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Everything posted by AndyClarke

  1. Our youngsters are all shit so don't even waste your time looking, just release them. I like David Alaba at Bayern, to play centre mid though, not left back. No idea what he is going to be like in FM2011.
  2. Any demo will be made available a couple of weeks before release date (as every year). Any players that people are looking forward to having a look at? I tend to have a handful that I've seen over the course of the year who have impressed me and I'll be looking at when I get the opportunity.
  3. Dawson is horrible and has been shown up at International level, don't know how an International centre half can be compared with an up and coming centre mid though, so no point in continuing the debate. Glaston never ceases to amaze me though, seriously, why are you still here? You are a laughing stock across various forums on the internet yet you still pop your head up when you think things are going well at your tin pot club only to disappear when the mighty spurs (hahaha) are having a bad trot.
  4. Staunton was there on Sunday, I saw him walking towards the North Stand with Ian Taylor. I imagine if KMac is going to be involved he will be part of the team. Must say if this comes true I'll be very disappointed. In fact that is an understatement. When MON walked I was a little shocked and disappointed mainly because we were once again in turmoil and the dream we all had a few years back looked like it was dying before our very eyes with just a week before the season. I also assumed at the time that it may be Ashley Young related. As a day or two passed, I was quite excited by a new manager coming in, a change in style, a change in the type of players we may sign, a fresh start. I will of course give whoever gets the job my support and I hope they ram my words down my throat in the next few years but that doesn't change the fact that this is pretty far from what I was hoping for.
  5. Not happy with seeing some weird managerial structure at the club, a surefire way of creating disharmony and disjointed football. If we want Houllier, bring him in and let him choose the team around him, not force upon him a coach/assistant or whatever the role may be.
  6. Does he perform better than nearly every Villa player in game? Or does he just look better when you have a quick overview of his attributes?
  7. Fantastic, he is far better than Paul Messi of Farsley Celtic so I'm off the hook!
  8. The bank balance exceeds the transfer pot if that is what you mean?
  9. No worries, I spend far too much time on this site anyway so keep one eye on this thread!
  10. I'm very happy with Albrighton, forget his CA and look at his attributes when you see the data and I'm sure people who are realistic will struggle to find much wrong when they consider him on a Worldwide scale. He will be the one who earns me a slating from armchair fans and other club fans in particular because they'll have seen the highlight reels and the hype and expect a World beater!!!
  11. You should receive a healthy transfer budget.
  12. Someone put some money down on Moyes for whatever reason ('the handshake', ITK, overheard the lady who sells programmes, they were drunk) the odds were shortened, somebody sees that, posts some ITK on the internet, more people bet, the odds shorten again. More people see the odds shorten, are sure there is something in the rumour they read, more people bet, the odds shorten further still. Around and around we go.
  13. Mainly because Gabby and Heskey were on the bench now that we are playing Young inside. No disgrace for a 19 year old to be below two International strikers.
  14. He had nothing whatsoever to work with first half, the midfield sat so deep even when he had a chance to get hold of it, not even Ashley Young was within 25 yards of him. People seem quick to trot out lines about Carew being lazy and not putting himself about etc etc when he gets absolutely no service. He seems to be expected to take down the ball from neck height or head it on perfectly into the path of the invisible man. All of this whilst having to wrestle the nearest centre half who is seemingly allowed to wrestle him purely on the basis that he is huge. Carew does himself no favours at times with his languid style but it is a cliche and an easy option to throw the blame at him for the rest of the teams failings which were very apparent today. Petrov delivered a very poor performance in the middle of the park, one of the worst I have seen in a long time. Reo Coker looks like a small child chasing a ball as it bobbles around of various parts of his lower legs, but he's never quite in control. Whilst his tireless work and destructive ability is at times invaluable it doesn't excuse his play going the other way. As for Stewart Downing, I asked a mate who knows his football (but not a Villa fan) if by the 90th minute he could explain to me the point of Downing's existence...................Unsuprisingly he drew a blank, how can you have a player that offers nothing at all, does everything he possibly can to stay out of anything remotely physical, can't cross, can't pass and really doesn't want the ball. We won, we defended like Lions, doubts about Friedel have gone and Luke Young showed us what an asset he is that we nearly lost. That papers over the cracks, we were rag arse at times, got picked off far too easily time and time again and somehow took the 3 points. Everton looked far more accomplished playing with a similar formation, the movement and passing was far superior to our own.
  15. I love the fact the people who've never done so much as play football above park level think they know more tactically than somebody who has played professionally, has his coaching badges and has years of managerial experience at various professional levels.
  16. Lets just say, I think his aggression, bravery and tackling fit him perfectly!
  17. Today goes to prove the point as to why judgements need to be made over a period rather than on individual games.
  18. He is the only player on the park with any quality whatsoever.
  19. I reckon that I and the other researchers (in their own threads) will have to answer the same question at least 3 or 4 times each on the official boards come release day!!
  20. Bunch of **** words removed. Really enjoyed their fans last year, they were fantastic, had some great songs and were about the only thing to reflect on the night with a smile. However, this is a disgrace, the club has issued and apology........so what? Talk is cheap, until some severe action is taken against the perpetrators either by the club or hopefully sanctions by Uefa then I've no real interest in a grovelling apology issued in the hope that it will save their skin.
  21. Didn't mean that to sound dodgy! It is realistic in some respects, just allows you to distinguish between the youth and seniors.
  22. Youth coaches only coach the youth players at the club. Normal coaches can do both.
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