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Everything posted by Tegis

  1. Manziel slinging it after a turnover, to Benjamin who else
  2. Tegis


    Our odds are different, I tried to put it in english odds, I might have been mistaking. That was my winnings anyway :)
  3. Landry Jones injured. Steelers having bad luck
  4. Tegis


    Only a fiver sadly. A bit south of 50 quid winnings
  5. Tegis


    Made moneys I did And all the talk of Ronda doing Boxing She has as much much of a chance winning at that as Holm has being a olympic judoka or Sidney Crosby winning a Landhockey game. Different sports, always has been, always will be and I wish people could learn that. Just because sports share equipment doesn't make it the same
  6. Tegis


    Yep, I had the same feeling about Cat
  7. Very "day-after-bad-curry" feel on that
  8. Tegis


    8/1 on a Holly Holm win. hmm, might worth a punt. MMA is anything but predictable
  9. Tegis

    Downtime on Friday

    And notifications went *ploink* I like
  10. Tegis

    Downtime on Friday

    I'm just testing the quote box edit: Looks better
  11. Tegis


    They really are the mutts nuts. My choice for about 10 years now
  12. Tegis

    Malware removal

    Yep, what it lacks in the free version is real-time scanning. Manual running and removal is all good in the free one
  13. Tegis

    Malware removal

    My personal choice https://www.malwarebytes.org/mwb-download/ Watch out for the last click in the installer though, it's pre configured for a trial-run of the paid version. Uncheck it
  14. Ware out for 2-4 weeks. We've been pretty lucky health-wise so with only Sambrailo and Ray as ling term losses far but that one stings. On the other hand, one can have a peek at the Chargers injuries. Ouch
  15. Tegis


    Fights in Brazil was pretty sweet. Thomas Almeyda is a scary dude. Most certainly has the ability to knock TJ on his behind.
  16. Gaah, stupid penalties, game over
  17. Luck really decided to show up tonight. Bummer
  18. Peyton picked on the record throw. Ironic, and gamelosing stuff
  19. Vinateri is rather clutch 27-24. Good stop though
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