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Everything posted by leemond2008

  1. Never watched Omen 3? Tend to stop watching movies after sequels only goes down hill from there alien 3 is an exception though good choice the omen 3 is shocking
  2. BEANS something about them just freak me out...and tomato sauce **** hate the stuff cant have it any where near my plate, hate both of them things if I am washing up and there is a plate in there that has had beans or red sauce on it then it really makes me feel all funny and orrible
  3. I thouroughly enjoyed fantastic mr fox I was pissed up when I first watched it and thought it was hillarious second time round it was still good just not as good
  4. im just watching i spit on your grave at the moment
  5. I have never seen the original (dunno why I am 25 years old so I problable should have seen it at some point of my long life) but apparently NO its not worth watching, thats if you go by other peoples reviews, me myself I havent been tempted in the least to watch it
  6. I did explan to him that it is a completely pointless exorsise and that the WORK PLACE WORK OUT would not benefit from it at all etc etc but apparently he is actually targeted on how many WORK PLACE WORK OUTS his staff go on and how many of the 'recomended' techiques are used during these WORK PLACE WORK OUTS or some **** bollocks like that by the way sorry about my spelling I have had had a few cans of K and a can of special brew (I dont know why but I have gone for strength over quality tonight)
  7. is that possible???? I have never heard of such things obviously some sort of black magic going on here, i say we burn him. (by the way I do not in any way shape or form endorse the downloading of illegal films)
  8. not being a project leader or any thing like that but... raising a few issues at work about how things could be improved and then your manager saying right then organise 2 work place work outs in 2 different offices and create a scoping tool find a way to incorporate the five why's and dont forget the include the spingoard technique...that is essential...but most of all remember you need to have a brainstorming session, they are imperritive to all work place work outs ok what the **** is a scoping tool what the **** is the ''springboard techique'' what the **** are the 5 whys why the **** do they expect you to get a load adults to stick a few post it notes on a wall and call it a brainstorm why me maybe I have answered my own question to the 5 whys I said to him ok then if you give me a few pointers and let me know pretty much how to get my way through this then no problem, he said 'nope you are on your own' bastards
  9. are we aloud to mention that we downloaded filmd on this forum (sorry to draw attention to your post if we cant) i always thought you had to do everything in code and what not on here....unless i am thinking of the old soccer am forum (before it went shite) if you can talk about it then could someone recomend me some decent subtitled films to download that I probably wont have heard of
  10. over inflated rubbish that loses all impact when watched on dvd as opposed to 3d at the cinema... even thoughI quite enjoyed it was about an hour too long though
  11. played my first season with the villa and finished 8th and got to the european final but got beat by dortmund considering the board wanted a respectable league position I dont think I have done that bad...however they say they are unsatisfied with my overall performance and would like to draw my attention to the style that the team exited the FA cup in (to man utd) what more do I haveto do for **** sake I havent even spent that much money or anything started up another game with mansfield (go on the stags) and have just got past my friendlies, I have loaned shed loads of players from the likes of chelsea bolton sunderland etc etc and now just have to wait to see how I get on in the season
  12. west to see unknown yesterday quite good i enjoyed it, not as good as taken and I still believe that liam neeson is the worst actor around he is awfull he got away with it in taken because lets be hones there wasnt a whole lot of acting in that, it was just him running around killing people, in this film though he has to try to act for the first 3/4 of the film and isnt great by any stretch of the imagination
  13. I aquired this yesterday now that I have a nice shiny new laptop. Managed to have a quick half hour on it this morning (I was suprised how quick it runs) played 2 very quick friendlies against the villa reserves and against some non league team won the first match 3-nill and the second 5-nill (I know everything always goes tits up after the friendlies) I should never have bought the game though all day I have been scouring the world (wide web) for the next Kaka, making imaginary phonecalls to players agents and launching scathing half time team talks at all of my co-workers obsession here we come going to start a new game up when I get home and properly sit down and sort everything out, any one got any good tips for young cheap signings?
