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Everything posted by ml1dch

  1. Fair enough, but who in their right mind would set up a James Beattie fansite?!
  2. Goalkeeper is the one position where I'm not sure that is a positive thing. Experience is far more important, and I'm fairly sure that most goalkeepers would say they are at their peak in their early 30s. Boruc is 27, so theoretically has ten years left at the top, and we'd be getting him just as he hits his best. Still, who knows. Unless something amazing happens, I'm happy with Sorensen for the moment.
  3. I think he’s best left on the ‘Politicians’ thread in Off-Topic
  4. He has ten league goals, three of which were penalties which he scored against West Ham, Bolton and Wigan. And spent two months out injured.
  5. Three. Still, penalties are never the best thing to bring up when assessing JPA's Villa career.
  6. Yakubu might have something to say about it as well. It's not as if George Boateng and Lee Cattermole are the reincarnations of Puskas.
  7. No, I'd agree. But I also don't think he can be discounted for this argument, considering that during JPA's "peak" he was an England international with an excellent scoring record (albeit better for country than club).
  8. Yeah, I think the point that the poster is making is that it's all very well sitting and watching an occasional highlights programme, but in order to speak with confidence about any player I do think you need to have watched them slightly more than that. If Sid does spend his weekend flying from Monte Carlo to Udine to watch Muntari and Touré then fair enough, that certainly shows dedication. Otherwise I think the poster is fairly valid is his suggestions that maybe Championship Manager, Youtube and Wikipedia shouldn't be relied upon when rating how good a player might be for us.
  9. "Dream" Champions league final? I'd say I have a passing interest and will probably watch it, but I can't see why anyone other than the fans of the teams involved and ITV would have a "dream final"
  10. Muntari is clearly the goalscoring midfielder we need. 1 goal in 22 appearances this year, 3 in 29 last year. A whopping 2 in 33 the season before that. With stats like those, he must rival the greats such as Gavin McCann for goalscoring prowess.
  11. You can say he is solid. He is a good footballer. Can cover many positions. But creative? Both statistics and people will tell you otherwise. Stats may support this, I don't think many people will but this is irrelevant to the current debate. Exactly. Gareth Barry is a creative player. Anyhoo...back to Angel. Do his stats support the fact that he has been a dreadful, bad, mediocre, good or excellent striker for us over the years?
  12. God, let's not start this assists nonsense again. This was thoroughly disproven as a sensible statistic (and one that's only in the least bit relevent if you're a Fantasy Football fan) in two now-locked Barry threads. Anyone with two eyes in the front of their head can see that Barry is a supremely creative player. Anyhoo, that's for another thread. Which will probably end up locked.
  13. But that's pure conjecture. Granted JPA didn't always have the best players around him to help, but to say that the likes of Merson, Solano and Barry didn't provide him with good opportunities or couldn't play at his level is nonsense. Since his excellent 2003/2004 season JPA's failings have been the cause of nobody but his own ability.
  14. Bullard would be ideal for us for a couple of seasons. No spring chicken, but one of the best midfielders in the league. Would bring the youth on a treat.
  15. Good call. I'd forgot about him, started the season superbly. Unfortunately I really can't see Fulham going down. Might be worth a bid anyway in the hope the new manager doesn't like him but I doubt that very much. If Sanchez stays Davis and Healy will be his main targets. Is Bullard better than Davis? At the moment, without a doubt. In the future....who knows?
  16. Bollocks was it. And what does the importance of the goal have to do whether it was good or not? The fact that Everton were dead and buried, does that mean that goal wasn't good? The goal was a fluke IMO, say it is bollocks all you want. I dunno what the **** you're going on a bout after that. I'll explain it patiently and simply to you. Apparently we shouldn't say " what about coventry" because they would have gone down anyway. So does his excellent goal against Everton not count as a good goal because they would have lost 3-0 anyway? Always happy to help people who are confused.
  17. Bollocks was it. And what does the importance of the goal have to do whether it was good or not? The fact that Everton were dead and buried, does that mean that goal wasn't good?
  18. The fact that he looks like him doesn't mean he plays like him. They play two completely different role. I wouldn't say no to him coming here though.
  19. I forget which commentator/pundit said after the Blackburn game on Satuday about Bentley and how for all his skills, trickery, ingenuity and flair he produced the square root of bugger all. Then compared him to Gabby he had done nothing all game but went and scored the winning goal, which was worth a million step-overs and backheels.
  20. But it is difficult to catch a ball when you're being flattened into the ground by the footballing equivalent of an elephant.
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