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Posts posted by djdabush

  1. No doubt Sherwood will come out with his 'no-one's hurting more than me' crap again. There's plenty of fans, including myself who have been watching the same old rubbish for years now who are hurting a lot more, Tim. At least he used to show a bit of passion, now he just sits there like the ghost of Paul Lambert.

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  2. I have actually never disliked a former Villa player as much as I do as Delph. What Downing did was pretty terrible, but he at least didn't spout bull shit then turn go back on his word. I do believe this is karma for his actions. If he has a minor tear, he could be out for at least a month and honestly that's all it takes for him to permanently lose his spot with City and England. 


    Fernando, Toure, Fernandinho, and De Bruyne All have to be ahead of him.

    Downing most definitely went back on his word. If you remember he said that he wanted to repay the faith we'd put in him when we bought him while he was injured and he said he wasn't going to move even if we were relegated. 

    I think what's more infuriating about Delph is that he did it twice, once just after he said he would stay and that unlike Downing, he was a real fan favourite who felt like he loved the club. 

    • Like 1
  3. I see Tim Vickery isn't a fan of Romiro Funes Mori who signed for Everton.


    "I would love to be wrong about Ramiro Funes Mori. But the only really good thing I can say about him is that language is not going to be a problem. That's important for defenders, because defending is nothing if it's not collective. When Argentina's economy tanked in 2001, Mori's family relocated to Dallas, Texas. He grew up there and speaks very good English as a result.

    "He's left-sided, and he can play left-back as well. But I don't think he has the quality, the physicality or the pace to survive in the Premier League."




  4. In all honesty in the long run its probably for the best, he will learn from his mistake and this will guard against overconfidence. More importantly, my twitter timeline has been a lot less congested with mundane retweets since it happened, which can only be a good thing.

  5. Ran my parkrun in sub 26 minutes which is the fastest I've done it since my injury. I was running 5k in about 22 minutes reasonably comfortably at that point so still some way to go, happy with the progress though.

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  6. Interesting quote coming out of the press conference from Sherwood "Traore is fit. He hadn't trained for a week during negotiations. The Premier League is a tough league. Hopefully we'll see him at some stage this season. He's definitely one for the future." 


    Wonder how far off he really is, I'd imagine Sherwood is trying to dampen expectations somewhat but doesn't sound like he'll be involved for the time being.


    People say 'guesstimate'. When did it become so unfashionable to just use the word 'estimate'.

    I've always assumed they are two different things. 


    An estimate implies some sort of knowledge, experience or thought process whereas a guestimate is pulling figures out of ones arse. 



    Ah, so a bit like a guess then?  ;)


    He will bully liverpool and any other team with soft cbs

    Good job he plays for us and not against us then.




    Yep, fortunately for us Liverpool don't have a big centre forward who can bully centre backs.

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