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Everything posted by Tubby

  1. Would personally change the Ashley Young tune to the following
  2. Which version are you quoting? This one: Also, just trawled through the original post, would be good to get this one going for Stan: And maybe this one for Randy:
  3. The seat next to me is free General..... On a serious note, I was a little disappointed to see a lot of the seats in the new Trinity corporate section quite empty. Is there a lack of interest here and do you expect many sell outs in this section this season? Surely if this area is below capacity will mean that we won't ever 'sell out' or do you only count general ticket sales for this? Great win of course and congratulations to the whole team and MON. I hope Randy enjoyed himself at VP as much as you probably did with your family. Thanks Jon
  4. General, Keeping the faith makes it all so much better and look at the doubters crawling back now. Keep it going General Sir, you just wait for the reception the team will get on Sunday - Martin O'Neills Claret and Blue army will be bringing the roof down Jon
  5. Undecided! The more this drags on the more I can see him staying here, but with that inevitability comes the need for him to prove that he will play with the desire required by the manager, the fans and his colleagues. If he stays I can see us being extremely competitive what with the current forward and right wing rumours!
  6. I voted Santa Cruz as he would likely be better value for money. A very tough choice though. The Ashton prices being quoted are silly and he needs to prove his fitness and goal scroing prowess to demand those sort of fees in my opinion. A potential star no doubt. Santa Cruz has already proven he can score and would look great in our system.
  7. General, I have been trying to get into the Seat Exchange website, I get diverted back to the Villa site when attempting to log in, proceed to enter my account details and it returns an error. I then retry Seat Exchange and I get a runtime error immediately. Are there any issues with SE or the Villa website, was hoping to check out the process of selling my ST but obviouisly I can't. Cheers Jon Edit: Just to be clear I mean to exchange my ST for one match not to sell it completely!
  8. I voted 08/09 but would still consider Bouma our LB however good I think Shorey is and will be for us. Wouldn't want to undermine Mellberg as our RB last season, he did the job required, but as we "have" a RB now I think we are in a better position this season already.
  9. Perhaps a donation to ACORNS General? Let's hope that you didn't receive too much flack from the club, would not want your position on the forums to be jeopardised.
  10. General, I for one am with you all the way. Maybe we jumped the gun with a top 6 finish last year and that is why such a level of anxiety has occured this time round, but you are the professionals and we must trust you. If it doesn't happen over this next month many a fan will come down on you as a representative of the clubin the line opf fire, but there are some of us out there who are willing to wait, knowing that things have never been better. A realistic eye can acknowledge that we are not the only club struggling, Everton have yet to sign anyone - I do believe - and they finished 5th! and Man Utd have still got the same squad as last year. Much like we have no need to sell our players, we also have no need to buy everyone elses cast offs. We are building for the future and that involves getting the right players through the door who want to play for us, not buying the quick fixes or acting as a growth hormone for "big 4" talent. A pure example of our position was the Gareth Barry saga. An unfortunate end to what has been a truely forthright and honest approach from our club - It's just sad that a head can be turned so quickly through no fault of our own, but in my opinion we are better without the prima-donna attitudes regardless. I bought a season ticket this year for the first time. I didn't do it because of our success on the pitch - admittedly it is entertainment and I would like to be entertained for my hard earned money - but I did it because this club is now healthy and will continue to be so for at least the time we have with Randy, MON and yourself. I would still have my season ticket in League 2 as long as you guys were in charge and that is not a joke. We have come a long way and we have a long way still to go. That is the reality and a lot of fans know it, more than the number who have verbally shit themselves on here at least. General, sincerely many thanks for your continued efforts on here as an unpaid liason to the heart of the club. I would not begrudge you to go awol until the new year but I just know that is not your character. Stick it out and know that one day, when you are smiling prouder than anyone else, that you were true to yours and Randy's intentions. All my best to Martin, Randy, yourself and everyone working hard at Aston Villa Football Club. Keep up the good work... Up the Villa Jon (I think my signature says it all)
  11. To the tune of "Nelly the Elephant" Rafa and Steve came to the Villa to tap up Gareth Barry, They got sent home by MON... ****, Right, Off! The fat waiter tried real hard but he had no money, Until he bought Robbie Keane... ****, Right, Off! Gareth Barry stayed at the Villa and shit on Steven Gerrard, One nil to Aston Villa... ****, Right, Off! The scousers tried and tried again but got nowhere close, There's only one thing left to say... ****, Right, Off!
