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Everything posted by Nigel

  1. Actually it was a really great performance until the last few minutes. Especially the 1st half, as i remember it they hardly touched the ball!
  2. Great result....and not too shabby of a performance either! Now over to tomorrows games......
  3. Nice bit of time wasting by MON putting Sidwell on.
  4. Dirty challenge on Milner there, he deserved to go for that alone!
  5. What a shot from Jimmy, he is loving this central role where he can ping them in!
  6. Wheres this amazing atmosphere that Sunderland like to think they produce! Its like a reserve fixtures noise levels! Edit...Heskey!!!!!!!
  7. What the hell was Heskey trying there, just hit it!
  8. I agree, Carew can be the difference between the teams if he shows up!
  9. Yeap, one of the all time classics. I thought vol. 1 was far superior. Whats it about?
  10. They were further behind us last year (much later into the season too) and still overtook us! Still a massive threat to where we want to end up. Im still watching out for their results in the same way im looking out for Spurs, City, and Pools.
  11. The fact that Downing got on the pitch overshaddows this game for me, not to mention his performance once he got on. This bodes well for us once his fitness returns!
  12. Get in there....come on 1 more and Downing becomes a messiar!
  13. Milner just missed exactly the same chance that he did for England!
  14. This has got draw written all over it IMO! That bloody international break came at the wrong time, it would have been nice going into this with a fresh bit of goalscoring form!
  15. Im with this! Surely he has to give it a go soon!
  16. The wifes in hospital, with woman problems... ...busted nose! (Courtesy of a monster of a taxi driver in Scotland, at least i think it was a joke)
  17. "Full steam ahead, **** the icebergs" (Capt of Titanic) "What the **** was that?" Mayor of Hiroshima " Where did all these **** Indians come from?" General Custer
  18. Has that been announced or is it just a prediction? Some things dont need to be announced IMO. He's the club captain and managers favorite, Id be shocked if he was fit yet did not start!
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