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Everything posted by Risso

  1. True. I think he'll be alright early doors in the WC, but later on when things get a bit hairy with multiple mobs, I'll take the aggro!
  2. If Bicks is on before 9, we should try and do Wailing Cavern about 8 between the four of us, reckon we'll storm it. Think I'll lean towards healing this time, and let Bicks and Dan do the damage.
  3. Blimey, you can buy gold online, £7.50 for 100G. Is this not terrible cheating?
  4. Cheers Nays. I've got a decentish blue staff I got from Shadowfang, but I bought a more powerful 2h axe from the AH last night, that should stand me in good stead for a few levels I think. +5dmg, plus rockbiter on it should mean I deal out some decent punishment I reckon.
  5. Sie on the HoC forum has offered a +5dmg buff for an axe for 2g. This sound s a bit steep, but is it the going rate? (Bearing in mind my relatively lowly level and lack of funds!)
  6. JuJu you ARE a Horde character I hope. If you've made the deadly sin of being Alliance, you can forget all offers of help, and instead we'll form a raiding party, and hunt you down and skin you like a dog!
  7. Are you on tonight Bicks, as a Wailing Cavern or other dungeon run is on the cards. We need the drops to pay for our guild!
  8. Heh heh, you might not realise it yet, but you've just started down the road to WoW junkydom! Your life as you know it is over! What's your name on there, we can look out for you then. Don't worry about getting too in depth at first, just get used to running about and bashing stuff, and collecting parts. Collect everything that gets dropped, as Bicks said, you can sell it later, either to a vendor or at the auction house. If you're on later, we'll look out for you and show you around, and sort you out a decent weapon for your level and some armour. It might seem daunting at first, but there'll be a moment when you suddenly "get it" and you'll really start to enjoy it. It'd be good if you could get another couple of people from here to join as well, as it's great funning doing quests in groups with people the same standard as you. I enjoyed last night's quests with Dan and TRL immensely. What character have you got by the way?
  9. Let's see, anytime between about 8pm and 5am I'd have thought! Actually might not be on much tonight. The missus goes away for the weekend tomorrow, wo I'll probably spend some "quality time" safe in the knowledge that bthe rest of the weekend is my own!
  10. This level I got a far sight spell, meaning I can see into the distance. I'm sure it'll turn out to be useful, but haven't used it yet.
  11. You ARE getting pretty tough now Tarj, no mistake. I think I'm right in saying that if nyou the same spell more than once against a player it has less effect each time, so it's best to use a combination. I'm starting to think that Shammies aren't that overpowered really, especially when in one on one PvP. We're pretty handy to have in a group situation as back up tanks and healers, but when I duelled you yesterday I had no answer to your spells apart from one totem that helps dispel fear. My only chance is to try and slow you down with shocks and totems, and batter you with my huge new axe, but I'm not confident.
  12. I'll have you know I'm quite a hit with the Orc laydeez!
  13. Funniest moment yet on WoW. Dan, TRL and myself had just ganged up on a level 30 elite, and saw him off with hardly a scratch, here's a picture of us wallowing in our new found glory: A little bit further along, was his MUCH harder mate, but buoyed by our recent conquest, bravery got the the better of common sense. As we all prepared to attack, it noticed Dan and killed him stone dead in a split second. Cue the now not so heroic me and TRL running like the clappers to the hills out of harm's way! Well I guess you had to be there!
  14. I can't remember what level they are, but I'm assuming mid to high 20ish elite based on the fact that the area round is manly L20-22. If so I'm sure we could have a go at them with TRL's assistance anytime really. You AND Si would go through them like a does of salts, like you did with that big rock eejit last night. I need to do that q in the thousand needles tonight (where the bat is, Freewhateveritscalled) as I'll then get heavy armour patches, making me even more overpowered. Quick Question for the WoW dads (ie Nays and Simon!). Is it best to keep your weapon skills fairly balanced? I played with a one hand axe and shield combo up until about 3 levels ago, when I switched to either a 2h axe or stave. My 2h axe and stave skills are now 125/125, but everything else is less. I prefer the 2h option, as it obviously deals out a lot more damage, but I take a big hit on the armour side of things. Which do you reckon is best? On things like Shadowfang I prefer the meleeing side to healing, but that obviously puts more of a strain on healers like TRL.
