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Everything posted by Risso

  1. Paladin? I hate those words removed.
  2. You know you're a rogue when every other class in the game starts sentences with.... "**** rogues!" You know you're a hunter when you've fought me and you're dead! Anyway, what goes on in Battlefields then? Tarj and Dan, fancy doing one tonight?
  3. Right, I'm going all out PvP for a bit. I'd give anything not to be sheeped by litle bastard mages!
  4. So Tarj, what's it like in the battlegorund, as despite queuing up for many hours, I've never made it into one? I really want more PvP, as I think the reward for getting to grunt stops you from getting stunned.
  5. Some Shammy jokes from the WoW forums: You know you're a Shaman if... - You spend more time defending your class than you do playing it. - You lose 50% of your fights against good players and you are thought of as "overpowered." - You used all of the built-in hotbar slots by 20 and you're forced to get a UI Mod so you can see half of your spells. - Whenever you die you know there's a /spit coming. - Most of your abilities are a weaker version of another's class, but yours are "overpowered." - You have mana but try your best to not use it. - You do use it and after 3 spells you have none left. - you spend most of your time in PvP sheeped, blind, stunned, feared, or dead. - you carry around fish scales and fish oil "just in case". - edit: you've /wave to people swimming as you run past them
  6. I've got to over 225 on leatherworking, and have gone for the Dragonscale quest, as it allows me to make nice blue +int and str mail. Anyway it's the most annoying quest ever. You need to gather so much stuff. First off I need two scorpid leather patterns, which are dropped by bandits near Gadgetztan. Only they never drop them. I resorted to buying one from the ah, but after killing at leat 100 of the mobs, I've yet to get the other one. Once I've got the patterns, I need to make two sets of the armor each, both of which need about 12 scorpid scales, meaning I'll need about 48 scales. Given that they don't always drop them, I'm probably looking at killing 200+ L40 scorpids. Oh and then I need 10 dragonscales from the whelps. And this is just to be allowed to go into Dragonscale leatherworking. God knows what the patterns themselves will be like! I don't mind a bit of grinding, but this is ridculous, made worse by the fact that once anybody sets foot outside Gadgetztan, it seems to become gank city!
  7. A good idea is to check the AH late Tuesday night shortly before they shut the server down, and look for stuff with not much time left with a low current bid. That's how I got those L54 blue bracers for a pittance, looking forward to a big profit on those.
  8. Mine's just installing now, I'm leaving it while I go out for an hour or so. The message boards on the official WoW site are full of people complaining about this patch.
  9. How much money have you got Bicks?
  10. How far off L40 Bicks? That Elven treasure q was a brilliant find by the way, at least 10,000 XP for just travelling about a bit, and another 4,000 ish for the final piss easy fight! My grand exploration continues apace! I opened up the whole of Hinterlands, Dustwallow, Wetlands and the Um Bongo crater last night! Nothing better than getting XP for discovering a new area.
  11. Great another patch, marvellous!
  12. Well the character was female!
  13. Strayed a bit too close to the ally territory in Badlands last night, and experienced all kinds of new and interesting ways to die! After a bit of questing with Dan and Bicks, I nipped over to Gadgetztan, and had the weirdest time. I was running around the camp, and a ?? ally night elf just followed me about everywhere, blowing me kisses, for 15 minutes. When I ran into the desert to grind a few scorpids, she followed me, and killed all the scorpids for me in a single blow! I've got a virtual stalker!
  14. It's already happened! We set up our own VT guild, only for the "splitters" Tarj and Si to bugger off after a week!
  15. I'm Rissok Bicks is, er, Bicks! Si (Designer) is Siongest Nayson is Nayson Dan (ED) is Evildan Tarj is TRL Plus there's Vilajuju and Limpid too. One big happy family!
  16. Nice one Craig! See that thing packing its bags and walking out the door? That's your social life, that is! What's your charcater name? You can expect a bit of a helping hand......
  17. How did you happen to find that cove by the way Bicks, it's hardly on the way anywhere is it?! Good find though, even though I detest sea quests!
  18. I'm up for Stromgarde, but probably won't be on until about 10. Hopefully by then a lot of the Ally clearings in the woods will have buggered off, it really pissed me off in there last time.
  19. The 90G is the same for everybody Bicks, plus I got mail too this level. Very, very expensive, just glad I spent a couple of days grinding and leatherworking rathr than levelling. I suppose the end result is the same though. Need to start working the AH again to build my reserves back up.
  20. If you haven't already Bicks, finish that Elven charms sea quest. It's fairly easy, and leads to loads of smaller q's for loads of XP. Go me nicely past L40 tonight, and I've got two q's in the bank as it were. Why do I think that Taurens don't get mounts? I thought as they were so big they got Plainstrider skill instead?
  21. It's only a month since Si and Nays were getting their mounts, and here we all are with ours too. Juju's already mid L20's I think. It's only now that I'm even beginning to get to grips with my character properly I'd say, especially in groups. The ability tree is the key to a lot of things, Sometimes it takes me ages to decide where to put a talent point, and I nearly always end up thinking I've done the wrong thing! It'll be ace now we've all got mounts, as we can try loads more areas than before.
  22. Easy peasy, just leg it round continuously. TBH I've got quite a bit already, as I went on a bit of a roam when I first got ghost wolf, even higher levels where I died continuously. I've already seen most of Azhara, the Plaguelands and the Umgoro Crater just from having a bit of a trot round.
  23. They're all different Craig, all with strengths and weaknesses. We've got a good mix of characters in the VT "family" at the moment, so it'd be good if you chose something different as it won't take you long to get to a decent standard. I'd suggest a mage, as they deal ridiculous amounts of damage from spells, although as they only wear cloth they take melee damage. We've got a hunter, priest, tank, shammy, rogue, and warlock so a mage would be a good addition I reckon
  24. I'm going to try and open up the whole map by the weekend. I love just wandering about picking up experience. I want a close look at that dam in he ally territory, the one on the loch you fly over on the way to Camp Garth. It's probably my favourite bit of scenery in the game, stunning!
  25. I expect it seems a bit sad to the casual observer, but if you're into games at all, then this is the most amazing thing ever. Plus it saves a fortune. £8 a month as opposed to what you used to spend when you had friends and a life, brilliant!
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