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Everything posted by Risso

  1. I've given up entirely in being a nice bloke. If I saw an ally minding their own business questing, 9 times out of 10 I'd leave them alone. Now I'll go out of my way to gank them. If I can make them think they're safe by helping them kill a mob, then waving at them, so much the better! All the more fun!
  2. What's the hunter glitch?
  3. A quick word on the dreaded C*rr*t *n a St*ck q. The really, bad, unfunny joke was all my idea, and I take full responsibility for what happened after. The priest we were with was only after the blue priest's staff that the first boss drops, and we managed to get it for him, so he was chuffed to bits. I've finished the q, so wasn't that bothered, so it's only really Dan who's missed out due to my daftness. So if anybody fancies helping him get it tonight (assuming he hasn't done it today already) I'd be grateful, as he doesn't deserve to miss out because of me. With no pissing about, it's a stupidly easy q, when I did it with some of the guildies we were 5 all mid L40 people. Having just about everybody over L50 makes it a snip, as long as someone doesn't agro all the mobs! BTW, I might have misread, but did somebody say the Azhara q was possible to do more than once?
  4. http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?addid=282 Mount switching thing Nays.
  5. What level is he? Late last night there was a mass ally raid on Orgri. They all ended up dancing naked in the auction house, most hilarious!
  6. It was on Curse Gaming Nays, but the site seems to be down at the moment. Just do a quick search for mount switch or something similar. If the site's down all day PM me your email address and I'll mail it to you when I get home. It's absolutely PVP tastic. You can hunt down ally scum on your souped up mount, then as soon as you switch all your decent gear and trinkets kick in. Last night I was messing about in Tanaris, legged it after a lone ally hunter, caught him up, then had Nifty stop watch to make sure he didn't get out of range. Probably the best mod I've used yet to be honest.
  7. Finished that Azhara quest last night as well, absolute piece of piss. Getting the tablets took about five minutes as they all spawned within a few feet of each other, and the odd Spiney fish thing was piss easy to take out. Then just a case of travelling to and from various points, for over 30,000XP. Bicks if you're on tonight you should do this now, it's an absolute piece of cake, and gets you well towards you next level. If you were careful you could almost do it without fighting anything, but think the mobs in the ruins are only about L47/48 anyway.
  8. Dan, I got that Mount Switch mod working last night, and it's pretty good. WHEN you finally get the c*rr*t (ie I don't have any more great ideas!) you get a screen up where you put all the stuff you use when you're on your mount in one set of boxes, and all the stuff you use when you're dismounted in another set. So tonight I'm going to get some spurs attached to the shittiest, cheapest pair of boots out, and I'm going to try and get riding enchants on a similalrly crap pair of gloves. I'll have these equipped when I'm riding, along with the carrot trinket. Then when I dismount, it'll automatically be set to switch to my decent boots and gloves with normal enchants (+str or whatever) and a trinket like Horde Insignia or Nifty Stopwatch whatever. It works a treat. I also downloaded monkey speed, a speedo add on. It confirmed that the carrot and spurs do stack, giving you 11% speed increase overall.
  9. Eaxactly Si. I'm also awful at PvP, mainly because I've never been a big gamer. I'd say I'm usually pretty good in group instances (the odd ZF **** up aside!) and group PvP though. I love playing my shammy, because we can do a bit of everything, but we're no way overpowered. I do OK against rogues, because they're easy to kite, but tanks one on one are impossible, as their charge makes it impossible to keep them at bay, which is the only chance I have. Similarlly if I can get to melee range of a lock or mage, I know I'm OK, but if they get a fear off, then I've had it.
  10. Wasn't having a go at you Bicks, just proving the point that it's easy to portray any class as being overpowered by highlighting their theoretical strengths. In the end I reckon 90% of success or failure is totally due to the individual skill of the player in their class.
  11. And Druids....spells, healing and tanking in feral form. Oh and Paladins and their pussy bubble. And rogues who can fight, and then just decide they've had enough, and disappear. And who if they get the jump on you (not difficult given they're like, **** INVISIBLE!) can sap you and have your health down to nothing in a millisecond. And priests who fear you away, then stick their shield up. And locks with their pets, don't get me started on the overpoweredness of those bastards! Being seduced plus being hit with a shadowbolt crit spells one thing. Death!
  12. Tell me about it! I've got these eejits who I just can't seem to avoid, called something like SiTheGayest, TIT and Dicks..... And you're right, we 're not overpowered, or did I say that already?! What about hunters?! Bicks is 2-3 levels below me, and his ranged shots do far more damage than any of my shocks, from miles further away. He can wear mail as well, and can tank without getting his nails dirty. If his pet dies, he just summons a new one! Plus traps you can't see, feign death, wing clip etc. Overpowered hunters!
