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VT Supporter
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Everything posted by Tegis

  1. Mariota strikes in OT. Not many had money on that one
  2. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH Up yours St Louis Karma
  3. Oh, Succup with a 55 yard *doink* of the crossbar
  4. Brandon Browner is a flag-machine
  5. Ugly hit on a slide as well. Gregg Williams DC, what a shock. word removed
  6. brian orakpo manages back to back unsportsmanlike conduct penalties on the same play. Never seen that. Roughing the passer set him off. all three penalties enforeced. And Saints score a TD on the next play
  7. DeAngelo Willians passblocked Aldon Smith to oblivion
  8. Haha, a "stokley down the sideline" from Mariota
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