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Everything posted by Villarocker

  1. Who, if any, could we be looking at who would fly in from Madrid? Unai took Dani Ceballos on loan to Arsenal at the start of his second season with them. He's at Real Madrid. What about agent Emi Martinez having a word in Angel Correa's ear and convinced that Villa's a big club mate?
  2. The exits don't really bother me. Augustinsson = 3rd choice loanee - enough cover at LB. Bednarek = 4th choice loanee - enough cover at CB. Guilbert = about 5th choice RB - enough cover there and was loaned out for two seasons. Sanson = about 6th choice CM - enough cover there. Archer = loaned about because hardly got any game time so seemingly not thought of as good enough? Prove them wrong, Cammie! Ings = 2nd choice striker - most concerning exit but, at his age, with those wages and, for that fee, it absolutely made sense. Cover? Watkins and Bailey up front. If one gets injured we will maybe play 4-3-3? The lack of a third (first) striker in the squad is the main concern for me. Seems like they're waiting for a big target but, what if they don't want to come here? That's the worry. Just realised I forgot about Duran. Hopefully he can fill the void until summer?
  3. I think that Unai really does rate and want Guendouzi and he is our number one target. I reckon the stumbling block would be the fee as Marseille are doing so well right now they're surely not going to let him go cheap, especially given the fact it is us and we took Kamara for nothing. I think Marseille are probably playing hardball with us and want a sizeable amount for than we are probably wanting to pay. Don't Arsenal also get a percentage of the fee? I guess if he really wants Guendouzi, Unai us going to have to do some serious arm-twisting in the accounts department. With regards to other signings; I think we really do want a new number 9 but, I think we will wait until the summer and break our transfer record.
  4. I didn't look mate, to be honest. I mean, at that point we were just watching it land and wondering who it could be and why land there. None of us suspected it could be anything to do with Villa at the time. It is only tonight that I just thought asked myself if it could be anything to do with Villa. Seeing that the Doug Ellis sports centre is next door has just added to the bloody suspence for me now.
  5. Maybe they would want to avoid any potential journos hanging around there? I agree that it is probably nothing but, again, who would be so important to land there and why?
  6. Dude, that's blasphemy! Even birds aren't allowed to land on Mecca's Lawn!
  7. I just did a search on Google Maps and it turns out that the place next door is only called The Doug Ellis Sports Centre! Make of that what you will The distance between that sports centre (B42 2TP) and Villa Park is approximately 1.4 miles. It's literally around the corner. Sorry if this gets any kind of hopes up folks. Just letting you know what we saw today and thought it was odd.
  8. Could be nothing mate but, like we were saying at work, who would be important enough to travel in a helicopter and why land there? I'll try to post a map of its proximity to Villa Park.
  9. This might (will probably) be absolutely nothing but, this afternoon, a helicopter landed on the playing field at the back of the warehouse where I work. It is just across the way from Villa Park. All the staff around that area of the building were wondering who could be so important as to use a helicopter to land there. For balance, the only other time we have seen/known a helicopter to land there was when the Commonwealth Games were taking place last year and only on the one occasion. I've worked there for the last 20 years.
  10. I don't think pressing Emi is a good idea - he may explode!
  11. We will do business. If we don't we will be left an injury or two away from squeaky bum times. But, I trust that those in charge know what they're doing.
  12. I believe that person got a bacterial infection and now answers to the name of Puss Flaps
  13. He's gonna send the blues of Merseyside down lol
  14. I don't think Bailey's place in the side is under much threat. For me, if we replace any of the forwards in the starting line-up it must be Buendia as he contributes the least to the team. Bailey had a torrid first season for various reasons but now seems to be growing in confidence and will get better IMO. But, Buendia is having his third season of PL football and I am underwhelmed by his performances. I think it's his place in the team that's up for grabs.
  15. I just cannot see us leaving ourselves so short to go through the last half of the season. The board will look at that table and see that we're just a handful of points from their dream/goal of taking the club back to European football. Why have a target that is so close you leave yourselves vulnerable to not reaching it? I have convinced myself that they trust Unai to get the job done and will back him with whatever he wants this window. He clearly wants Guendouzi so I'm convinced we will get him in this month. I also have faith that they will bring a striker in.
  16. The twitter guy has stated he will delete his account if Guendouzi doesn't sign so that'll be interesting to follow should it not happen. Personally, I think it's going to happen and if it does I'll be one happy Villa fan because that trio in midfield will be awesome.
  17. We need to make sure he gets a good deal at Villa. Not in order to keep him but because he's earnt it. When was the last time we could actually say we had a player who is the absolute real deal and genuinely top class? Villa top brass need to ensure Emi stays here and gains legendary status.
  18. I don't believe that we have no money. I think they just want to free up wages by getting rid of deadwood first. Guilbert and Ings are off the payroll. If they can offload Augustinsson, Sanson, Nakamba and Chambers we absolutely will replace them. So, I think we will see another three in at least if those players leave. The three will probably be a striker, midfielder and centre back. Unless, Unai thinks Carlos is close and doesn't want to rush a CB now and waits for the summer instead.
  19. Great, balanced take on things. Let's hope this isn't a new manager bounce and the new norm for the club.
  20. What was the drone incident? For those that didn't see the game?
  21. I can't help but think that Unai looked at Ings' salary and jumped for joy when West Ham asked about him. I'm sure we can all imagine a better striker for £100,000 pw wages under Unai. Best manager we've had since Sir Ron. Great tactician.
  22. The crispest striker of a ball we have is not great in the head but, give him positive mental attitude and I'd back him to beat the keeper each time - Leon Bailey
  23. I wasn't impressed by him when he was at Bournemouth but, he seems to get on well with Emery so they might want to reunite - a second chance for both to prove themselves at the highest level in England?
  24. Or, maybe Emery will play Bailey through the middle?
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