  15. So Juju, have you had a go yet? If you have, make sure you join the Deathwing server, and post your character name on here so us addicts can help you out. TRL made a good point in the game last night, it's funny to go to areas where you've previously had your butt kicked, only to return as a higher level and exact your revenge, most fun. I'm looking forward to being able to batter those 3 elites that that patrol up down the road in the south barrens, they're most annoying. Who's up for the WC tonight, I could do with a few decent drops, as my next lot of power ups are probably going to set me back at least 4G.
  16. Hey I can ride a hoss too when the time comes, whether I choose to or not is another matter. A horse gets you 60% extra speed, but I already get 40% from my wolf skills. I almost certainly will though, as riding a steed through a land marks you out as being high level. And yes we'll have to go back to Tarren Mill. After I checked the last q, the next one was to kill a load of peasants, which I'd have thought would have been easier, as you're not looking for specific named targets. I'll help you with the elixir q's too although I've already done them, as they involve slaughtering various bears, spiders and lions for parts, and I could do with the leather. I think we should all post our professions by the way, so if we end up with something someone else can use, we can post it to them. I'm leatherworking and skinning, so any decent patterns gratefully accepted.
  17. Free? Even better then. You can stump up for the VT Villains guild fee then , and everybody can pay you back. I've got about 12G, but Si and TRL were pleading poverty! Oh and do something about that hat. You're obviously going for the Gandalf look, but the effect is more student wearing a traffic cone!
  18. Ah they're the very best looking horses, nice one Nays, well played! Bit skint now are we?
  19. I only seem to generate threat if I use shock spells. I was trying to shock the farmers first to get the agro, but they were attacking in two and threes, so it was difficult to take all the agro without using all my mana. Still I think we managed pretty well, considering we must have had 4-5 attackers at some points. Going to head back ther tonight as the Q's are quite good, and give good XP. I'm only about 3,000 XP from L26 when I get another load of new power ups.
  20. I actually got my patch from Fileshack, as the waiting times to download have been drastically reduced to less than a minute. I downloaded it really quick at an average D/L rate of about 140k! Fileplanet (the other mirror site) is wank though, as they want to charge you to download anything. I'm nearly at L26 now, after a raid with TRL on Hillsbrad farm, where we kicked some serious, serious ass. That is until we'd finished the q and were making a run for it. I turned round to see about 10 farmers following Tarj, Benny Hill style, all in a line. I stood there so long laughing that a few caught up with me and ganked me too! It turns out that putting a whole load of stuff in the auction house late Tuesday night was a bit of a mistake, as due to the down time nothing sold! Is anybody after specific bits of armour. I quite like the "of the Fang" stuff so if you see any and you don't need it, let me know and I'll buy it from you.
  21. I really could do with someone emailing me the patch if poss, it's about 32mb so shouldn't take that long on Broadband. editted:sorted (fingers crossed!)
  22. Bastards, it'd better be back up tonight, else I'll have to talk to the wife!
  23. Yeah Blizzard's own peer to peer thingy. Couldn't get it to work at all. It'd start off nice and quick, then slow to a stop after a few seconds, every time. If it's not that huge a file perhaps somebody could email me the patch as an attachment?
  24. Deathwing BOF. I think I only had to install a couple of patches, one of which was 1.7, but the pain was not the size per se, more that Blizzard's downloader kept crashing my system, so I had to go on one of those tedious sites where to get the DL immediately you have to pay, or else sit in a queue for half an hour. Oh well, it's well worth the aggravation, even though I've had on average 4 hours sleep for the last week and a bit!
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