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Everything posted by ianrobo1

  1. they have no idea even less than politicans ... it is so easy to write a letter and actually not offer a solution the problem is TT people are employed and need to be employed by service industries we can not compete (no one can) against China and the likes on manufacturing (except in very specialised areas) and manufacturing needs us to buy their goods. fine restrirct credit, I would certainly do that but I suspect more than I would and people don;t buy so what happens to people working. I can not believe you are advocating the state sector should grow larger. Surely a captilaism economy by it's very nature needs people to buy goods, always been the same
  2. I think they could not because they are the best team but because the best teams (Man Ure & Chelsea) seem incapable of putting a winning run together personally I think Plop are no better than us in many areas but have one outstanding world class player who carries them. yesterday was a freak because Newky were so bad but with FSW being so defensive (why on earth drop Keane ??) they will always get away results which is what wins championships would hate if they do
  3. aren't all Banks on the same position all of them have massive liabilities. now the question is Al, is if the bank you work for has already received government money or not and if this letter was that bad, eventually it will get out, someone will leak it.
  4. I would say Woolies actually were hit very hard by the cheapo stores like Primark, Pundstrecther, Wilkinsons which all offered the same but cheaper totally agree and at the end of very recession the same hopes were laid but never happens because people always want the best they can get and inherent jealously gets in the way this can not be easily changed as it is human nature otherwise why would people want continual promotions at work ?
  5. I mean if his injection fails it is likely to mean the end of the seaso for Laursen, simple
  6. yes what we saw yestersy was the 'old' Barry and good thing too hus performance levels have stepped up of late, back to normal Barry
  7. I was a bit shocked to see him get instead of NRC, but my betting is that MON pciked a player he will pick every game, the fact that Barry was picked indicates to me tha Laursen is going o be out for a while, we know 4 weeks but ...
  8. got brought one of those foreign lager variety packs, very nice on 4th bottle watching the boxing day test after watching the dark knight
  9. he is fantastic, he knows how to wind things up with say Wenger and he also knows when to give Fergie total respect so Fergie can not play mind games his press conferences were very interesting but he has the track record to back it up he will be Man Ure manager with 5 years
  10. thinking about it Hasn't davies been the captain when NRC & Laursen were not in the team ?
  11. for me Friedel, Barry is not comitted to us enough however if MON is happy ad the rest of the players think Bary then it will be Hopefully not an issue
  12. is it not true that Bellamy could cover for Ash if that was needed ?
  13. No chance of MON going for him would be a typical Citeh signing
  14. it is all interestig though, we all expect Harewood to go and surely Heskey is miles better so alreayd a massive improvement with little money spent then another ... so a forward line of say Gabby, Owen, Carew Heskey is as good as any of the top 4 of which one team has really only two forwards - Chelsea whether they would be happy o the bench for two is another issue as most except at this stage Delf is not ready to be 4th choice in the PL
  15. no idea that is why I have said 'not mentioned yet'
  16. not how hard a player is to get but who I think MON would want
  17. in order of who will are likely to get Heskey - doyle - not mentioned yet - Ashton - Owen - RSC - Keane - defoe
  18. thats my thoughts Jimmy I don;t think he will move in the winter so in a way Kinnear is right
  19. Kinnear has said today he hopes for good news from Owen within a few days bluster or is Owen stupid ?
  20. there is a forward not mentioned for a while Kevin Doyle ? anyone see him today very mobile great flick header (would love young's crosses) quite fast and direct A MON player for sure
  21. fdidn't Kinnear say he would know within 48 hours times up ?? the sunday papers tomorrow may give a clue
  22. I think any of the ones mentioned are possibles Heskey for me is so obvious so then just the little man ... the question is whether they will except some bench time
  23. whichever one we get I knwo for certain it is someone who will fit perfectly into the team ethos
  24. I would also state that i our current position we could whatever forward we wat we must be very attractive to many forwards
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