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Posts posted by djdabush

  1. Never seemed the same player to me after the injury. Having such a terrible injury at such a crucial stage of his development is massively unfortunate however in a less physical league with better players around him he may well get back on track.

    • Like 2
  2. 54 minutes ago, Kingman said:

    This still works, If you have already cancelled  click this link  and tell them you have received a flyer about about coming back to sky for 60% off + £100 credit. 

    If you can't be arsed with negotiating then download the sky services app on android or iOS and as long as you have the cancellation notice pending on your account then you will 50% off waiting for you in the My offers section.

    Tried this but when I clicked on the offer it didn't apply to my account. When I used that link they said it was only for sky+ users and biggest discount on sky q was 25%

  3. Cancelled my TV, saw a discount for 50% off but it's for sky+ rather than Q, when I went onto live chat they would only give me 25% off. I would bin the whole thing off but the I use the multi room a hell of a lot. Can't decide whether to just take the 25% off or to hang on a bit

  4. 9 minutes ago, Rugeley Villa said:

    I don't see what you see wrong with the mail today. I'm sat with both papers which you mention and although you are correct about the Sun, I'm not sure what's up with the mail today.

    This is what I was referring to. I'd missed the article in the Express because it's not front page.

  5. So I notice The Sun's front page is telling us how the locals have turned on Sadiq Khan with no mention of the anger of May's failure to face up to the residents and The Mail is asking the question of whether it was the push for green targets which led to the tragedy.


    Now I know it has always been bad but it really does feel like the press is now even more intent on their very own race to the bottom. I will never understand how people can read this tripe and not question it.

    • Like 3
  6. 1 minute ago, mjmooney said:

    Agreed. And they went too far with the personal attacks on Corbyn. I think beyond a certain point, the public smells unfairness and reacts against it. 

    On another note, I think the significance of the fox hunting thing has been underestimated. 


    Agreed. I have no idea why she promised the free vote, 80% of the public are against it and those that are lobbying for its return are in the tory heartland anyway.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Villaninireland said:

    How many points did they get today. On none. He can go feck himself bsckwards

    Not only that they are 2 points off the relegation zone with the team below them playing us next week. That juicy relegation avoidance bonus isn't looking so certain anymore, what a shame.

  8. 3 minutes ago, darrenm said:

    Current Labour are where the leader puts them. The policies are Corbyn policies, and they're left libertarian. He's had 2 leadership mandates with an increased share. 

    I can see a real tide turning. There's definitely going to be a few shocked people. A 140,000 strong poll puts Corbyn way ahead of May in popularity. Translating that into winning seats is more difficult but not impossible. May has severely miscalculated this one.


    I'm sorry but that's pretty much the least scientific poll you can find. In fact you can find a different article on the ITV site from less than a week ago which has a poll in which he has a 14% approval rating.  I hope you are right incidentally, but I am very doubtful.

  9. 9 hours ago, darrenm said:

    Labour under Blair are about as far away from current Labour as Conservative are.

    e.g. this


    is for pre-Corbyn Labour. Current Labour would be right over the Greens.

    Current Labour are all over the place...


    Probably worth pointing out that the UK hasn't voted in a non-Blair Labour government for over 40 years. Sadly if you are expecting anything other than a tory rout then I think you are going to be very disappointed.

  10. 3 hours ago, PompeyVillan said:

    £12 extra a month for Sky Q. Im tempted. 

    That's the deal I got with the 2TB box and paid the extra £30 for the additional mini box. Excellent system, well worth it.

  11. 1 hour ago, peterms said:

    Yes.  But before discussion moves on, it's important to try to establish what did and didn't happen.

    Like the one about the brick through the window of Eagle's constituency office (implication that it was political opponents, ie Corbyn fans) which turned out to be not through her window at all, just a stairwell in a communal building.

    If unchallenged, these things enter the public consciousness as truth, and are then rolled out in future as fact.  The Smith camp are doing it now, and the Blairites have been doing it for decades.  So if what appears in the media seems incorrect, it's worth saying so, even if attention quickly passes on to something else.

    The Smith camp? It was Corbyn who span the whole thing in the first place. If it hadn't been called out by Virgin Trains then it would have entered the public consciousness that the train was absolutely ram packed which meant Corbyn had no other choice but to sit in the vestibule ready to roll out in the future as fact.

  12. Amazing isn't it? I mean, clearly there are many overcrowded trains where people struggle to find a seat and he is right to bring it up as an issue. The fact that Momentum supporters seem to be trying to spin the story (again) is the really revealing part. Turns out Corbyn is like any other politician in the fact the he will bend the truth in order to drum up support, hardly a shock. Just admit that it wasn't quite how it was first presented and move on.

    • Like 2
  13. Not sure whether he would ever have been good enough but that injury has finished him off playing at a decent level. Feel sorry for the guy after everything he has been through but for his own career as much as anything else he needs to move on.

  14. 33 minutes ago, brommy said:

    Scotland will need the oil price to rise significantly before it could afford to go it alone.

    This result shows that the economic argument in these situations is far less pervasive compared to ideology. I think its almost certain that Scotland will leave the UK now.

  15. Am I the only one who can't wait for this to be over and done with?  It brings out the very worst in people and the printed press has been particularly disgraceful. Both sides of the debate just seem to lie and manipulate in the hope of further their own political careers. It's project fear from both sides and it seems such a shame that a massively important decision like this has been hijacked by arseholes like Cameron and Johnson.

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