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Everything posted by drat01

  1. and so do the few people from H&V
  2. without hand luggage though I hope
  3. Trim's new job as human cannonball was going OK until he let Grant aim the cannon VT male only members rule is compromised as Kitey and Hev decide to crash the party Rob's attempt to convince customs that it was hair gel didnt really work While looking at the Villa assets, Randy's people find more Djemba's Trims eye view of the recent Sheff Wednesday match
  4. Correct JG. Rothchilds are assessing the bids. They will recommend one or two to the board to review, and highlight their preferred one. Of course thats what they are doing, its what they are being paid **** thousands to do :roll: Ultimately though the major shareholders, Ellis and Petchey will decide on which bid is best
  5. as do most politicians around the world
  6. Correct and soooooo many other media thingies
  7. Fox and Sky - same owners
  8. You are obviously not in the know young sir Oops nealry forgot the wink :wink:
  9. But Richard if we are to believe whats written, then the answer to your second question in previous times when Ellis was going nowhere could well have been no-one. MON appears not to want to work under Ellis. and WHY THE CAPITALS? getting rid of DOL when he did was a mistake by Ellis as we are seeing now. Even DOL had some sort of plan (or you would hope) to wheel and deal to try and improve the squad. What we have been left with has only benefited Ellis and those who wanted to see DOL go come-what-may
  10. Ali - maybe all of them will be borrowing?
  11. Here's a thought from a different forum but one to explore, why shouldn't Neville look to bring in others - share risk, maybe add more money as a joint bid?
  12. Good summing up Paul. I suspect that they are paid a mix. A flat fee for the work and a % for the final deal. We had a similar thing at the last place and the % is the thing that motivates them to get the most money
  13. To back up what Gringo said the activity on share buying was predom at the start of the day and over the lunch break time which sort of indicates that its more the "private" investor
  14. No because the nasty old shopkeeper will only sell when he's not on half day closing and Granville Stride has come back with the works bike after delivering the Balm cakes
  15. http://www.advfn.com/quote_Aston-Villa_LSE_ASV.html I know there is a more "real" time one - but thats a site I use which does confirm that the price is back on the way up
  16. TBA - you have now entered Genius class Excellent
  17. Chris that HAS to get on to Newsnow - Im sure a few people around here can help. If that shite the VillaBlog can get on there :-) p.s. note how that peice of real shite is all quiet ?
  18. On a slightly different bit of this, I notice the share price is at its lowest for nearly a year
  19. You might think its ludicrous Tony but have failed to answer the question, as to why you think any other manager who we could get would be able to achieve everything you want as a Villa fan
  20. and I disagree with you Chris. The manager is now incidental to the bigger issue. If you honestky believe that any other manager could deliver success under this regime then I think it would be a great discussion that we could have to see how and why
  21. Samaritans - can we have an extra shift on this weekend please
  22. Can the mods keep this thread as a sticky - It will be "interesting" to see how people react as the season progresses
  23. drat01

    Chris Moyles

    I dont come from the North I just live here :-) - that was before anyone else said it :wink:
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