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Everything posted by ml1dch

  1. On the terms that were being discussed back in 2016 May's arranged deal constitutes a hard Brexit.
  2. Would need to be 11pm. It's midnight Central European time.
  3. I can't imagine that Parliament will like that. Edit - great minds and all that.
  4. Seems to be making things as embarrassing for the Government as possible, but stopping just short of making the vote happen.
  5. From a "sit back with popcorn and watch the chaos unfold" perspective, it genuinely couldn't be going better.
  6. Apparently about three thousand at the "family friendly, Brexit Betrayal march" in that London today. Looks wholesome.
  7. Long, but an excellent read on how we got to where we are. Tony Connelly has been the best reporter on all this by a mile. full article on link https://www.rte.ie/news/analysis-and-comment/2018/1207/1015924-brexit-backstop-uk/
  8. Surely that's like having a hatred of wasps? Or flu. I wouldn't have seen it as a particularly controversial position.
  9. I trust you took a good selection into the cubicle and put it to appropriate use.
  10. Yup, as was said at the time the details May's deal were confirmed: There's a reason that the some good / some bad Norway and Canada models are the ones people normally talk about rather than the all-bad Turkey model that she's going for.
  11. 8.3%* of Lib Dem MPs have just resigned the whip to vote in favour of the deal. *1 MP, Stephen Lloyd, Eastbourne
  12. Don't worry Brits in Europe, the Government's got your back. https://www.parliament.uk/business/publications/written-questions-answers-statements/written-statement/Commons/2018-12-06/HCWS1152/ Yes, our policies might end up forcing you out of your jobs and homes, but we'll try and keep a school place open for your kids.
  13. Isn't it supposed to be the case that the gap between the benches in the Commons is the length of two swords plus one inch (to stop MPs from stabbing each other), or is that one of those apocryphal tales?
  14. I'm not sure I see the significance of the money. For a bunch of 2-bit racists like UKIP a few million in hard-to-trace funding is enormous. For a bunch of 64-bit racists like the current Conservative party - they have dozens of existing Arron Bankses throwing many more millions of pounds at them already. So I don't think either economically or politically that allegedly dodgy money would be such a big deal.
  15. Abraham and AVFC-prideofbrum both get one this week
  16. Apparently the original was only six pages - the thing from t'other day was padded with fluff to hide the difficult bits
  17. After the worst day for a Government in Parliament in living memory, Shami Chakrabati goes on the Today programme and thinks "we need to do something to show we're just as hopeless as the other lot"
  18. I think he's talking about Leadsom, not May. Although I'm sure their views would be pretty much in sync on the matter.
  19. Nearer to all of them than we were 24 hours ago. Literally and politically. Still quite a long way from all of them. (3) is the likely next thing to happen of the four from your list though.
  20. 26 Tories voting against the Government, 4 Labour voting with. Kate ******** Hoey being one, obviously.
  21. Interesting amendment selected - a Dominic Grieve amendment which would basically reverse the one he tabled then voted against in the summer (about the Withdrawal act being unamenable). Interesting because it's been backed by a load of MPs who will probably vote for the deal (Letwin, Freeman, Boles). But if it does then get rejected, they are signing up for Parliament to take control of the process if the vote doesn't go the way they are voting. Risk is that Labour don't vote for it as it's similar to a Benn one next week so both get close but neither pass. Or Grieve just wimps out again.
  22. You've lost me - what facts do you feel I was unaware of?
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