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Everything posted by bickster

  1. No its today's event where Bojo literally biulshitted one probationer constable to death (ok she may have almost fainted due to standing out in the sun too long but thats not quite as dramatic)
  2. Sorry to be all JRM but whats that in Imperial measurements?
  3. They have to be able to send you you tax and benefits assessments every year, so by working and paying tax or claiming benefits they also know where you live
  4. That was more about students registering at their term time address in case of a snap election
  5. Not actually true anymore EDIT: Sorry that isn't the actual graph I wanted to show, there is a newer one that includes the next two years where the trends shown here have continued and the blue lines are now above the red lines EDIT2: See Blandy's post above
  6. Every Britain registers their address, that is precisely what the electoral roll is.
  7. I'm sorry but this isn't correct. In Germany you have to register at the local town hall even if you are only staying for 5 months as my daughter had to last year when she was studying at Hannover University. There is absolutely nothing stopping us adopting a similar approach
  8. Ferk that speech was awful, rambling, incoherent bullshit quite frankly
  9. Not posted already but explained why it's stupid a number of times by various posters throughout the day. it's like no-one actually reads what is said any moire
  10. and even by Johnson himself in his frankly awful speech at a Yorkshire Police Training establishment
  11. Is this the 1922 Committee from last night or the night before? (I forget when, time moves fast politically right now)
  12. There was a distinct possibility that it wouldn't when the vote was held for starters but that would have been irrelevant if Labour had given Johnson the ability to shut down parliament and call an election AFTER Oct 31st at his choosing. It made absolutely no sense to agree to it at that time
  13. Seriously, have you read nothing in this topic today. Multiple people have told you exactly why he couldn't do that
  14. Never or always depending on your meaning Look, he wants an election but he can't move for one until "no Deal is off the table," If |Labour agreed with the Tory bill yesterday he would have handed Johnson a huge advantage in being able to set the date and scupper taking No Deal out of the equation. Johnson could have set a date after Oct 31st and done nothing meaning we left with No Deal on 31st Oct, then had an election. Agreeing to that would have been insane.
  15. Is it possible to be more cynical of Corbyn than most of the posters in this topic, including many of those that have pointed out the errors in your argument. You aren't being told your opinion is nonsensical by any Corbynites. Not one person. I certainly can't vote for a Labour Party lead by him but I can see why he doesn't want, in fact can't have, an election being called on Johnson's terms. There's business that needs to be done first.
  16. Presumably you mean Tory + NF Corporation + DUP have the greater share of seats? I think that is way too close to call at this stage
  17. He already has form and if his tenure so far is anything to go by, he'd be advised to
  18. Completely OT but you have opted out of the religious tax? (7 or 8% iirc)
  19. Not sure I follow that. His resignation is his opposition surely? Yes he could have voted against like the 21/22 but he was still in the cabinet at the time, he would have had to either resign beforehand or be sacked as a result. In his specific unique case, maybe his opposition has more effect by him timing it now? Not that I care much, anything that puts this government in bad light is welcomed by me
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