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Everything posted by TrentVilla

  1. TrentVilla


    Don't recall ever hearing him interviewed but then I'm not interested in what 'artists' have to say in any case. I hate the way people like Bono think have musical talent makes their opinions on other matters of interest. I like Moby's music I'm not arsed about what he is like as a person.
  2. AG - Honest question given your injury crisis this season. I know players like Cahill and Arteta are irreplaceable especially for clubs out side the top 4 who just don't have that strength in depth but do you think Everton should have more cover? I can't help but feel that your squad is a little light on numbers in certain positions (as is ours granted) and after 7 years in charge surely Moyes should have done more to combat this? I'm a huge fan of Moyes and the job he has done but it just strikes me that after so long in charge, limited budget or not he should have done more to combat this by now.
  3. I also hear there has been progress on that front. Interesting.
  4. Sent down in a lazer beam, guarenteed to blow your mind. Apparantly
  5. They ain't going to win it. So I want them to go through and pick up lots of injuries in the process.
  6. Love it but its defo got more expensive and the portions smaller.
  7. To be fair Julie you have been dismissive of some of the points against religion, Its what happens when people discuss a subject like this from an entrenched view point. You are every bit as entrenched in your views as those who take the opposite view point on the science v religion debate.
  8. The way I always see it is that Faith is something you have in the absence of proof. Kind of says it all for me.
  9. Humans - Crafted from DNA so perfect that it gave us a tailbone. Maybe Adam and Eve were actually cats? Jesus that made me laugh :winkold: I've watched red dwarf, I know it's possible. That even showed you can create a breeding population from just one pregnant cat! Doesn't that make the universe a dirty washing basket and the earth a dirty sock? :winkold:
  10. Couple of things I'd like to pick you up on here. 1) Quoting others work - Isn't going to get him anywhere? Well other than showing potential evidence of evolution. 2) I'd also like to point out that those providing links to the Bible as evidence of the existance of God are also linking to "massive passages of someone elses work" which is also a matter of opinion rather than fact.
  11. Humans - Crafted from DNA so perfect that it gave us a tailbone. Maybe Adam and Eve were actually cats? Jesus that made me laugh :winkold:
  12. I'm still trying to get my head around how John Carew is one of the options yet there is no Luke Young!?!?!?!?! Madness
  13. How on earth is Carew in there as an option? How on earth is Luke Young not an option?
  14. I find this so frustrating. The bible basically is so vague and so contradictionary that basically those who believe in it can basically always find some section to support any arguement. While its so vague its easy to just "ah but if doesn't mean this, it could mean this...."
  15. I'm not poking fun Julie, I'm honestly interested in your response on the above post.
  16. And how does it explain racial diversity? Easy, they evolved. Oh shit. :winkold:
  17. Julie I have a question if I may in relation to several topics raised in this debate, namely creationism, Adam & Eve, Science and the burden of proof. My understanding is that the bible claims that God made mankind first and foremost before all other beings but this can actually be scientifically proven to be untrue. There is an abundance of fossil evidence that proves the existance of dinosaurs millions of years before mankind walked the earth. Yet the bible and every other religious text make not one single reference to their existance, not one, not even a hint. This in my opinion is evidence that the bible is the work of man rather than God as their is no knowledge of dinosaurs existance and thus the teachings circumspect since the most basic fact, the time line itself is proven false. In addition the existance of dinosaurs also proves the theory of evolution as there is clear fossil evidence of their evolution over the course of millions of years. I'm yet to hear any sort of religious explaination for the existance of dinosaurs and their evolution. Also while on the subject of timescales you make claims earlier in this thread about the bibles accuracy in relation to the stars yet in Genesis it clearly gets the order wrong.
  18. Nope. I think you have evolution confused with X-men.
  19. Excuse me quoting myself but Julie think you might have missed this post and I'm interested in knowing your thoughts on this.
  20. Its not even that. Man wrote the bible sure but not based on any interaction with God. The bible over the centuries has been changed, edited and even sensored in accordance with the beliefs and the desires of those who run the Christian Church. Entire sections of the bible have been removed not only is the bible open to interpritation it is in its very essence an interpritation much of which was written by people who weren't even alive at the time of Jesus.
  21. I'm a non believer yet fasinated in the subject largelly in a historical context. One question I always have for believers is if you believe Jesus was the son of God and that he will return why did he choose that point in human history and why did he choose that place to appear? If at that time God sent his son because he thought that mankind needed saving has he not returned or sent another messenger in 2000 years despite man kinds deprevity sinking to far greater lows in the last 2000 years. Why not send an envoy when the world twice tore itself apart killing millions in the process? why not step in when we started dropping atomic bombs? I just don't understand the logic in the belief he felt the need to send his only son 2000years ago to save man kind but has more or less been happy with the last 2000 years of human history. While I respect others views and beliefs I'm affraid this "Did the Creator have the right to exercise universal sovereignty over his Creation or could they rule themselves without his guidance?" arguement doesn't cut it with me as its contradicory in its nature. If you believe in God and in Jesus as the son of God then that was direct intervention and a statement that as creator he did have the right of universal control, that he hasn't chosen to excerise that right in 2000 years since you can't claim its because he doesn't have the right of intervention.
  22. But God didn't create Robots...where does free will come into it? eg. A child may grow up to be a violent criminal, despite the best efforts of his parents The Bible says God created the first human's perfect ... but they had a choice to obey him or not...they chose to listen to a spirit creature, who questioned God's right to rule mankind....he then made himself a liar or a "Satan" by coveting God's rulership over mankind. God could have destroyed all of them, then and there...but he chose not to..because the question of whether the Creator had the right to give his Creation guidelines would have remained unanswered. Instead the Bible says God chose to let mankind get on with ruling themselves. So for allowing mankind the freedom to rule himself for such a long period of time. and the world is now in such a mess....some are arguing ..there is NO God....and if there is....Why does he allow bad things to happen? Can't win! Ok so who created the spirt creature that tempted the first perfect humans?
  23. There is as much absolute proof of the existance of Spiderman as there is God. So without proof it leaves only belief and I haven't got any.
  24. ssshhh oh you have gone an spoiled it now
  25. There isn't a court in the land that would convict him
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