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Everything posted by tomsky_11

  1. Here we go, from 92/93 onwards, league games only... And for Premier league games only... So Gerrard sits 8/15 for PPG and 6/13 for PL only PPG. Farily middle of the pack. Better than Garde, Sherwood, Di Matteo, Lambert, McLeish and Houllier and Taylor. Better than Smith for PL games only. For managers' first 30 games he sits 6th of 11 who made it that far (Atkinson excluded as first 30 prior to 92/93), while for PL games alone he's 4th of 9, only Gregory, O'Leary and Little surpass him. Surprising that O'Neill, with the 2nd best PPG since 92/93 and ranked 1st for PL games alone, was behind Gerrard with 1.13 PPG after 30 games. All 4 four managers with a shorter or equal tenure to him had worse PPG records, while 3 managers with worse records lasted longer than 30 games - Lambert 71 more, Taylor 21, McLeish 8. All 3 of them had worse records after 30 games. Worth also pointing to the W/D/L ratios I think. Gerrard 7th for wins (5th of 13 in PL, only Gregory, O'Neill, Little and Atkinson had more) but 12th worst for losses (9th in PL) which also means his draw % is the 2nd lowest of the 15 mangers listed. Perhaps supports the inconsistent rather than consistently bad argument. On the new manager bounce thing, 7 of 14 managers had worse records after 5 games than over their entire tenure, which reduces to 5 of 14 after 10 games. Doesn't overwhelmingly support the theory, though obviously a small sample and many other considerations here so probably hard to judge either way.
  2. How many games is a few? Our results in our second set of 9 games were as good as the first 9. 13 points. We had 9 points from our final run of 9 which included playing 3 of the top 4 plus a relegation threatened side twice while our season was basically done. If we are going to write good results off as clichéd "new manager bounce", despite clearly implemented tactical changes from day one that are down to no one other than the manager and coaching staff, then I can just as easily use a cliché and write the late season form off as a team "on the beach" Why are Smith's ideas relevant when the shape and tactics were so different day one?
  3. I feel this "new manager bounce" is getting a lttile overplayed. Our shape and tactics we completely different day one under Gerrard and mirrored a lot of what had been said about his time at Rangers, both from external analysis and from the likes of Beale himself.
  4. Really? Not seen much of him but his statistical profile is pretty close to Grealish which doesn't seem like a bad thing.
  5. 1.67ppg under Gerrard playing Ings and Watkins together Sherwood also had Benteke for 13 games, plus Delph, and wasted Veretout, Gana, Amavi, Ayew and Adama second season.
  6. Might have a look tomorrow at where he sits in this…
  7. Where does our decent performance when playing Ings and Watkins together sit with this? Because that seems to work better. Or do we think that’s just coincidence?
  8. Yep, there's also the whole Beale/Critchley thing and how much of an impact that has on the whole situation. I feel like that alone deserves more than 3 games of the season.
  9. How much of being an established PL side depends on having Grealish? Because there was plenty of talk about the stark contrast in results with and without him under Smith before the sale. I don't think we can just assume that we were automatically as good a side for replacing Grealish with three players, no matter how much the club tried to sell it as that. Smith struggled with it (though there were obviously mitigating factors with palyer availabilty, not that Gerrard hasn't had some issues with this at key moments), Gerrard improved us enough to be safe last season with a reasonable, if not spectacular points return for his 27 games.
  10. Have pointed out earlier my view on the last 15 games individually. It's a mixed bag but enough positive for me to see a way forward. Keep seeing the no tactics, no plan thing I'm don't agree with this either. We've had the likes of Bruce before where it was fairly clear tactics were secondary. It maybe freed players up to be able to turn certain games with occasional individual brilliance be on the whole was a mess. Gerrard talks quite the opposite, it was clear even before he joined how he'd likely set up because of what had been written about his time at Rangers and also Beale himself was fairly open about his tactical philosophy. In Gerrard's first game you could see plenty of these expected changes from Smith's setup and style. Perhaps the issue has been moving beyond that, where things are perhaps more complex.
  11. Seen a lot of comparing win rates that mean less than ppg and including cup games which make Sherwood's tenure look better. And who's comparing 0.6ppg Garde to 1.27ppg Gerrard lol. Sherwood's league record was 0.87ppg.
  12. I'm mean I wouldn't say terrible. I'd say inconsistent as others have. If that inconsistency turns to consistently bad then we've got an issue. I've said elsewhere if Smith was gone with 10 points from 11 then I'd think the same for Gerrard (bar any major mitigating factors) though 1) I don't think we'll be in this position, and 2) unless we are even worse than that, I think he might still get the 5 further games before the winter break to save himself.
  13. Yes I agree and think we might see that, especially through this next run of more difficult games. Probably thought we could get away with it against weaker opposition and didn't. Like playing Bailey over Watkins first game when it probably didn't suit the opposition but gave support to an player showing good preseason form who'd had a difficult first season, but maybe thought would be ok either way cos Bournemouth and got a shock.
  14. A thought on this because had noticed it as well. Early on the priority was about stopping us conceding so we set up more compact, but maybe long term want to be in a position where we can be more expansive and dominate games. We've tried to transition to this later in the season but have had inconsistent results because getting the offence right is presumably a lot more complex than the defence.
  15. I mean the negative ppg thing was obviously a joke. Just trying to keep it light amongst all the mad panic in here. On the top half thing, it's an opinion based on my view of the results and performances so I'm not sure "truth" comes into it at this point. His ppg record over 30 games is a fact as much as his more recent record is that you point to. We're all just putting more or less weight on these things to come to a conculsion. Mine is we could be doing better, we could and I think will do better, we are not in a bad enough position that warrants overhauling the staff again early in a season for when the alternative might not neccessarily be better.
  16. Sure, wasn't neccessarily my point. More where a relatively inexperienced manager is now given more time, after a similarly below par but not disasterous league record. Not that Gerrard will achieve the same given time because no one can predict that. Just for me we aren't at the point at which he is a complete write off.
  17. They aren't league figures as you stated they were.
  18. Yeah, I wouldn't have sacked Smith either at that point. He absolutely should have had more time. And Gerrard isn't at the point of sacking yet IMO. That doesn't mean I thought either were doing a great job btw.
  19. As in your figures were wrong.
  20. If people are going to drop PPG into the equation, at least use the correct figures rather then taking a wrong sample size to back you're own argument up. It's what politician's do, you're better than that. We all are.
  21. 35 league games into his Arsenal tenure, Arteta was on a run of 7 without a win, taking 2 points and including defeats to Burnley, Everton and us. Gerrard's worst 7 game run is 5 points and 5 games his worst winless run. Arteta's ppg at that point equated to less than 4 points per season more than Gerrard's current ppg with arguably a better squad and much higher expectations. Seems pertinent.
  22. Yeah, I mean if that line keeps going we'll be getting negative ppg before long...
  23. Given the end of last season keeps being brought up, what does it mean that the last 11 games of last season our only defeats were City, Liverpool, Spurs, Arsenal, West Ham and Wolves. I don't disagree that the Bournemouth defeat is worse but it's one game lol. i'm mean I'd say it's more likely the longer he stays because he'll be gone if we aren't getting 48 points this season.
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