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Everything posted by Nigel

  1. Is Gabby playing? I thought he was laid out with a virus.
  2. Nigel

    Do you read?

    Surely that is one for the photography thread!
  3. Man says to his wife, "Our sex life is getting boring, do you fancy playing a game of rape?" She says "No" He replies "Thats the spirit!"
  4. I wish this game were played today, I just want to forget last weekends result that bit quicker!
  5. Carew is anything but a great penalty taker. He just smashes them and hopes for the best. Who cares though when he scores one!
  6. "Sidwell is more the player to sit and help out the defence" nice to see they have done there research!
  7. Dunne should have scored then! Please not extra time!
  8. In an ideal world we would rest the entire first 11 and still progress as they are (should be) better man for man than Palace. However this is cup football against an organised team that is used to battling, we will lose if we put out some of the selections on this thread. If we want to win this game we can’t play an entire team that have hardly played together and are not match fit. Its a case of prioritising who needs the rest most then changing 4 or 5 max from the starting line up. Top of the list is Petrov, he looks knackered at the best of times and we will need him for maybe 120 minutes on Sunday. I think its pretty nailed on that Delph will play the entire 90 tomorrow even if Stylian has recovered from his knock. Since Gabby will probably be taken out due to precaution, 3rd would be Milner. He has played virtually every game this season and I think he would benefit from the week off considering the amount of energy he will exert at the weekend. Sidders should replace him as the nearest we have to a like for like replacement (Salifoo.... get real!). Finally Warnock needs to be put in cotton wool to see him to Sunday so Young plays here. I think Guzan should be given a practice game or an audition (depending how you look at it) for Sunday. The rest of the team has to be left if we are to progress against a team that has nothing else to play for and gave us a massive shock last time round. Big John should be given match time over Emile, but this is a toss up usually so no surprises here. My team... Guzan, Cuellar, Dunne, Collins, Young, Downing, Delph, Sidders, Ash, Delfounso, Carew.
  9. I agree about Collins/Cuellar but for me Downing plays. He needs another good game (and perhaps a goal) to help propel him to a bit of form, and who better to get it against?
  10. SSN reporter at VP says its unlikely to be called off!
  11. Good Ol Rio, he keeps contesting the Ban he got against Hull and the ban keeps increasing. It has already been increased to 4 games from 5 and he may contest it again, risking an extra games ban that would rule him out the final. Go on Ferdi....fight your corner son! here!
  12. Is that the new weight watchers burger? I cant believe the size of the buns they used, I was half expecting a whole bloomer cut down the middle!
  13. Bloody hell Paulanddonya, you ok mate? At this rate you are actually gonna like him. TBH I thought that Campbell was begining to nullify Heskey and I thought the introduction of more pace and directness to the midfield was a good move, considering said defenders recent lack of attributes (he was even skinned by Dunne...Richard Dunne!). Got to agree with the rest of your summary though esp about Collins performance although I thought both Youngs ran him close.
  14. That should have come to an end last season!
  15. Job done, bring on Arsenal! Hope the draw is good to us tomorrow!
  16. If Downing scores it will be the perfect result!
  17. Unlucky Fonz, inside post! Ash is off, good substitution Martin!
  18. C'mon Martin, this is a good occasion for the introduction of Lowry or Clark for one of the 1st teamers!
  19. They should have equalised there! Cmon Villa lets put this out of sight!
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