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Everything posted by Risso

  1. Shammies can't remove curses, only poison and disease. Have you lot been in Shadow Hold in Jaedanar in Felwood, christ that place is massive! Me and Bicks had a follow up q where we had to fill a canteen from a well, and the the place is never ending! Did OK for 2 of us, considering it's full of L55 demons and warlocks, but didn't finish it.
  2. Those feathers drop from trolls in the balconies Si, think they're soulbound though. I needed them for my L50 quest, which I turned in last night. What was then name of that Ally **** in Felwood Bicks, as he's going straight on my KOS list, the little clearing in the woods.
  3. Good effort in Sunken Temple tonight lads (don't worry Bicks, we'll do it again!). Good group, even though the tank was REALLY pissed off that Dan got the sword he wanted! You wait ages for a decent mail helmet, then two come along at once! The one the dragon dropped at the end is ace, and the reward q from Hinterlands is even better. Got my L50 reward too, a nice mana totem that drops something like 30 mana every 2 seconds. Not much, but better than the staff or gloves which were the other options.
  4. Alterac Valley, wtf is all that about, it's absolute madness! Dozens of L60's (which I can now see, bye bye ??) opening a can of whupass on me. Think I need a bit more practise in AB first!
  5. We've all done it, all been embarrassed by it afterwards, move on!
  6. Ha ha, how funny was Dan last night?! "Shammies, you're all words removed!" "They can, tank, heal and walk on water, words removed!" ...seconds pass...... "Walk on water, overpowered words removed, I hope Blizzard gives em some more powers, the poor bastards! Right, I'm off to bed!" ....half an hour later...... "Walking on water, and breathing under water! words removed!" .....Boxing day arrives (2007)...... "Overpowered shammy words removed!"
  7. Conratulations Si, you're the best big bro there is!
  8. I killed that pally twice after chasing him almost all the way to 1000 Needles from Ratchet! I was praying that earth shock would knock him off his mount to stop him getting away after I frost shocked him. Then a cheeky **** L45 Mage attacked me by the lift, so I beat up on him too.
  9. Decent site with loads of good advice and guides.
  10. Going to do the Metzen reindeer q tonight, as I saw him being held in the geologist camp just as you go into Searing Gorge from Badlands.
  11. He must have been resto specced then Tarj, as I can't heal for shite. If I have to respec towards the end of the game (which most shammies have to to get into big raids) then it's goodbye to either decent casting or melee. I'd love to know which totems make us harder than rock! They're group buffs basically, and very easily destroyed!
  12. Don't worry Tarj, you can fear me to your heart's content. The only defence I have is the Tremor Totem which is as much use as nowt to be honest, as it only reduces the effects, and only when I'm in range of it. If I drop it and go in to melee, then I can be feared all too easily! Should hit 50 tonight, after I get in from my Xmas do.
  13. Yeah, it's great for finishing off fights, either PvP or PvE where things are getting a bit 'close'. Only of use if you're not going to be fighting again straight after though, due to the 25% reduction. The axe specialisation is pretty good though. I read somewhere that it's basically like fighting at one level higher, don't know if the maths backs this up or not though. Exactly like you said Nays, if you're level 300, this makes it 305. The hardiness is pretty good, but the command totally useless for me. Not that I knew any of this when I started! I think the Tauren stomp is generally regarded as the best racial talent for shammies. Warstomp plus ghost wolf has seen many a shammy get out of trouble easily.
  14. Nice one Bicks. Get getyourself to searing gorge when you've finished there, as there's some good q's there, althought the camp where you can get the q's is often full of Ally in the early evening for some reason. During the day and at night it's not too bad though.
  15. Sorry I didn't make it to Blasted Lands last night Bicks. I was finishing a q in Searing Gorge, and ended up getting camped by a warrior and priest, so got pissed off and turned it off! **** bastard shadow priests (sorry Tarj, how do you kill those ****?!) Fear and shield and DOT spells, no chance! I got the priest down to his last bit of life, but then he feared me again and I was toast. Overpowered ****!
  16. Sorry, meant to say congrats Nays, chuffed for you!
  17. Go to the interface settings, at the bottom is an option to add extra tool bars. If that's not enough you can download new ones. I've gone back to using the standard ones though.
  18. Ah the casual vs hardcore endgamer debate, it's all they talk about on the official forum these days.
  19. That's the sort of thing I'm on about! As Si said, we had a hoot the other night when we were just on a complete gankathon, great stuff, trying to one shot L20's! I also ganked about 15 low level allies on the road out of the Wetlands dock the other night, before making myself cosy on the ally ship out of there! I also want to show you my latest overpowered shammy trick, running on the spot in mid air.....
  20. I want to something interesting tonight, like a new instance or some ganking. All my quests seem to be "Kill 60 of these whatevers" at the moment and dare I say it, I'm a bit bored.........
  21. What's that damage meter on the right called Nays, looks useful. And what's going on with you on the bat?!
  22. If you want a laugh, have a quick read through the early pages in this thread to see just how far we've all come. My total time playing the game is 15 days, 20 hours. I dread to think what that is if you divide it by the number of days I'veowned the game. Anyway, WoW quiz of the day is: Who said this? Clue (as if any were needed!) He'll probably beat Si and Nays to level 60!
  23. Anyone done Sunken Temple yet? Anyone fancy it tonight?
  24. I got similar advice from another shammy. I've now got rank 1 earth and frost shocks on my bar. They don't do any damage, but earth shock still interrupts casters, and frost shock stills slows runners. Whereas before if I was in an instance and a mob was down to its last bit of health, I'd use the highest rank frost shock, which would slow them down (and quite often kill the mob) but would also use a ton of mana (our spells out the most mana inefficient in the game). Now rank one slows them down, and either me or someone else can catch them and finish them off with melee. Another thing I love about this game, you never stop learning new tricks.
  25. Quick question on battlegrounds (well Arathi, as it's the only one I've done) How does the scoring work, ie the resources? I suppose it's linked somehow to the bases controlled and players dying, but does anybody have a more detailed explanation?
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