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Posts posted by djdabush

  1. 9 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

    Every UK house to get a lovely glossy leaflet from the government explaining why we should stay in... A snip at £9m

    the out campaign don't appear to have access to the same resources ? Seems a tad biased .

    Also might have helped to have put both arguments side by side to let people weigh them up simultaneously ?


    I've already had a letter from the leave campaign, sadly it was not glossy however and I encountered some irritation whilst wiping.

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  2. On 2/20/2016 at 14:03, blandy said:

    This is quite a powerful argument, for me, too. With both sides doing the fear mongering stuff (much of which I don't believe) we're kind of left with thin facts and evidence to go on, and so other factors have a bigger impact. By an absolute massive margin, the Leave lot has a lead on humungous bell ends being on their side. IDS, Grayling, Galloway. Garage and so on. If they're in favour of something, then it's pretty safe to say it must be a mad idea.


    You can add Boris Johnson to the list now.

  3. Hopefully they get rid of the scripted challenges and the silly characterisation of the presenters which made top gear so stale. I'm not sure whether LeBlanc will have the presenting skills but I'm glad they didn't just go for a clone of one of the old lot.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Tayls said:

    I love under armour - their boxers are amazing. My balls have never felt so good! 


    Have to say, this is great to hear. Should be an excellent fit for the club considering our players are bollocks...

    • Like 2
  5. Last two have been 'names' and have been massively underwhelming. I'm hoping Garde has picked someone who he feels will complement his style and thinking rather than just going on reputation.

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  6. 11 minutes ago, a m ole said:

    It's weird of Nixon to make out like an assistant manager is exciting news and something we really need and good news with a week left in a transfer window. He made the tweet something to get worked up about.

    It's all about drumming up interest, just another version of twitter clickbait.

  7. Just now, AshVilla said:

    Great work from Tactics Tim to send this guy off on loan it really was...



    The fact he thought that starting Richardson ahead of Cissokho and Amavi was a good idea tells you everything you need to know about his judgement of player talent.

  8. So this week I finally went running with the running club that I joined a couple of months ago. Ran a gentle 4 miler but it was nice to run with a group and also to start stepping up my distances again. Trying to steer clear of too much road running but still have next year's Birmingham half marathon in my sights.

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  9. 16 hours ago, krisagg75 said:

    one was in her mid to late 30's.fingered her at the bar as i was getting a round in.the other was 19.felt a bit guilty over her as i'm 50 and found out i'm older than her dad,still i'd had a drink so dived in there.


    And the relationship advice thread is full of people moaning about new fangled online dating. See lads, you need to do it the old fashioned way.

  10. 59 minutes ago, VillaChris said:

    Was it infront of the Tilton again?

    Great stuff from him.


    It was indeed. Think Rowett called him a Birmingham fan in his post match interview. He's as much of nose as you are, Gary.

  11. 1 minute ago, Demitri_C said:

    Okore hasn't played all season big risk starting him. Fingers crossed. Surely it is Hutton at lb can't be bacuna?

    starting to think maybe get Ashley cole for the season we need a left back and although not as good as he was better than all our fit left backs

    Who would you have played instead of Okore. It will be tough for him but the guy is a workhorse, hopefully that will carry him through

  12. On 11/12/2015, 7:15:33, andyjsg said:

    I had been pretty much exclusively using Saucony Kinvara/A6, but the low drop is one of the main reasons my Achilles had been playing up all year. Last week I picked up a pair of Mizuno Wave Rider and they seem to have given my Achilles a bit more support whilst still allowing me to push off the front of the foot and open up my stride. It's been the first time I have been able to run fast and comfortable since Early May. I also have some custom orthotics to use, but they are still in the wearing around town/house stage.


    I love my Kinvaras, took a bit of getting used to but now prefer the low drop. Looking for a pair of trail running shoes and have tried on a few I'm leaning towards the Saucony Peregrine or Salomon Sense Pro. Anyone got any other recommendations? 

  13. Women getting served in shops/supermarkets.

    There's a queue, they know what they're queuing for and what the expectation is of them once they get to the front. They have to exchange money for goods. You'd think they'd get their purse out of their bag whilst waiting their turn, but no - the purse only comes out when all items have been scanned.

    This daft bint in front of me in the supermarket just then actually waited until the very last moment and then said "Let me get my purse out". Why the **** didn't you do that whilst you were waiting!? Then after a lengthy search, her purse comes out, and she flicks through what seems like thirty store cards and finally pulls out her debit card. Then she realises she has Nectar, so flicks back through her purse for that. Then she puts her debit card in the machine (who doesn't use contactless these days apart from the young or elderly), and then she decides the items have to go in her bag, but not her main bag, nope, she has one of those bags for life in her big bag. So back off her shoulder comes the main bag, and a further rummage takes place for the other one. All the while I'm losing the will to live about how a simple transaction can be made to look so retarded.


    I ggenuinely feel like assaulting these people.  They are time thieves.  Supermarkets are one of the few places they can get away with it,  so they make the most of it. 

    Think I may have mentioned it before in this thread but I have a similar issue with people who go to a cash point and check their balances on 2 or 3 different debit cards before realise they have no money in any of their accounts and after about 3 minutes of faffing they cancel their transaction and slope off. Infuriating.

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