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Everything posted by Risso

  1. That's a L55 elite spider Al. Nays and Si are both mid 40's so I imagine they got their arses toasted fighting that thing. The likes of me, Bicks, TRL and Dan would last less than a second. (Even though me and Tarj form a formidable double act!) I went into Stranglethorn tonight for the first time in ages. A raptor started chasing me, so I legged it. After about a minute I realised it was only level 34, and I've added about about 20 levels since the last time I was there, so I turned round and kicked its sorry arse.
  2. Remember Vietnam, last night was ours It actually cost me money being in there I hope that was the money you spent on having that **** dog put down!!
  3. I know tarj, I get your humour, even if nobody else does! Sorry for the long explanation about the spells, I just think it's useful if we understand a bit about what the other group members can/can't do.
  4. Of course they do! I can only use one totem from each group at a time, ie one air, one fire etc. What they do though, is improve everybody in the group. Earth totems are mainly defensive, so if I drop a stoneskin totem, everybody's defense is improved by a small amount. Water totems are healing, and can restore either health or mana. Fire totems are attacking, and can either attack baddies themselves, or improve the team's rating. Air totems either protect against spells, or speed up everybody's attacks. So while totems don't do the damage that Mages' spells do, the fact that they improve everybody in a group's defense, improves everybody's health/mana, and improve everybody's attack rating and speed of attack, makes them really useful. Shock spells are pretty good too, as the earth shock prevents spells being cast, and frost shock causes a load of damage and slows the mob's speed by half, really handy when they're nearly dead and about to leg it and draw another load of their mates in. I thought it was pretty funny in the Monastery last night, but I don't think that Guld was amused: "Seriously guys, this is the best group I've ever worked in!" I don't think he meant it....some people take it all WAY too seriously!
  5. Not a great night for the VT Villans. The Scarlet Monastery proved a step too far, and it lead to arguing, back stabbing, insinuations, language based misunderstandings, and all round grumpiness (although strangely, not from me!!) Here's 3 of us shortly before having our arses handed back to us on a plate! You can see the toolbar I downloaded too, sorted into easy to use groups: Healing spells Fire totems Water totems Air totems Shocks and strikes Weapon buffs and so on.
  6. Completely and utterly. It's the most absorbing thing in the world ever. You can start to believe The Matrix might become a reality when you play it!
  7. Quote from Mrs R Tuesday night: "Which bastard suggested that **** game to you?!"
  8. Would it heck. Juju's up to the mid teens already after a few days. You can borrow my copy if you like, as it has a 14 day free trial option. (Read: Here Al, try some crack, don't worry, it's not addictive!)
  9. What tool bar system do you use Nays? Mine's ace, I'm perfectly set up now, and as I gain new (over!) powers I can easily add them to the right place, superb. Hope everybody's downloaded the agro bar as well, we'll need it tonight for the library (assuming you gits didn't finish it last night!)
  10. Bicks I'll post the URL for a brilliant toolbar mod later, it's ace. I've basically got too many spells and totems now to comfortably use, so I downloaded an add on which gives you up to ten bars, with upto 12 buttons on. You can resize them, and drqag them to wherever you want on the screen. It means that I've got all my fire totems grouped together, all my healing spells on another, all my shocks on another etc. makes picking the right one in a fight a doddle. I'll post a screen shot as well later so you can see what I mean.
  11. What little pigs in the South Barrens?
  12. Sounds good to me. I thik we all need to download that agro monitor, as I feel that's where we're going wrong sometimes in dungeons. TRL will only attract the agro when he heals before Si has taken most of the agro. We should keep out of it then, as Si can take a lot of stick before he'll need healing, whereas if we join in we'll need healing straight away, which marks Tarj out for a kicking from the baddies. That said I thought apart from one situation, we did OK last night. I'm going to stay back and protect Tarj from now on, as my totems are probably more use than me charging in and bashing stuff. I can drop totems that increase everybody's attack power, defence, and increase either health or mana replenishment.
  13. That's what I'm using at the moment Tarj, although I switch depending on the circumstances. In instances like last night, 1h plus shield is miles better, but sometimes when I'm out on non elite q's or grinding, I switch to the 2h, as I don't need the armor so badly. Both my 1h and 2h are blueys, and have been buffed by Sie, so they'll last me a few levels yet I reckon.
  14. It's Dan with the arrows isn't it? I thought Bicks shot at things and set his dog on multiple mobs!! To sum up Dan..... "Help." two seconds later..... "res please!"
  15. We cleaned out the left portal side, but decided against attempting the other side without you. Maybe try it tonight, I hope that's where the library is.
  16. I fancy that tonight TRL. I took out 2-3 of the elite guards outside, for some nice XP, but by myself it's quite taxing on the mana and health. If there was to be more than one at a time I'd be toast. Like you say we should just go for it, and take out as many as we can. I've asked to join a gew groups, but have been turned down twice for being too low level! The fools, I'm well hard, me! Going to get Sie to buff my new mace. I'm getting nearly as good DPS as with my 2h axe, but I can use a 700 armour shield as well for rock hardness.
  17. Think you're right Nays. I like Desolace anyway, as there are loads of creatures to farm. Sold 4 stacks of heavy leather the other night, for a bomb. I've got an eye on my mount as well, so might concentrate on a bit of grinding, rather than levelling this week.
  18. I'm getting really fed up with trying to finish quests around Hillsbrad. I don't know if it's just because of the Halloween quests, but for the last 3-4 nights it's been overrun with high level Alliance bastards, ganking for the hell of it, with no Horde anywhere in sight to see them off. I've got at least 6 q's there, but it's nigh on impossible to complete them without getting obliterated time after time. Yeah I know that's what comes with playing on a PvP server, but it just seems so entirely futile. I've never purposely attacked an Ally more than a few levels lower than me as what's the point? And if it's just down to the halloween q's, what's the point of making it in a relatively low level area?
  19. Went on a bit of a wander last night, and got three new flight paths. The first one Tarj showed me in Desolace, but then I just carried on running, and got Camp Mojache (although it'll be a while till I do any questing around there!) and Gadgetztan as well.
  20. We know that Tarj. How much money have you got though?!
  21. Just a quick word about horses. How on earth are you suposed to get to 90G? Me and Tarj are both early 30's now, so have only 8 or so levels to go, I just can't see how I'm going to get the money. I know each level means higher and higher XP needed, and thus more time to save, and you kill harder things for better drops, but every other level up seems to take a big chunk of my gold for power ups. Plus it's getting more and more expensive for repairs. At the moment I'm making about 1G a day on the AH, and a bit more from q's and kills, but this gets eaten up quickly. Any tips?
  22. A big thanks to Si for last night, he really is a star, taking time out to help when he receives little or nothing in the way of XP for it. Tonight's order of business then. Me and Dan got the boof from the barrow which Tarj still needs to do, so we'll help there. You then have to go to Undercity, where a bloke gives you the final q to get the last book from a monastery in Trisfal. I've also got The Den (elite) q in Stonetalon to finish, and the second part of the alien egg q in the Needles. Plus I think we should do an instance, anyone up for finishing Blackfathom?
  23. I'm not too bad in Orgri ususally. When I get there I go and make a cup of tea or something while the graphics load. That said, it has been a lot slower lately, which could be down to the halloween stuff.
  24. Need some help in the 1000 Needles tonight. But it's a Q anybody can do, and the first of it takes about 30 seconds, for 1000 XP, nice! The second bit, which I haven't attempted yet, will mean 2-3 of us fending off waves of attacks from Roguefeathers. Sounds like fun, course it does! Loads of XP, and some nice prizes at the end from what I've read.
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