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Everything posted by Stu_The_Villan

  1. How much did he charge ya? I aint bothered getting it off him this time around...MW2 set me back 50 quid and that was just the standard edition!! Im just not excited enought about this to warrant paying that sort of money. Im quite happy to wait until the weekend before i buy it
  2. Can't believe my missus...i've just been to have a piss in the kitchen sink and the dishes are still in there fronm last nights tea!! The dirty bitch!!
  3. Ohh i get ya. Never got to the stage where i encorporated it regularly into my game, although i have done it in the past. As you say though Rev, its probably a sign of a good player as when they go prone they have to adjust their aim to get the kill. Takes a fair bit of skill to do it effectively. Oh and on that subject, has anybody noticed on the black ops trailers how you can do a running dive onto the floor to go straight into prone?? Looks ace!
  4. Haha yeah i know em well. Were u in sullys brothers year?
  5. Most probably, although we usually played with the year above us. And yeah does ring a bell actually, cor put a face to it though
  6. Yes i know its not as easy as simply going out and buying a world class player, but i think under the last regime (MoN) we didnt even contemplate making those kinds of signings. You just never know. If you dont ask you dont get. Maybe, hopefully, under Houllier that will change.
  7. Always rated VDV, but then again, i think everybody who knows anything about football have always rated him too. Would have been an absolute dream signing but obviously he would have never ended up here. But this is the type of world class marqee signing we desperately need. It would give the team and club as a whole such a lift.
  8. We really are useless at hanging on to leads arent we. SORT IT OUT FFS!!!!!!!!!!
  9. NRC should be first name on team sheet for away games
  10. Unlucky, I have a perfect stream. Great stuff. Cheers
  11. Legalise it. Its one of the 'safest' drugs around. Safer than alcohol anyway. Free the weed.
  12. We really need a list of all gamertags in here on one post, would make it so much easier to add everybody. My gamertag is GetOneOnMeMon if i havent already put it in here. Currently playing Fifa 11, F1 2010, Halo Reach and MW2
  13. I love Neil. He's ace. Stu, your surname doesn't begin with a 'H' does it? >_> Nah mate begins with a T. Ive always wondered if i know any of the local lads on here actually. Ur username gives nothing away though!!
  14. More old hill than Cradley heath but yeah, thats the one. Top bloke.
  15. ...was gonna say, did you go to gun college or something?! Interesting read though. Rail guns ftw!!
  16. What a bloke. Had his delivery of FIFA 11's in late last tuesday night, rang round the interested parties and kept shop open till they got their fix. Legend.
  17. Old Hill. Saying no more because i dont want the bloke arrested! Always keeps interested parties informed of 'early' release dates :winkold:
  18. Ive read interviews with the devs who say Zombies are definitely in
  19. I think NRC is the better all round player tbh
  20. Than Petrov you mean?? The reason i ask i because ive NEVER seen this creative Stan Petrov play in Claret and Blue!! In green and white hoops he may have looked like Ronaldinho but i honestly cant recall him doing anything creative whilst hes been here. Not having a dig at Petrov, but creative player he is not.
  21. To be fair we could have been 5 nil up at half time. We need a striker who can score BADLY. I look at other teams and i think 'why didnt we sign him?' Sunderland springs to mind. Fantastic strike force they have now with Bent and Gyan. Puts ours to shame really. We have no imagtination or cohesion up front and i only get the feeling we are going to score from set pieces. GH seriously needs to adress this situation
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