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Everything posted by A.J.Rimmer

  1. I'm sure when your father travels in Islamic countries he's well behaved and courteous, so naturally he receives the same considerate behaviour in return. We've all been there and done that... for me it was not only with muslims, but also with the commies, though I was horrified by both. What I'm saying is that the 99.9% who desire peaceful and happy lives, can still support the 0.1% who wish to blow you up. Finally, I must take issue with your idea that I am part of the problem. The problem IS religion... pure and simple.
  2. Bazdavies79, On the Egypt/Tunisia thread, which I've not read very closely, there is some talk about the numbers of muslims who support the kind of actions we saw in Libya 2 days agio and Yemen today. Someone said that 99.9% were peacefully minded, but this was scoffed at by someone who lived in the Gulf, who thought the percentage closer to 50/50. (I could be misquoting and am not referring to the thread as I write). However, I once travelled a good deal in these areas and I suspect the 50/50 figure to be roughly correct... and even if it's 15% out, this still leaves an enormous residue of people who would rather we were dead. Mathematically, one can only know for sure by asking everyone... that is assuming they tell you the truth. Personally, as I said earlier and as I now practise, I think we should be insulting these pig feckers and their pig fecking prophet until they learn to like it. Finally, I was annoyed yesterday watching Obama pronouncing that the US respects all religious beliefs. Why? Perhaps the time has come to not respect any... and better yet, to show it. Anyone who believes they commune with God is a maniac we would all be better off without.
  3. What? You'll have to explain that one. I'd like to know who was asked, what the question was. Sorry not to be clear. What I was trying to say was that everyone wants to live a quiet and peaceful life... but that does not resolve one of responsibility for one's actions or beliefs. Secondly, whilst recognising the the inherent weakness of surveys and opinion polls, they are not totally without value.
  4. The country is going through a revolution, there is a power struggle and some are using religion for their own aims. Which is a shame as most people there probably just want to live peaceful happy lives. One could probably say the same for paedophiles and nazis. Meanwhile it is estimated that over one third of Afghans support the Taliban... just as one half of young muslims in this country approved of 9/11.
  5. You remind me of the fellow who juggled his kitchen knives until finally getting one right through his hand. The doctor cleaned and stiched it all up for him; but when it didn't heal as the fellow expected, he told everyone the reason his hand was buggered was all due to the stupidity of the doctor.
  6. ... and whilst we all prattle on and make jokes about believers, take a look at what they are actually up to: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-19562692 Which is why the filth they peddle needs round the clock, wall to wall insulting.
  7. It's true... and I like telling people I live a thousand miles from the nearest muslim... a slight exaggeration. However, to prove my evenhandedness in such matters, I'm known in town as the only person who ever interrupted a happy clappy and asked them to keep down the volume.
  8. That is very forthright. Some would argue too forthright. You could potentially get yourself written off for comments like that. You need to try and see things from their point of view rather then dismiss them as morons and disrespct their prophet Allah. I think your approach is mistaken, though your comments sound most reasonable and I respect your right to make them... unlike the vast majority of muslims who would take away my right to express my opinions... and a somewhat smaller number who wish to kill me for making them. However, I'm disappointed you seem prepared to tolerate those who would rather 'write me off' than allow me my feedom of speech. Thus far the things I say have produced nothing more than dropped jaws, but if those who believe in this filthy crap opt for a war of annihilation, which is how many of them talk, then so be it. My claret & blue blooded grandmother died this year aged 101. She lost 8 members of her family in WW1, who along with many many others bequeathed us the freedoms we all enjoy today. I'm prepared to pay any price, and exact any price, to pass these freedoms on to my heirs.
  9. I take this as a serious question and I will give it a serious answer. After decades of trying to reason with these morons, and I include all believers, I now tell them I have nothing but contempt for them, their nonexistent god and the rubbish in which they believe. I tell muslims the same thing and usually end up saying they can stick their pig fecking Prophet Mohamed up their arse... at which they are generally quite surprised. I truly believe I am performing a public service and that even if muslims have not been swayed by the force of logic, they should at least realise there are those who have no respect whatsoever for their moronic crap, but have still avoided the wrath of their murderous, slave trading, paedophile prophet, may pig shit be upon him. It is disgusting the way society pays lip service to this filthy rubbish. We just might open a few eyes and all be a good deal better off if, like me, we finally start telling it like it really is.
  10. Forgive me for interferring, but, and I'm not looking in any dictionary, I believe the true definition of an agnostic is someone who has no ideas as to the nature of the creator. In recent times it is used for someone who doubts the existence of a creator. I am an atheist. Indeed, I think all believers should be treated with the scorn and contempt they deserve... but respect? Get serious.
  11. Trouble is we don't insult these ignorant pig feckers nearly enough: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-19311098 ... and I don't just mean muslims.
  12. 'Smart, well informed and articulate'... I agree. He is also extemely convincing. However, his invariably cheap debating trick is to broach his subject with inaccurate or untrue presuppositions, which give the illusion of supporting his consequently warped conclusions. Whatever Mellor gets up to at night in his Chelsea kit, he was also a 38 year old QC... and thus effortlessly exposes Livingstone's glib rationalisations for the pathetic pap they really are.
  13. If you ever hear him struggling to debate with David Mellor QC, you just might change your mind.
  14. The bible should really begin with.......Once upon a time. And end with either: "...... and they all lived happily ever after!" or: "...... and then he woke up - AND IT WAS ALL A DREAM!" Or more likely still... 'and then there was a long series of nuclear explosions, but rather than stepping in to save us, God just let it all happen.'
