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Everything posted by stewiek2

  1. It's gotta be King Carlo. I ate nothing but Italian food the weekend. It's a sign, I tell thee!!!
  2. Carlo's obviously had a word with Capello regards Villa. He's here most home games so will give him the full run down on the club
  3. Why would Hughes wanna leave this?! http://www.fulhamfc.com/Chairman/MichaelJackson.aspx
  4. I think I will go all Mark Chapman on Randy if we end up with at grinning ginger chipmonk McClown and his brolly. How the **** we can even contemplate a man whose own supporters ripped up and threw season tickets at him is beyond me. Decent coach. Awful manager.
  5. I backed Hughes at 7/1 with skybet thanks to a tip off. MInd to edge I backed Moyes at 12/1 and a mad crazy bet on Klinsmann at 50/1 so knowing my feckin luck with bets it'll be McClown
  6. ? i dont understand what you are saying? are you saying he cant get teams playing? he cant spend money wisely? both? neither? he purchase the following at man city by the way Jo CSKA Mosc. £18,000,000 02 Jul, 2008 Tal Ben-Haim Chelsea Signed 30 Jul, 2008 Vincent Kompany Hamburg £6,000,000 22 Aug, 2008 Shaun Wright-Phillips Chelsea £9,000,000 28 Aug, 2008 Glauber Berti Nuremberg Free 31 Aug, 2008 Pablo Zabaleta Espanyol Signed 31 Aug, 2008 Robinho Real Madrid £32,500,000 01 Sep, 2008 Wayne Bridge Chelsea £12,000,000 03 Jan, 2009 Craig Bellamy West Ham £14,000,000 19 Jan, 2009 Nigel de Jong Hamburg Signed 21 Jan, 2009 Shay Given Newcastle Signed 01 Feb, 2009 I'm saying that Citeh job showed that it's not necessarily about what you spend when it comes to judging a manager. He got citeh playing good football. I would think more attacking than he initially would have liked as he seems to me to be a manager who believes in getting it right at the back. Plus he had that complete word removed Gary Cock to deal with. I think Villa is the perfect club for Sparky to build something. He performed a minor miracle with the Welsh national side, got Blackburn up there, wasn't the disaster everyone thinks at Citeh, and has done a good job in his first season at Fulham. I think he'll do well, despite coming across as an arrogant tit at times. Maybe, just maybe Villa need a bit of arrogance. PS. Sven signed Jo
  7. I got a sneaky feeling the Villa job could be the making of Hughes. Good solid squad to begin with. Funds to spend. A point to prove. A chairman that won't interfere. I think if Citeh showed anything it's not his ability to get his teams playing, but that it's not all about what you spend.
  8. I think Hughes would do a good job for us. It's the fact he's a word removed that puts me off.
  9. I don't Moyes has ruled himself out at all. I'd say he's firing a shot across the bow at Kenwright and the Everton board that they either give him some funds or he'll come to us.
  10. i never said such **** thing... Oh THAT Kendrick
  11. can we get this resolved quickly please. I've had Defoe on the blower moaning that each summer at the Belfry is doing his head in now!!
  12. **** it I've dropped a fiver on Jurgen der German at 50/1. Gotta pop an outsider in the mix innit! Would love Moyes, and not just cos I'll net a few quid if we get him. Think it's Sparky's to turn down tho tbh, and I'd not be unhappy with him.
  13. EA Sports would like to apologise to all FIFA owners about the latest update. It appears we inaccurately included Birmingham City in the premier league. We are working on correcting this flaw as we speak.
  14. Regarding Wolveszzzz maybe not. Regarding the scummers, yes you **** are. Everyone I know, without fail, wants them to go down and never **** return. I agree with Chewbacca on this!
  15. And how much exactly of the Rooney and Lescott money went to Moyes for team strengthening? That's the point. Not hoe much was brought in at Everton. But how much was he given to spend.
  16. Well I just slapped a fiver on at 12/1 in case my 7/1 skybet on Hughes falls through
  17. *prays* please be true. please be true. please be true. please be true. (repeat til fade)
  18. I just hope Sandra has her shooting boots on. *rocks head side to side. twitches*
  19. I think with Bent we have to give Houllier and the coaching staff a huge pat on the back. Not just for signing him but also developing his game. Bent himself said that he feels his game has improved under Houllier.
  20. I think I'd cry if McClown and his brolly were to park up in the B6 dugout.
  21. I am sorry but anyone who thinks that Steve McClown should be anywhere near the Villa job is a **** idiot. No.... JUST NO!!!!
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