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Everything posted by TOTTI-THE-GOD

  1. Can someone please explain to me the point of taking our only creative central midfielder off , putting Carew on and then having a central midfield of Petrov and Young seriously worst substitution ever . **** clueless Albrighton was crying out to be taken off as he was becoming more and more inafective as the second half wore on . Can someone also explain to me why the feck NRC was dropped ?
  2. Eh, Collins handled the ball in the first half, and the ref turned a blind eye. We lost the game fair and square, when we had it well in hand. Typical Villa collapse, and it's getting really **** hard to take. Errm you also failed to point out the pretty blatent penalty we should of had in the first half also .
  3. Ermm since when was NRC playing on the right wing ?
  4. Coker a 5 ? what the ...... unfortunatly certain players didnt seem to come out in the second half with the same fight and desire as they had in the first . Hardly saw Gabby and Albrighton in that second half , Gabby should of been taken off at about 70 min with Ireland coming on to add to the midfield . The Person that questioned why we seem to go all long ball in the second half was spot on , it was bloody annoying when we got the ball down and played Stoke couldnt get near us , thats how we scored our goal very annoying , how ever i do take positives out of the performance Downing seem to grow in confidence and actually took players on .
  5. I think the main thing with him being in the stands will be so he can assess the players better
  6. I believe the next Villa manager will be Ben Richards ........................ he's one mean mother f*cker .
  7. Thats probably worth stupid amounts of money now like all the original star wars figures
  8. Man with the golden gun , live and let die and view to a kill are all exellent films . To be totally honest every bond film i have ever watched i've enjoyed there just all my kind of films , i see them as a film you go and watch with your Dad if that makes sense .
  9. Roger Mooor closely followed by Connery , Brosnan , Lazenby and then Dalton , i havent watched any of the ones with Craig in so cant comment .
  10. Jesus crist that was feckin awful , what the **** was Davies doing with that clearance , we've just gone 2-1 up the whole idea is to see the game out and calm it down . Absolute **** discrace do you think Randy will give everyone free tickets for a Premierleague match after that shambolic display ? I **** doubt it . I didnt think i could feel any lower after the Newcastle match but they've proved me wrong .
  11. I am presuming its got the latest 2.2 on it ?
  12. Ok stupid question of the day for you , could you make calls on such a device ?
  13. A seven inch screen ? how the hell am i supposed to fit that in my pocket ?
  14. Some **** blow the final whistle for godsake
  15. Cueller at RB ?? ermmm have you been drinking ?
  16. No heart , no bottle , no leaders no **** all , Randy make sure you refund the poor **** fans for travelling 4 and half hours to watch that shower of shite .
  17. 4-0 Thanks for waisting my afternoon Villa
  18. Get feckin NRC on , we've got **** all in midfield
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