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Everything posted by ml1dch

  1. And if something that can get majority support in Parliament is produced, I imagine those requests for another vote would l go away. So... Given this looks dead on arrival, what next?
  2. Wow, you've not just been ignoring Twitter, you've been ignoring "all news". That's some impressive ostriching.
  3. Weird that the rumours were all pretty much correct though, no?
  4. I feel really sorry for anyone who stayed up all night reading the withdrawal agreement and trying to understand it. Given the opposition to it, I'd be surprised if they even bother getting parliament to vote on it at all.
  5. That's not much less than lots of people who only have money in pounds will soon have.
  6. Did mine yesterday for a trip away next weekend on the assumption something like this would happen.
  7. This gentleman is just "a" minister, rather than "the" minister. Karen Bradley was the dopey one you mention above. I am unaware of Mr. Vara's levels of competence, given few outside of his immediate family had heard of him before this morning.
  8. Shailesh Vara has resigned as Northern Ireland minister. No, me neither.
  9. So the solution to Ireland turns out to be... Information recueillis à la source.
  10. Broadly. And all it's cost us is £40bn and any representation in making the rules we're agreeing to follow.
  11. Ah, there it is. How to make sure that the backstop is never needed? Permanent, never-ending, always extendable transition.
  12. That's precisely what they are banking on. The stuff that means it might be voted down hidden via a bunch of pick-your-own-adventure directives which you eventually find on page 378. The summary page containing the stuff that the want to use to sell it. I'd be amazed if more than a handful of MPs read the whole thing before voting on it.
  13. Exclusive extracts from the Northern Ireland part of the withdrawal agreement: https://www.thedailymash.co.uk/politics/politics-headlines/northern-ireland-re-named-west-belgium-in-brexit-deal-20181114179420
  14. "Voting away your control on the grounds of trying to reclaim it".
  15. Owen Jones is a ne plus ultra tosspot, but my reaction would be broadly the same. It'll come down to how Labour vote. Enough Tories will rebel that it'll still need decent Labour support, but the majority will vote with the Government as usual.
  16. Phew, they've finally confirmed the stuff that was originally agreed on 8th December 2017. Plain sailing from this point onwards I reckon.
  17. I drive past it around twenty times a week, and literally every time I do I have the thought of going down late one night and putting a question mark in the middle of the name.
  18. I wouldn't have said so. I know plenty of Labour voters who begrudgingly voted to keep a Conservative out of power as the lesser of two evils. And with hindsight, it's good that they did. The second vote I was referring to was the Parliamentary Article 50 vote - thus including the better of the Johnson brothers in my warm embrace. Nauseous though typing those words makes me feel.
  19. That's as succinct a way as I've seen to describe the cognitive dissonance that we have to deal with. It would be very easy (and briefly satisfying) to mercilessly mock the jokers who put us here, but we still end up with a ruined country at the end of it. So anyone who voted for it (whether in June 2016 or February 2017) needs embracing and welcoming back to the fold when they change their minds. As someone on here (HanoiVillan IIRC) rightly pulled me up on not so long ago, Luke 15:7 needs to be our motto over the next few months. And beyond I suppose, if it turns into an effort to rejoin rather than to remain.
  20. To the hard-working Conservative party members of Orpington, I say that this is precisely what you asked for. This was the only dish that the chef was ever going to be cooking when you asked him to fire up the stove. You silly bellends.
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