  14. still going well on the no smoking front, I had a bit of a lapse on friday night but there was copius amounts of alcohol involved then so I dont mind so much other than that though I have been going since tuesday and have only slipped up twice, still on the patches and still struggling every now and again but i'm getting there slowly i think
  15. must admit I had a few last night at the gig (cracking gig by the way) and it didn't really bother me the hassle of pushing and shuving to get outside to have one was a pain in the arse any way I patched up again when I got back home and I think that them few fags mite actually have helped me out cuz after only 2 days of not smoking you can see what a ball ache it is oh yeah has any one else noticed that wearing the patches during the night makes you have proper erotic dreams? I know that it says mad dreams can be a side affect to them but fook me I was not expecting them types of dreams every night
  16. Nah last time I tried to quit I let everyone know and the worst thing imaginable is when you are struggling enough to get by without thinking about it only to have everyone you speak to ask ''are you still quitting?'' ''have you had a fag yet'' ''how are you feeling without smoking?'' if they dont know I am quitting they wont mention it
  17. I dont really get why so many people hate Itunes so much, its not amazing by any stretch of the imagination but I dont think its that bad either
  18. yeah thats why I say in the opening post 'not sure if that is down to the patches or the fact that I really do wanto quit' my plan to start off with is to keep £5 a day aside and then at the end of each week go out and buy myself a game or a few dvd's out of what I have saved so that I can see something for it then once I have managed to stick to it for a month or so I mite start thinking about using the money for driving lessons then when I can drive I mite try and take over the world in my monster truck (or something along them lines)
  19. got myself a ticket for mogwai tonight as well a few of us might go and see if we can get some tickets off the touts for the streets at the acadamy tomorrow as well
  20. I am sure there was another topic about this but I did a search and couldnt find anything. Any way I have finally decided to give quitting a real go after about 12 years of smoking (i'm 25 now been smoking since i was about 13/14) my last cigarette was on tuesday at about 7:50 and I have been on patches since then, at the moment I am not finding it that difficult though which is suprising (not sure if that is down to the patches or the fact that I really do wanto quit) I was ready to kill someone yesterday at about 3:00pm and struggled a bit when I got home from work at about 5:30pm but other than that its been alright, obviously I havent been to the pub yet which I know is going to be a killer but I have to face that demon tonight as i'm going to a gig. any hints or tips from anyone else? so far I have got- 1-a little plastic thing that is shaped a bit like a cigarette that I can play around with to give my hands something to do 2-I have only told 3 people (my smoking buddy at work my flatmate and one other mate and all are being pretty supportive at the moment) 3-trying to break routines, walking a different route to my bus stop when going to and from work and just generally trying not to take the same routes that I do when I usually light up 4-well yesterday I got in from work and to beat the craving I had 4 cans of lager which seemed to work, though I dont wanto quit an addiction to nicotine in exchange to one for alcohol by the way I was smoking on average between 15 and 20 a day and the reason for quitting is that it is simply far too expensive
  21. just reading this at the moment, not bad but taking a long long time to get going ive had it for ages then spotted that its being made into a film with anthony hopkins so thought I will have to read it before seeing it just finished reading this from the author of let the right one in/let me in another very good book from him but the ending was pretty shit, and I found that I had no interest at all in one or two of the character got this to read next its ment to be pretty decent even the bloke in waterstones was waxing lyrical about it when I went to buy
  22. watched inside last night french horror thingy it was alright nothing speccial they have just tried to shock with the ammount of gore, the scissors scene is good though if you want a horrible french film I would go for martyrs rather than this
  23. I went for the frozen beef madras, but I did stop off at the shop on my way home to get some bread and a tin of tuna as well... But I forgot to get the butter
  24. dunno what i am gunna do tonight...2 days before payday so options are very very limited either levi roots chicken (straight from the freezer) with chips a beef madras (straight from the freezer) or gammon egg and chips I think that is the whole contect of my fridge freezer and cupboards oh oh oh I just remembered I have got some marmite in...but no bread and no butter...and half a box of golden grahams...but no milk
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