  13. Typical response from someone who has never played a shammy! As an elemental/enhance shammy, my healing is virtually non existent, and of course we can melee/cast, but only half as well (at best) as a true meleer or caster. It's not possible given our talent trees to be brilliant at casting, melee and healing. It's possible to be great at one, not bad at one other. Plus we spend half our life sheeped/feared/hamstrung, to which we have little repsonse! Where we come into our own is as a support class to groups, either in instances or in group PvP. Our totems add powers to everybody in a group, so if I cast Grace of Air, and everybody in the group gets +45 agi, then that's a nice bonus. Overpowered in one v one PvP though, not a chance. Read the forums and anybody who has more than one character that has a shammy WILL NOT think they're overpowered, I guarantee it. So there! Like any class we have other classes we do well against, and other we struggle with.
  14. And people say Shammies are overpowered! Wish people would realise we're a hybrid class, and co do a lot of things OK, but can't cast like a mage or lock, and can't melee like a warrior. As far as I can see, when one on one vs a tank, there's absolutely no chance of stopping them charging and hamstringing, then kicking the shit out of you. All the advice says to try and kite tanks, but if you can't stop them getting close, how can you?!
  15. We should do it tonight Tarj (although it's not actually an instance). Loads of good quests, masses of XP, plus decent drops/rewards.
  16. Well sick of ZF now, what other instances are there around the same level? What's Maraudon like?
  17. That's scarey Si! You'd kill me twice over with that!
  18. I'll be on later Dan. Wouldn't be the same without you, you were awesome in Hinterlands last night. Oh and did me and Dan say we got chatted up by the Polish birds? One of them offered to send me her photo and telephone number!
  19. Really sorry about that Si. The baby was asleep when I started, but the wife had to nip out to the shops, and Isabelle chose that exact moment to wake up! I can't stand that Elias or whatver his name is. I've been to ZF twice with him before, and he's just a clearing in the woods of the highest order. The first time was the other night when me, Tarj and Dan were looking for a group, so I asked on the guild chat. He said he wanted to do it, but Tarj and Dan (understandably) wanted a higher level tank, he was like "are you going to **** invite me, or what?" Should have told him to shove it up his bollocks there and then. I wouldn't mind, but he's only **** L43, so later on in ZF when the mobs get higher, he does next to zero **** damage anyway. The last time as well he rolled need twice, with the usual "oops, sorry" bollocks. Anyway it took me and Dan about 3 hours hard graft to get that hammer last night. From now on, it's being saved for deserving cases like us lot! If he wants one, he can go to Hinterlands and fight his way through Altar of Zul and Jin Althor and the L50 elites like me and Dan had to, L43 mage arse! Also, he also tried to imply that I'd come about my decent gear by less than honest means, the word removed. Going to power level an Ally alt so I can open a can of whup ass on him! Rant over! Will try and save a two hour slot this evening so we can do ZF if anyone is up for it. I really want that carrot and stick reward. Did Arathi Basin yesterday, and the spurs speed increase menat that I always got to the flags first at the start of the battle, the carrot and stick will add another 3% on as well.
  20. Yeah, there's been some really cheap stuff in Orgri this week. Bicks picked up a pair of epic gloves for 10G I think, and I got the Crusader enchant on my axe for 50G.
  21. Me, Dan and 2 Polish birds did some q's in Jin Althor in Hinterlands tonight. Completed two q's for 11,000 XP, get a shitload of XP doing it, got the mallet of ZF, and a great new blue necklace as a q reward. A most productive night!
  22. Mine should say: "Found that FP yet Dan?!"
  23. Cool Si, very cool. I love the way you tank by the way!
  24. Anybody up for Zul'Farak tonight, I really want to get that Carrot and Stick enchant. Those mithril spurs are ace by the way Si, cheers for attaching them for me. You can notice the difference when travelling next to somebody who hasn't got them over distance, should be good in Arathi Basin when running for the flag. I think the spurs give you about 8% mount speed increase, and the carrot and stick is another 5%, and they stack so you're getting well over a 10% increase. That shield spike is ace too, I've got the chance to block with a shield maxed out in my talent tree, so it's a brilliant addition.
  25. Did ZF last night for the first time with three people from the guild. A L60 shadow priest called Lacroix, a rogue called Alleen and a druid called Hippiedude. Apart from the L60 we were all mid 40's, so only got to the bit where you need the hammer of Zul Farrak by the pool. Just too many mobs at once. Completed two quests though for 11,000 XP combined, and got about 20,000+ XP inside, so it was well worthwhile.
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