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Everything posted by Dodgyknees

  1. Xbox? Its the lob button with A, I think. I think I have that but not sure.
  2. UKIP for me because the other parties where I am are screwing up the area. Lib Dems for number 10. Cameron is a fraud and Brown is a liar.
  3. I don't have a problem with it, I would want the same if it were Villa.
  4. My thoughts entirely. Bigger teams - says it all really. Quite funny he has admitted we are the bigger team, how had is that to swallow for the infected!?
  5. You aren't the only one! I do wish you would stop swearing at games though ;-)
  6. You can see Collins in this :-D
  7. Saw that one, it was brilliant! Would love to see this as to be honest I was so worked up over the pen I didn't notice much else :-( Also the Ash Young gee up would be good!?
  8. Woulod love to run into him soon, would mash his uggly bald haed in Was this photo from today? Was he doing this to the Villa fans? Yes and yes. On another note, sky are pissing me off, not sure where to post it so will do so here. Richard 'Gorilla hands' Keys and Andy Gray; I have lost count of the amount they have said "Aston Villa win controversially" **** off!
  9. Sky really burning over the Pen incident, won't let it drop (unlike the decisions against us this season) My friend is a lower league ref (very low.. lol), he sent a text saying "Pen, definite pen cos if their player didnt bring abgonlaghor down your player wld still got to the ball"
  10. They were **** words removed throughout the game especially Larsson who kept making blatant fouls then bitched about every decision, servers them right we won with a big decision. Oh how it must hurt this, lived up to their name. SMALL Heath. Filthy, dirty scum.
  11. Need a gif of Young pumping up the fans lol
  12. EMOTIONAL WRINGER... again! About time we had a decision FOR us! head all over the place, I refused to take my eyes off for the last 5, just all over the place, why do this to us!!!??? MON Hellboy
  13. 0-0?!? This has a Blouse victory written all over it! Their ripping us to pieces at will, and when they dont, we just give them the ball back anyway. We will do well to escape this with a draw. I hate derbies! Unfortunately, I agree. Unless we can learn to pass the ball and work the ball in the 20 mins left.
  14. 13 shotst to them, 8 on target 7 from us, 4 on target
  15. He will work the area between midfield and attack
  16. If the ball is camped in our half, how would he do this?
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