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Everything posted by Stu_The_Villan

  1. Thats what we're crying out for at the minute. Gotta be worth giving him a start against Sheff U in the cup.
  2. Exactly. Its so counter productive and its what will eventually send us down. I swear, half the goons that go to Villa park must be Bluenoses. This needs to change big time. And no, sacking the manager IS NOT the answer
  3. Anybody but Fat Sam!! Yous lot must be smoking crack!!
  4. And two wins could potentially take us top half of the table!! Just a question...if we sack Houllier and his replacement loses three games on the trot, what do we do then?? Sack him??
  5. Well the vast majority don't want to back him. The joys of being a mod eh Trent?
  6. Im sorry but the players are just as much to blame as the manager. How can they not be? Theyre the ones who should be doing it on the pitch Disagree. Houllier IS to blame. You do not, repeat, do not grill your players to the press! These players worked SO SO SO SO hard for MON... why? Man Management! Motivation and to be honest someone who wanted the best for this club. Houllier will leave when we go down and forget about what happen between Sep 2010 and May 2011 and live his happy life They all worked hard tonight,yet they just aint good enough..Its like trying to get blood from a stone. I totally agree. Our football has been garbage for a while now. We have an ageing squad FULL of technically inept players - bar Ashley Young and Barry and Milner while they were here. The rest of them are so average its untrue. MoNs timing was impeccable when he walked...he knew last season would be the best it could possibly with this lot, and got out with his record intact. People can blame Randy for not backing MoN...but the amount of money he totally wasted on complete and utter shite footballers (we ALL know who we are talking about here) was unacceptable. Im not surprised Randy didnt give him more money.
  7. Im sorry but the players are just as much to blame as the manager. How can they not be? Theyre the ones who should be doing it on the pitch
  8. Ive only just come onto this site because i knew the place would be in meltdown after tonight. I couldnt watch the game so am waiting to see highlights before commenting on that. But this is a top post that is balanced and pretty much sums up how i feel at the moment. We need to act fast whether Houllier stays or goes though. The clock is ticking.
  9. I cant imagine the likes of Bentley, Keane and Kranjcar being on 20k a week. I think somebody needs a new calculator.
  10. Slightly off topic but i just cannot believe that. Have you seen the size of their squad?? Yeah, we have a few players on silly wages but surely to god they have more?!?! Not having a dig at you mate but where has this 'fact' come from just out of interest??
  11. Yeah, somthing MoN seemed almost determined to get wrong. At least willing to give the youth a proper chance - not 5-10 minutes here and there. Also the MoN 'favourites' club has disappeared - maybe why certain players are unhappy?? Everybody is on a level playing field now and thats good!!
  12. Have a day off will ya Fran?? :winkold: So pleased with the result today, and to be slightly disappointed we didnt get the win just shows how good we were. Houllier spoke alot of good things about the spirit in the camp and said that after the man city game there was a realisation by everybody at the club that it just wasnt good enough, and everybody needs to be united. Loved the celebrations aswell. Its been a long time coming and it was plain to see. Lerner went absolutely tits, as did Gary Mac, and you could tell how much it meant to Houllier. And i dont envy whoever it was underneath that lot when everybody piled on!! (probably Clark) This could well be the turning point of our season. Lets get some new faces in and see if we can get some momentum going. UTV.
  13. Whilst most of that e-mail is probably total bullshit, i can believe some of it. Players rolling in late for training...i can believe that. It would tally up with their attitudes on the pitch. Whatever the truth is, theres something seriously wrong at our club. We need answers QUICKLY!! The longer the board try and sweep things under the carpet, the bigger the problem will get. WHATS GOING ON RANDY?!?!?!?
  14. Irelands GONE mate. His heart was never in it in the first place. Get rid NOW whilst weve still got some re-sale value
  15. Mate..im totally with you. I read an aricle by Oliver Holt in the Mirror the other day which highlighted exactly the sort of problems (within the squad) that Houllier is facing right now. I dont know if youre aware bur Carew went back home to Norway before the boxing day fixture. Fair enough. Then he said he wouldnt be back in time for the game after that due to 'being snowed in'. Fair enough...Norway gets alot of snow and his relatives might have been in a remote part where access to airports or whatnot was akward. I CAN ACCEPT THAT WHAT I CAN'T ACCEPT....... Is John Carew EVENTUALLY showing his ugly mug a day after this game and DECLARING HIMSELF INJURED!!! I think that sums up in a nutshell what Houllier is dealing with here. A complete lack of professionalism from a bunch of clearings in the woods who were underperforming anyway. Using Houllier as an excuse for doing so IS JUST SO COWARDLY ITS UNTRUE!!! VTID!!!
  16. If we dont get behind Houllier now (and the players - i put them in bracets because respect for the manager should come first) then we are well and truly ****. Fizzy pop league football next season for sure. Next Leeds United? Maybe. To all the people blaming this whole **** sorry mess on Houllier...get you head out of the **** sand. This has been brewing for quite some time. MoN got out unscathed just at the right moment. Houllier DOES NOT deserve the treatment hes getting at the minute - from certain sections of the fans and DEFINITELY from certain section of our playing staff. The people calling for Houlliers head now need to think long and hard about the implications that would bring. Getting rid now would do absolutely NO GOOD!! We need to get behind him, get behind the signings he makes. get behind the players who actually GIVE A **** about this great club, get behind the team, get behind the board...GET BEHIND EVERYBODY AND GET THROUGH THIS!!!
  17. That is a top post PhilGibson. Pretty much nail on the head.
  18. Thats the thing, nobody knows what they want. Just looking for places to point the finger and the obvious one is Houllier. I wonder if we should ask the players who they would 'like' to be in charge and who they would 'like' to take our training session. Or maybe these playes should just roll their sleeves up and get stuck in. If not for Houllier, then for us....THE FANS!!!!!!!
  19. Well, yeah. It would be nice. But getting behind the manager is a part of that. 20k fans singing Houllier out at a game isnt going to do a bit of good. It will just give the players more excuse to think '**** it'
  20. Our manager is taking a bashing from all sides at the minute. Alot of the senior players obviously dont like him, and performances on the pitch have not endeared him to us fans. But is that his fault?? I think it isnt. The players (or a majority of them) are refusing to play for him, which in turn is making alot of the fans turn on him. Does he deserve this?? In a word...NO!! He came here with the best intentions to do well for this club. He doesnt deserve his otherwise impressive recored in management to be ruined because of a group of divas who care more about their 50k per week wage packet than the club. If the players arent gonna do it for the manager they should at least do it for us fans. After all, it is us paying their wages. We need to get behind our manager at this crucial time. Let him bring his own players in and get rid of the players who will inevitably take this club down. UTV
  21. I was thinking the same thing. If someone had told me at any point over the last 3 years that over half way through this season we would be about 8 places behind Blackpool I would have called them crazy. Brilliant thing about football, though not for us at the moment. I have to say Delfouneso impressed me against spurs and is looking handy again today, worth a start once we have the Chelski game out the way. On paper our team is ten times better than theirs. The difference is that they have a manager who cares. And to think i got laughed at when i mentioned Holloway for the job when MoN left
  22. I think thats called waking up and smelling the coffee. Hes sucking the life out of this club. We're a **** disgrace. Get rid. NOW!!!
  23. The AK47u is pretty much useless without a grip. Even more so if you use rapid fire without a grip. You will be shooting everything apart from the person you're actually aiming at!
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