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Posts posted by Thug

  1. 12 minutes ago, Dave-R said:

    Is it safe to say if we had a full defence of Ming clones that we would never lose a match 😆

    But what if the cane up against a full attack of Jack clones?

  2. 1 hour ago, villalad21 said:

    Until McGinn and Green came on we created next to nothing, i remember El Ghazi's chance but nothing else really comes to mind.

    Bringing on McGinn and Green changed the game for us, McGinn is  a class player and Birmingham couldn't cope with him.

    El ghazi through on goal

    tammy over the bar from a few yards out 

    grealish smash against the defender which could easily have gone in rather than wide..

    on another day could have been 3 up without getting out of 2nd gear.

    for all their huffing and puffing, they had one speculative Adams strike from 35 yards which Steer had covered... and they couldn’t blow Tyrone Mings down.

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  3. Don't agree with bringing McGinn on late as fresh legs.

    The man is still fresh after 90 minutes.

    It's not like he's gassing after 20 minutes that he'd better asd as impact sub.


  4. 41 minutes ago, AVTuco said:

    Hmmm... I'm not so sure this game makes Smith look too good. What do we need him for? It's all down to Jack.



    Give me the right few players and I will destroy the opposition?




  5. 14 hours ago, mikeyp102 said:

    Well it’s not like anyone else they have signed have stepped up and scored loads

    Yet they keep signing more rather than play him...

    I think they don’t think he’s ready for them, and I agree.


  6. 18 hours ago, Dave-R said:

    He does waste alot, needs alot his way too and he will find the net, he's like a vulture that feeds off the scraps of chances, those chances were not there at West Brom.

    A poor midfield is letting Tammy down and it needs to be resolved, unfortunately there are only two to three players I think can do that, which is Mcginn,  Grealish and Ramsey.

    He had 2 sitters.


  7. Our wingers will continue to be useless until we can get someone on the pitch that can provide them with a decent ball to run on to.

    A gung-ho approach will not work until we can get someone on the pitch that can hold the ball for a bit to allow the ‘gungs to ho’

    if the above two steps can not be implemented, then the opposition will repeatedly turn the ball over to come back at us, and we will be forced to defend.

    if we’re defending more than attacking, then we will be better off using the right personnel to implement that tactic.

    this grealish injury has been worse for smith than the Koeman incident was for Taylor.

    • Like 1
  8. 11 minutes ago, DaveAV1 said:

    I like you can’t imagine why anyone would tell somebody that they have no future at this stage of the season. However it’s pretty obvious, without spelling it out, that for a number of players that is the case. Getting a tune out of these players is indeed a challenge, some more than others. You’ve already identified those that are proving to be the biggest challenge and have been since before Dean Smith arrived. 

    You’d think that would spur them on to play harder for a future elsewhere.

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