I can accept they use mechanisms of the Left, but once they start discriminating they are not socialists. Socialism is about unity not segregation.

    they are extremists. Whichever direction you set out in as an extremist, you just end up around the back with the nutters from the other side.

  7. I can't really get offended by the guy leaving.

    I'm a Villa fan, I'd pay to play for Villa.

    But as a Villa fan, if I was playing well for Fulham and getting a million and Everton offered me two million I'd be looking to move. It's not that he's not loyal. It's just a job for him. We will not be looking to replace him with Ian Taylor and as such we will most likely be replacing him with another player that will see us as the club between his last one and next one.

  8. I recently asked my mate's little girl what she wanted to be when she grows up... She said she wanted to be Prime Minister some day. Both of her parents, Lib Dems, were standing there, so I asked her, 'If you were Prime Minister what would be the first thing you would do? 'She replied, 'as nobody will ever vote for the Quisling liberal elite again after their complicity in closing down UK plc that is a purely academic construct and as I'm only 5 I'm not able to answer it in a cohesive and thought through manner. Luckily, being old money middle class types my parents will insulate me from their devastation. Have you seen my picture of a house. I'm going to give it to a tramp.'.

    apologies, I did have a much longer retort that calculated a need to clear up 9,985.75 gardens to get on the housing ladder, but even I was bored when I read it back.

  9. and see the way Coves dealt with Balls on news night ..another potential labour leader that has just harmed his cause

    No I didn't see it to be honest but please don't try and talk up the performance of Goves after the week he has just had, he made a total arse of himself with the errors in that list.

    I would imagine he is in for some very uncomfortable visits to some schools next week.

    I did see the Goves / Balls newsnight spat. By my recollection Goves half heartedly retracted what he accused balls of and changed his accusation from a list of specifics (which the civil servants corrected Goves on in writing) to a stumbling accusation of broad waffly intent.

    The dying days of Labour were very poor, with Balls being as poor as any of the others. Faced with this open goal Goves has **** up in the clamour to cut. He'd do well to just lie low for a good while.

  10. NOT falling out of love.

    The game has always had big rich clubs that dominate and can flash the cash to ultimately influence league position. Not a definitive example, just one I’m familiar with off the top of my head. 1953 Barry Town were doing ok, lower league, but pushing on. They had a teenager called Derek Tapscott. Tappy came to the attention of Arsenal who made an offer. The offer of £4000 in 1953 was far more than the Barry team could possibly resist. For Tappy it was a choice of playing for free and earning a crust working in a butchers, or playing for Arsenal, being taught a trade, having a subsidised house and being paid a guaranteed retainer during the closed season.

    Small teams couldn’t possibly compete with that kind of muscle, and so the big teams guaranteed their position by soaking up the best talent. Not quite seeing what has changed.

    World Cup? Quite good so far. The Dutch and the Germans are still in it and could meet each other in the final, that’d be worth watching. For the eleventh consecutive WC England failed to beat any ‘major’ team in order to progress. So did the team underperform or were expectations out of kilter with reality?

    Am I more or less likely than 20 years ago to get hit by a coin whilst watching footy? Less likely. Am I more or less likely to be stopped on the motorway en route and photographed by the police for displaying football colours on a match day? Less likely. Am I legally obliged to buy a £45 nylon top advertising a casino? No. Do I have to pay who knows what for biased Sky coverage? No.

    All in all I think people worry too much about football. If the whole football monster collapsed tomorrow someone nearby would get hold of a ball and four jumpers and start it up again. If I was good enough I’d play in my local team (they’d have to be pretty bad), if I wasn’t good enough I’d go and watch them to meet up with mates and shout at strangers.

  11. It's not incredibly original any more, it's true, the format is pretty predictable, but it's still one of the best shows on British TV, simply because it isn't clearings in the woods dancing, or clearings in the woods singing, or clearings in the woods buying a house, or selling a house, or doing up a house to sell it for more than they bought it for, or clearings in the woods cooking a meal for people in their newly bought house.

    By simply not being aimed at women, it's good for a few million viewers.


    so true - it's just a brainless harmless bit of entertainment not aimed at the same old antiques / houses / food format

    it ain't great, it's formulaic, but it is a little bit of fun

  12. not sure if this is one for bollitics or just general chat, but here goes:

    woke up on Thursday with a touch of the old red eye, still had it yesterday. Woke up this morning and it's still there and I've got blurry vision. Popped into Spec Savers in town about 10:30 this morning. They instantly took it more seriously than I had, gave me a quick examination and phoned the hospital to say I was on my way in! Pooping myself to listen to that conversation without a decent explanation to me first. Anyway, duty optho type person says get straight in. I get there at about 12 noon (its a 14 mile drive through mid saturday shopping traffic). I was booked in, seen within 20 minutes, in and out for various tests. I'm now home, can't see bugger all through the one eye, and I've been booked back in for Monday on instruction that if this gets worse phone the hospital direct and go straight there. Not completely obvious what is wrong, I'm clearly confusing them as apparently the scarring means I should be in serious pain but I'm not.

    Anyway, the big waffly point I'd like to make is that I'm not currently feeling the money poured into the nhs was quite as wasteful as others may think. I'm lucky enough for my last few experiences of the nhs to have been a good few years ago and that was a whole load of shocking third world experience I don't want repeated.

    The only way to judge this and put any political slant on it I suppose would be to do the same eye trick again in 5 years time and see what happens.

    Off for a little lay down in a dark room.

  13. ok a camera question from a novice (well not complete novice but ex OM10 user and digital moron).

    I've currently got a couple of Canon Ixus digitals of varying vintage. Easy to use, pocket sized etc., but really annoying that they are both slow to grab focus and take a shot. Trying, for instance to persuade them to take a picture of the kids on a leisure park ride is almost impossible. The thinking time means you miss the shot. I've fancied a new digital Olympus Pen for no real reason than it looked and felt like my old OM 10. I've read some reviews and apparently it's also 'slow' on action or low light shots.

    So, my question: on a budget from 0 to £300 what digi / digi slr camera can I get that takes a good happy amateur photo and is capable of photgraphing a moving thing without taking 90 minutes to run through face recognition software or some such. But is also capable of 'photography' above and beyong happy snapping when I happen to find a stunning piece of architecture that needs capturing.

    I'm not simply too lazy to google, I'd just prefer recommendation from this thread to pages of What camera stats.


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