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Everything posted by Risso

  1. I was never overpowered!
  2. Laura - please answer the following question truthfully: Have you ever cried when somebody has killed you ingame?!
  3. I remember that whole area being ganky as hell when I was L30 to 40. Back then you had to queue near the BGs to get in, so questing round there was mental. Seperated the boys from the Lauras though! My favourite ganky/PvP area was either just outside Gadgetztan, or Nessingwary's in Stranglethorn. Can't beat a bit of WoW nostalgia!
  4. I used to love SM, especially when you had groups of allies trying to get in, always used to end in great PvP.
  5. I remember the night when we went to the Ally island (Teldrassil?) where there’s that huge tree trunk. I used the sentry totem glitch to fall all the way down to the bottom, then with a combination of ressing and summoning, everybody else turned up, and we spent a couple of hours messing around down there.
  6. Other things apart from playing World of Warcraft presumably. That's not really the point of Phum's post is it though. The fact is that 13 days played should be plenty to get way past L55, no matter how long the play time is spread over. It's over 300 hours of play time, whether you pack that into a month like us sad bastards used to, or over two years makes no difference (other than XP requirements changing of course).
  7. I doubt you did it in a week but it has taken me a while, I'm on about 13 days /played, Noob! I clocked up 13 days played in the first 48 hours!
  8. I can see the point of that tbh. Experienced players levelling up alts don't want to be spending weeks on 4 year old content really. My biggest gripe was that they made the game so homogenous. The dual spec, and the fact that all the classes ended up so similar meant the game lost that spark. Now it's not so much "rock, paper, scissors" as "rock, rock, rock".
  9. They're upping it to 85 next year aren't they? AVFCLaura, why is it taking you so long? I remember getting from 1-70 in about a week. Haven't they made 1-60 really, really quick now?
  10. Rissio Need all the help on COD that I can get!
  11. If the "right direction" is monotonous, predictable football with players incapable of passing to each other, then yes we are. If it's qualifying for the Champions League, then no we're not. Spurs were so much better than us today in the second half, and we were supposed to be at home. Dreadful football from us, yet again.
  12. Thats one of the zones Ive spent the least time in....the **** cliffs and bridges, and my stupid rogue quest....ugh, hated it there. Ashenvale, however....I could have a picnic with the Sartyrs there, I could. Yep I agree, I always found Azhara a bit of an irritation. Getting back up from the cliffs was a right pain, I used to just HS back then fly back to the camp instead.
  13. Sod the trial, Bliar should just be stood in front of a wall and shot.
  14. I like Milner a lot, but it should also be pointed out that Capello also rates Heskey...
  15. I have to say The Telegraph is doing some stirling work this year.
  16. When James Milner trains, he works up a bit of a sweat. Luckily for the inhabitants of Cockermouth and Workington, he's decided not to go for a run in Cumbria any more.
  17. Brian Little, John Gregory.... Brian Little, for a time, was a very good manager. But then it started going wrong for him. John Gregory, for a time, was a slo a good manager, but then .... the difference with MON is that we are seeing continual improvement, something which should be lauded, not pilloried, IMHO. If you think the football is "shit" under MON, you must have a very selective JG memory, Mart! John Gregory achieved everything that O'Neill has to date at Villa, with the added bonus of decent cup runs. He also did it working for Ellis, and not Lerner. Cetrainly some of his football was less than entertaining towards the end, but I'd argue that he at least tried to get his team playing well, as the purchase of Merson showed.
  18. I don't think we're ever "scintillating". Sometimes we're crudely efficient, and we have three players in Gabby, Young and Carew who are exciting to watch when playing well, but scintillating? No chance. When we're playing well it's all about quick balls out to the wings. When we're not, it's the same tactic which is easily negated when Young is off form, or hoofs up to Carew and Agbonlahor. With the money O'Neill has spent, we shouldn't be outplayed by the likes of Wigan, Blackburn and Burnley, but that's what happened. I'd love to see somebody who knows a thing or two about coaching football in the way it should be played given the reins at Villa Park, because under O'Neill we're just Leicester with more expensive players.
  19. The main reason for me is that O'Neill is into his 4th year, and yet here we are 5th, three points off 4th, with a chance to close that on Saturday.... ....still playing shit football.
  20. The main reason for me is that O'Neill is into his 4th year, and yet here we are, still playing turgid football that's dismal to watch. I don't expect us to win every match, but then neither do I expect to see the likes of Wigan, Burnley and Blackburn give us a lesson in how to play proper football. You sound like a Newcastle fan. Look where their "proper football" has got them! Ah good, the old "get rid of a manager and you'll end up like Newcastle" argument. Well it's a shit argument. Randy Lerner is no Mike Ashley, and if he were to get rid of O'Neill, are you saying that he'd appoint the likes of Glen Roeder, Alan Shearer or Joe Kinnear, because I really don't think he would. As for where their "proper football got them" - when did they last play proper football, and what's wrong with looking at where proper football has got the likes of Arsenal and Man U?
  21. The main reason for me is that O'Neill is into his 4th year, and yet here we are, still playing turgid football that's dismal to watch. I don't expect us to win every match, but then neither do I expect to see the likes of Wigan, Burnley and Blackburn give us a lesson in how to play proper football.
  22. i do tend to agree with this. I disagree very strongly that we are "lucky" to have him. He's paid a fortune, and has spent a fortune, and if he were to leave/be sacked, there wouldn't be a shortage of high quality managers wanting to take over. All this talk of us being lucky to have him is distinctly small time. The club is far bigger than any one individual.
  23. Why? Only 17 out of 122 (currently) want him out. Thats a 73% majority in favour. Where is the deadliness in that? Where was the deadliness in Ellis for that matter? How many of his managers did he actually sack?
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