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Everything posted by Wes

  1. We need a second quick, Stoke are playing really well and it's not over yet.
  3. Causing us a lot of trouble from corners. I'm nervous as hell.
  4. We could do with turning our possesion advantage into a scoreline advantage before half time.
  5. Latest rumour is Mancini will be made manager. His odds are down to 1/6 now: Corriere dello Sport Translated: And on Final Score they just said there's word that Roberto Mancini is in one of the boxes at Manchester City today.
  6. Well you can't stop conceding set pieces. Otherwise no teams playing Stoke would ever give away a throw in.
  7. Of course but eventually people are going to figure out how to stop it. Right?
  8. Yes we miss him. We're a one trick pony without him.
  9. Hehe I sent an e-mail in to the Guardian one about Villa and it just got posted
  10. Looks like the BBC are also getting in amongst the minute-by-minute game. It wont be as humourous as the Guardian one though I'm sure! BBC Sport Minute-by-Minute Link
  11. YES! The best news of January is here: The Guardian are doing another minute-by-minute account of deadline day of the trasnfers. I kept refreshing like mad the summer equivalent last year. Best place to go for us without SSN in my opinion! And as anyone who listens to their podcast will know it's rather funny. All kicks off at 9:30am The Guardian's Minute-by-Minute Link
  12. Did not see that one coming! Not Bellamy's biggest fan though so wouldn't mind if this didn't happen.
  13. Well to get back on topic, if we did sign the Romanian pair do you think they'll be as bad as tevez and mascherano or will they actually make an impact?
  14. Well I just put it up as some people had no idea who he was! Also here is his profile on FM07 that someone asked for:
  15. Apparently he plays in midfield for the National Team... trying to find more information about it.
  16. He's 27. He plays for the National Team too, scoring 2 in 17 apps.
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