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Everything posted by Dodgyknees

  1. For me, Carew needs to come into the game more.
  2. Is everybody else kicking every ball? I know my foot is flying up and down!
  3. Craig Gardner is a little shit, two faced clearing in the woods
  4. Not so easy when running with a ball tbh, he'd have to slow up and probably be caught.
  5. They are moving around like they have been for most of the season. They will switch again soon. Yeah, but he was there for 5/6 minutes!
  6. very sensible and hopefully very true. Am retyping everything cos I am so nervous :-(
  7. Came on to post the same, am rather nervous. UTV.
  8. I don't buy any papers anymore, I don't trust any of them. Any suggestions? I hate hate hate stories about celebrities and anything to do with popular culture. I love good sport stories, proper views on our country and the world. Any ideas!?
  9. I have it on my Phone but am yet to really start anything other than choosing my character.
  10. Chaos Rings, its expensive but its a really cool game - made by square enix so you can guess what it is like, you're dropped into a room with other couples and have to fight to the death - a little more complicated as a storyline runs alongside it. (Its not all based in a room, like an orgy) Graphics are very good.
  11. I didn't think we were doing too bad, till I logged onto here ;-)
  12. Totally agree. Another question, I was in a newsagents today, saw magazines for West Ham, Tottenham amongst others, its the sort of thing I would love to buy, a Villa one. What are the chances? I'm not talking about a match/shoot/young person type, more like an extended match programme, covering Villa inside and out.
  13. Thanks for the reply, really hoping Randy is here for a long time and the same goes for Martin.
  14. General, maybe this is not right to ask and I apologise but how is Randy feeling at the moment? Is he frustrated with the stupid press as some fans are?
  15. This. Agreed, anything else from me would be sarcastic against those superior managers registered on here.
  16. My post isn't about MON staying, its about getting behind the team and everybody else at the club :-\
  17. Been thinking hard for days, twice this season I have been hurt by Villa. Once in the final and another was this weekend gone. I know what I want to say and I just hope I can get my point across. The main thing being is how the London media seem to be desperate to spread pathetic rumours about O'Neill and Lerner, about how the club is falling apart and how the manager will leave, followed by player Z, there are no funds etc. Shame they didn't kick up that much of a fuss when the Spuds chairman said Redknapp would have to sell to buy, but hey. I honestly see it as a case to stir things up, the amount of negative bollocks in print about us is pathetic. Secondly, lets not forget we do not deserve anything in Football, you win what you earn and earn what you win (well, usually) its about hard work and effort - and that is why we have to trust in the management at villa, on all levels, from the bottom to the top, its a team game. I want to make a mention of the obvious Ferguson situation and how this season could mirror that, how we have the FA Cup in our sights, the same trophy he won when it looked like he would lose his job, I am not saying we will be a dynasty in the same way BUT maybe there is method in this seasons madness, the way we have fought in the cup and turned things around just makes me think we have our eyes on it. But I don't want this divide and conquer thing anymore, there are 2 months ahead and they will be long and hard but surely the best thing we can do from now on is show the media in force what we are about? and stop bickering, moaning and arguing between ourselves and maybe, just maybe we can spur the team on a little more and finally see some silverware. Rambled stuff over.
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