  15. I'd be careful if I were you. If you continue to agree with me you will be roundly vilifies by almost everyone else on this site... and I was just about to post that I agreed with your favourite 3 Bond films... I think we're in danger of giving away our age.
  16. I see in today's news the BBC Trust have censored Paxman for calling Genesis 'religious hogwash' and those who believe it 'stupid people'. It seems they have been 'offended'. As religious believers continue to slaughter innocent people every day, exactly as they have always done throughout the pages of the ages, I humbly suggest our problem is that we have not offended them nearly enough, and that the sooner we expose these idiots for what they are, the better it will be for all of us. Sadly we have reached a point in this modern society where people not merely expect, but actively wish to be lied to, rather than face unpalatable truths. Indeed, it is hard to think of any aspect of modern government where this is not being pracised on some scale or other. Some day it will all come back to haunt us, and everyone will be busily explaining why it was not their fault.
  17. It's known by some here, I am an economic right winger and I also support Israel. However, I could never support any mormon (a word with one letter too many) for the presidency. The plain fact is that however misguided Obama's economic views, his IQ is head and shoulders above both Romney and his predecessor, GWB. I never thought I'd be siding with those wimpy liberal US democrats... but "Obama for Reelection".
  18. My apologies.. I missed that... though I'm pretty sure it was not mentioned in the BBC/Yahoo news item I read. ... but even so, are the police now going to chase around after every idiot whose behaviour is abusive or threatening? I'd rather they helped old people cross the road. I like mjmooney's point about every idiot can be famous for 15 minutes... there has to be a better way of dealing with this.
  19. I wasn't sure where I should post this, so I was pleased to see the Daley subject has already come up on this thread. I just can't see why posting that Daley let down his dad, dead or otherwise, constitutes a crime. I have stated many times on this site, I do not think the law should get involved in such matters... and that goes for racist abuse as well. I firmly believe that those who engage in such behaviour, end up doing more harm to themselves, than to the targets of their abuse... such is the way of the world. Those scaremongers who, years ago, campaigned for freedom of speech, may soon see their worst fears become reality. 'If freedom is not complete it is not freedom' (Eamon de Valera, or possibly Michael Collins).
  20. I did think yesterday there was room for a number Batman villain jokes, but dediced it was a little too soon!
  21. I agree with you... but nonetheless it still seems extraordinary. I mentioned earlier the referendum a few years back in Brasil. As I understood the result, a comfortable win for 'keep the guns'; it was due to everyone believing it was far too late to stop the criminals obtaining guns, so we may as well let the good guys have them too.
  22. I've not read all the posts on this thread, but did anyone notice the Colorado Governor being interviewed? He said something like, 'let's not overreact', or some such thing... quite clearly he was already positioning himself for a defence of the gun laws... absolutely amazing!
  23. Not sure what to say about this other than going into the usual hand wringing. 4 or 5 years ago in Brasil, we had a referendum on hand guns and there was a goodly majority for keeping them. I have two, a simple but very good 38 revolver and a rather futuristic looking 9mm, with which I can't hit a bloody door. The US has not had the benefit of a referendum, but their own democratic system clearly seems to support gun ownership. In view of which it may be very bad luck for those that were shot, but I find it harder to sympathise with the society as a whole.
  24. Christans have been slaughtering people for almost 2,000 years... though one struggles to imagine that Christ (if he ever existed) would have approved of such behaviour. Seems contrary to the entire christian ethic. On the other hand, history assures us the prophet Mohamed was a slave trading, murderous, genocidal son of a bitch... so with an example like that how can any muslim possibly know how he's supposed to behave?
  25. I spent my working life in international trade, and take it from me, market manipulation should be the aspiration of every good trader. Had I worked at Barclays, I would have got rid of anybody who failed to take advantage of the libor fix to make extra profit. The problem here is not that we don’t have enough regulation, rather that we have too much. What we need is fewer, but more strictly enforced rules. To think that some never-done-anything-so-don’t-know-anything fool like Milliband can legislate our way out of this, is about the most stupid idea I’ve ever heard. We would do better imprisoning shop keepers for selling baked beans more expensively than the shop down the road. I’m not sure, but I think it was Walter Bagehot who said the City of London, rather like the human nervous system, is far too complex an organism to be messed about, with any expectation of knowing what would be the result… and that was 150 years ago. The fly in the ointment is quite clear to anyone, and we are a tiny minority, who has done this sort of thing for a living. The interbank lending rate should fluctuate freely, as supply and demand, otherwise called the ‘market’, dictates. Put simply, the problem began with the attempt to ‘fix’ the libor rate. A wholly moronic idea for one very very simple reason… nobody, but nobody, bucks the market. Before I’m shot down for being a banker’s lackey, I wrote to Nigel Lawson many years ago to warn him of the stupidity of trying to ‘shadow the Deutsche Mark’… I tried to explain to him that ‘nobody, but nobody, bucks the market’…. yet, surprise surprise, he and Norman Lamont knew better. I also told Mr Fred Goodwin, the first time he was a plain ‘Mr’, that he did not understand the basic principles of banking… but he too knew better. Living in a country that preferred striking to making cars, sadly, we are now left with the City as our largest source of earnings… frankly I couldn’t give a shit if people choose to destroy it… as long as they don’t come to me when they’re hungry. For the many amongst you who also know better… I’m off for a very long lunch, so that’s it for today! PS In reference to an earlier discussion, I see that genius Hollande has put up the tax rate to 75%, and now he’s looking for spending cuts… sounds like austerity to me. I’m curious, do you think he’s really stupid enough to have believed his own election promises, or is it just the voters who are stupid… I’d really like to know.
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