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Everything posted by drat01

  1. Apparently its a red button jobby on BBC1
  2. Absolutely 100% - banning is not an answer, its about social acceptance of what is and what isn't passable behaviour But I do not have a video of the Harpic challenge I have just completed - and a funny desire to sing Johnny Cash ring of fire
  3. To be fair, the majority I have seen on my Facebook wall (which is a tonne because it's become so popular) have been more about making people laugh and people are seemingly trying to outdo each other by necking disgusting things rather than dangerous things, or by putting it alongside an entertaining monologue. I think that considering it's so popular and only 2 (1 confirmed) lads have died, then it isn't worth the outrage. People play drinking games. People drink. People get hurt when making poor decisions regarding alcohol. Blaming the game, as some have done, without attributing any blame to alcohol is frankly bizarre. Yes and No While the majority may be harmless fun as you say, the undertone of the whole thing as I see it is followed by public ridicule if you don't conform to what is nothing more than mass pressure via social media sites. That in itself is very dangerous ground and there are many many cases of ill that has followed from things like that. I agree drinking games can be fun, and again I have partaken i them before and probably will do so again in the future, BUT they are usually within a closed set of people. The fact that social media is driving this makes the comparison against drinking games in a pub for instance a very grey area because IMO the two are certainly not alike. If some want to gain credibility and standing through this, then I suspect they have a few issues that need resolving. But that is probably just me thinking like that. Edit: Oops I thought it was Ben (Stevo) that replied to me - apologies for any confusion
  4. I went by myself to see Saw , much better with 2
  5. Christ, I thought Hells Angel initiations were extreme!! Don't you just have to be a blonde and talk to a bloke called Charlie on the phone ............... or am I getting confused again?
  6. Probably a conversation about lunch "dinner dinner dinner dinner dinner dinner dinner dinner, Batman"
  7. 99% I agree with you, the 1% I don't is because forums like Social Media actually do add to the whole moral behaviour debate despite how much people want to remove them from it. If you look at the whole idea of this as I understand if you don't complete one of these "dares" then ridicule follows. Now for me I don't care two hoots what people say or think about me and publish it or stick it up where the sun don't shine is my attitude, BUT there are a lot of people who don't follow this sort of mentality and basically succumb to something that is actually borderline cyber-bullying. The whole idea of this little craze is alcohol abuse as far as I can see it, which again isn't the best thing to be used as a badge of honour. Don't get me wrong I have many many stories, some of which I can remember some of which I was told about afterwards due to intoxication, but there has to be a limit for each of us, not make the "worst" the norm if you know what I mean. I am sure that a lot of fun is got from this, but I suspect that more cases of injury and possible fatality will arise and be reported. What will be the next jolly jape then that people will "have to" try? I am now off to see how much Harpic I can pour up my rectum, it's all part of a new internet craze called Cracknomination
  8. I actually laughed out with noise (not loud that would just be sill) at 8 pints little montage there - well done young sir top work When is eddie the eagle jumping by the way?
  9. I'm so glad that Chris has new been thrown off the site, he was a real pain with all of his anti Isle of Sheppey rhetoric and his constant attempts to be down with the kids when we all knew he was actually a 74 year old failed Welsh lollipop man who spent most of his days surfing the internet on the look out for pictures of old ladies stopping traffic with their fluorescent tabbards and references to "ooooh how cold has it got" But the "feud" really is one that the mods should control rather than outsiders getting involved. A lot of good points are being lost by petty squabbles based more on immaturity and a desire to be liked and not seen to be wrong from certain quarters IMO. I know who's "side" I am on if there is a school playground scrap but I suspect that lines and detention may come first and hopefully that will be the end to the matter and some people will actually grow up a bit.
  10. Its not a very good feud though is it? I think it should be reported to the feud standards agency
  11. Just got a new job its a dating company for poultry. Doesn't pay much but i make hens meet
  12. My missus said "how come you always walk in front of me?" I said "sorry i dont follow you"
  13. What do you call a lady with big teeth that sleeps every afternoon? Siesta Rantzen.
  14. I like this T Shirt :-) http://art-of-football.com/collections/all/products/shin-of-europe-tee
  15. drat01


    Earth, wind and fire ................. especially towards the end when their voices had gone somewhat
  16. Paul Lewis ‏@paullewismoney 19s If you used BT 118500 Directory service 1 Sept 2011 to 9 January 2014 should get cost of calls refunded. Call BT and say cost was not clear
  17. I have done how does this look? *%* it , slightly less harsh don't you agree? and more like a man wearing a wonky pair of glasses
  18. Bercow possibly in a very bad mood? I wonder why? But even so it was very good and funny
  19. I see Cameron got completely and utterly slaughtered today at PMQ's and Bercow go to the top of the class re the comment to Gove The Tory party do seem somewhat in disarray from the cock ups that Boris is making it certainly shows that the one that many look to as a replacement for Cameron is certainly not up for the job, nor is Gove. Who next a Tory woman?
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