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Everything posted by Nigel

  1. What do you think Ashley will do now WMNG?
  2. Too true! 3 days after the semi wont give us much time for preparation or recovery. (Im not even raising my fears about what the wembly pitch and what it may do to a few of the team.)
  3. Fantastic result, just what we needed after a week of media mauling! Ash MOTM simply for that goal! Hope everythings ok with big John, if so its been a pretty good day!
  4. nice one Emile, stay down mate, eat up those minutes!
  5. I hope this is nothing too serious with big John!
  6. Downing should have shot there. A lack of confidence?
  7. on the contrary, Villas topdogs were courting Chartered Standard to sponsor them, as they are desperate for a sponsor - theyll drop Acorns like a stone........ How do you know this?
  8. No chance in hell he would go there. No chance. He hates that club as much as we do. He still has work to do here and he knows it. A lot of clubs, both Foreign and British, have sounded him out before (even last summer) and he's turned them down. There's only really one job I am truly concerned about him moving on to, and we all know what that is. I didn't say I thought he would go there (He would be bananas to head there ATM!), rather that I think they may be looking for someone like him in the not too distant future. The fact that he would not have to move his roots may also seem like a bonus to them if they are weighing up whether he would accept. However, as far as your thoughts that he hates them as much as you.....I dont know his personal thoughts but from an outsiders point of view that seems a tad political. Im sure clubs have glanced at him in the past and he may well have turned down approaches but things change, especially if he sees he has taken the club as far as he can with the unlikely injection of significant funds. This brings me to his likely destination.....
  9. He'd be mad to go to Celtic! A great manager and seems to be quite savvy so he will know that it wont be long till a mega club comes in for him, perhaps even this close season. I think Liverpool could be the first to sound him out (cat amongst the pigeons time!) although I think this may force a few others hands.
  10. Only problem is that Everton are now snapping at our heals!
  11. I think that was what the Man city fans were referring to momentary lapses in concentration!
  12. You have to love Friedels no nonsense goalkeeping!
  13. Good job we scored when we did else this would be really uncomfortable now! Carew 8 in 7...now thats a strike rate!
  14. I have only just logged on, what happened to Heskey?
  15. A really well taken goal there. Delf looks good out there which is fantastic news.
  16. Great news for us that he wont be available for a few weeks. Although he hasn't pulled up any trees in the recent weeks he was always a threat. Basically its great that their options have been reduced.
  17. It’s funny how they compared Craddock to our 2nd (arguably 3rd) choice centreback!
  18. I thought Young was going to win it for us in injury time, but truth be told we would not have deserved it! Im not sure about this result, on one hand Stoke is becoming one of the leagues hardest places to visit, but for where we want to get to we simply need to be looking at winning thiese kinds of fixtures! I suppose this results significance depends greatly on how we do on Wednesday!
  19. Im not sure about that result. Stoke are hard to beat at home but they are very limited and we have to be looking for more than a draw for where we are going!
  20. What the feck, is this ref trying to set a new record for giving one team yellow cards!
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