  12. The exchange rate on the dollar is shocking coming this way General, clearly bad planning Please say hello to Randy from Villa Talk and remind him how much we still appreciate his input. Can I ask whether Randy intends to be here for the first game against Man City?
  13. Freddie will leave a big gap not only at left back but his consistency and commitment to his play. I hope MON is on the case, I think we all know we now have major defensive issues to sort out before kick off. Please wish Freddie all the best for a speedy recovery General, I can't wait to see him back and fit.
  14. Nice work, a second verse: He's here, he's there, he's everywhere Sidwell, Sidwell He's going to feed the Hare to score, Sidwell, Sidwell He's on the left, he's on the right He came to Villa from the London shite, Cos Steevie Sidwell's villas no.4
  15. General, Would just like to add to the things people have been saying about MON's stance. I believe it shows that no player is bigger that the club and if you step out of line you will be punished for it. I should hope that the players respect MON even more so on their return to training tomorrow and realise what he has done was so not to 'upset the apple cart'. Maybe we should have taken this stance with that pesky Spaniard a few weeks ago...?
  16. General, Many thanks for your post. Can I just say that if you continue to post with such detail, many of the frustrations will be relieved. It is the lack of noise coming directly from the club that fuels anticipation and angst amongst the fans as we scrap and scrape through "Red Top" nonsense. The note on the OS today was perfect to update us on the Barry situation, but all I ask is that you can deliver these kind of reassurances on a much more frequent basis. Thanks again, I feel very informed now. Jon
  17. Would second a comment on this report from Sky quoting an official statement from Villa about Gareth Barry.
  18. General, I have tried to keep myself from commenting on the Gareth Barry saga, but it has got to the stage where regardless of yours and Randy's very sincere principles, the club is starting to look like mugs over the whole thing. Now, I am not demanding that you suddenly change your stance, but with GB's agent now in the press, the bandwagon is clearly shifting and the media are forcing the issue. You can see that Man Utd have lost no credibility in reporting Real Madrid to Fifa, quite the opposite in my opinion, they have probably earned more respect for standing up against the machine. We need to show a hand general, whatever size, shape or form that is - unless of course we are resigned to him going that is!!! Liverpool have broken the rules and if they aren't there to be abided by then what is the point at all? Please General, for our future say something. If not to the media then to us! I am resigned to the fact that he is probably going, but to lose him like this shouts small fry to me! Jon
  19. General, Anything to add about whether a percentage of merchandise sales goes to the charity? I would love to buy my shirt knowing that both the club and Acorns will benefit. Jon
  20. I know this isn't a discussion thread, but have you considered entering through the charity themselves? I am running the Great North Run in October for the British Heart Foundation. I missed out in the ballot, but quite quickly got a place running for the charity. There is a huge list of charities who have designated positions, I'd expect Acorns to be one of them.
  21. General, A very proud day to be a Villa fan indeed. This is another great example of the humility of Randy, yourself and all associated with the club. Please pass on my kindest regards to everyone who has been associated with this deal and wish them great success for this venture. I truely hope it brings Acorn's the exposure they so deserve. I am looking forward to reading your official statement in the near future but can I ask, does the buying of an official shirt, other products or match/season tickets contribute to the charity in any way? Many thanks Jon
  22. I know it's been discussed before General, but I would second this. I live about 100 miles from Villa Park and although I am keen to purchase a Season Ticket for next year and onwards, our own TV channel would allow the broadcast of live reserve and youth games which would be a great way to keep in touch with the future and squad players we have.
  23. General, Any news on when GB will say something? If you can't clarify that, could you at least let on as to whether more talks have happened since last week? People are getting nervous...! Cheers
  24. General, I was told 1,800 when I phoned the ticket office earlier and that the club were restricting season ticket sales to 27k. Can you confirm if either comments are correct? It worries me that I won't get a look in because of the number of ST's sold last season was 25k + and because of the need to keep seats open for general sale. Do we really need 15,000 seats to go on general sale each game? Surely a figure nearer 30,000 ST's (13k general) would ensure sell out's at even the quietest games. Cheers Jon *hoping not to be one of the unlucky ones that missed out*
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